Moderator/Admin Appreciation Post

Originally Posted by Free The Chief

Originally Posted by AirAnt23


Hello, fellas.


%!#% you been homeboy? I can't believe you let us get away with that PYP in the music forum
SHHHHHHH, nobody needs to know about that.
Chief, the way you're carrying yourself right now says it all. I really I don't have to say a word.

All this because Dirty didn't take the time to reiterate what should have been clear from a sticky post/featured topic. Unbelievable.

we should be able to disagree respectlly.
Get on that.
Its obvious that all parties involved in this discussion are very passionate about this site. which is what makes this site so great. let's just all hug itout...its not that serious. my 2cents
I didn't jack this thread AT ALL... come on, ya'll know that. I always love it when I use one incident as supporting evidence and somehow theopposition tries to make it seem like that was the thesis of the whole arguement itself...

Look...I'm really happy right now. I'm also really blowed. I ain't tryna !*%! up neither. Peace.

27th, I gotta snatch that hood pass up off you... no dry-snitches allowed


I don't like authority, fact. But I don't rebel against it. I don't go around breaking rules for the hell of it.
OMG I <3 MODS!!!

Can you please bump my Yuku points up now?

our rules don't state you get warnings. warnings are a courtesy to you.

bans can be given to 1st time violators based on the severity of their offence.

Originally Posted by Youngdipset20

Originally Posted by Buddha JAPE

being a mod automatically qualifies you to be unliked like this is high school and the mods are principals. it comes with the job.
and only the hall monitors and snitches are really cool with principals in high school so thats why we silence this guys appreciation thread.
you have to look at it from our point of view.

False...most people on here get along with people like jrose that give admins and mods a bad name
Looks like someone's still mad at the Jena 6 incident.
Someone who only sees one side of the argument.

Members like Youngdipset20, who just seem not to stay out of trouble, give NikeTalk members a bad rap.

Originally Posted by Joe McKnight Is BALLIN

i <3 jrose. hes so dreamy.


Originally Posted by JRose5

Originally Posted by Youngdipset20

Originally Posted by Buddha JAPE

being a mod automatically qualifies you to be unliked like this is high school and the mods are principals. it comes with the job.
and only the hall monitors and snitches are really cool with principals in high school so thats why we silence this guys appreciation thread.
you have to look at it from our point of view.

False...most people on here get along with people like jrose that give admins and mods a bad name
Looks like someone's still mad at the Jena 6 incident.
Someone who only sees one side of the argument.

Members like Youngdipset20, who just seem not to stay out of trouble, give NikeTalk members a bad rap.

Originally Posted by Joe McKnight Is BALLIN

i <3 jrose. hes so dreamy.



i actually agreed with you on the jena 6 incident if i don't recall.......and how do i give niketalk a bad rap? i'd love to know so enlighten me
interesting thread. i have always believed that the older nt members were the ones who had the least amount of problems with the mods. and i don'tmean old as in how long someone has been here.

as well run a site as i've seen on the internet since i've been here/lurking.
Originally Posted by Free The Chief

No, you're supposed to read between the lines because you're intelligent. Next time I won't assume. And don't EVER apologize for being yourself. That's real. If being Dirty means being rude for the sake of it, that's fine by me, it really is. But like I said, I don't $@#% with rent-a-cops. And he just proved why. Even cops tell you why you're under arrest........

The prosecution rests.

interesting point that i don't think should be ignored ...
Originally Posted by Free The Chief

I didn't jack this thread AT ALL... come on, ya'll know that. I always love it when I use one incident as supporting evidence and somehow the opposition tries to make it seem like that was the thesis of the whole arguement itself...

Look...I'm really happy right now. I'm also really blowed. I ain't tryna !*%! up neither. Peace.

27th, I gotta snatch that hood pass up off you... no dry-snitches allowed

I don't like authority, fact. But I don't rebel against it. I don't go around breaking rules for the hell of it.

the hijacking comment was a joke and aimed towards method man, actually. *snatches hood pass back*
I wanted to help homie out in that recent General Tso's Chicken thread, but after I was mysteriously banned after I posted in the last one so I got scared.
Even cops tell you why you're under arrest........
The cops/teachers stuff is just plain childish, but to address the point: we have notification all over the place for certain rules. Ididn't even see the thread this guy's complaining about, but obviously there WAS notification about the rule. We get a LOT of people who just want toplay rebel and cavil over every little thing - and we don't have time for that. So, I can understand why Dirty would say "no discussion." You're responsible for learning AND following the rules on NikeTalk. We don't have to hold your hand - because that WOULD be condescending. We assumeyou're all capable of reading the rules. They're clearly posted and rule updates are always pinned or featured. If you're taken by surprise, onethat's your fault and, two, you're still responsible for following the rules.

He's already said he has some "problem" with authority, so you know what it is. Can't be respectful to anyone who's a perceivedauthority or it'd hurt your street cred on an online sneaker message board. He's too much of a rebe- excuse me, he's too "independent"for that.

Whatever, if you're too "tough" to act decent to people who are volunteering their spare time for your benefit, then be obnoxious. I justappreciate my fellow staff members' efforts too much to see them disrespected like that just because somebody has a "problem with authority." Work that out in therapy.

the hijacking comment was a joke and aimed towards method man, actually.
If that "joke" was supposed to be at my expense, you forgot to place a charge.

"I'll have a glass of water, please. Oh, and put it on his tab. That'll show him."
Why are you still addressing me, directly or indirectly? I never even said it was in a thread genius, I said it was a PM. Get off my tip dude, Jesus CHRIST!This crap was deaded
I never even said it was in a thread genius, I said it was a PM. Get off my tip dude, Jesus CHRIST! This crap was deaded
Still rude as ever, I see. Seriously: grow up. The "genius," "get off my tip," etc. are clear insults. Get out of here withthat. Are you trying to act tough or do you genuinely want out of here? You're the one who insulted our staff members and you CONTINUE to do so. Allyou're proving right now is that we're being patient to a fault with someone who's being obnoxious for no good reason ... and you probably thinkyou're making us look foolish. I would have left it alone, but you stay insulting my staff and "i ain'tsorry and i'll keep insulting you but i don't wanna talk about it anymore" doesn't cut it. You can change behavior or change forums, butyou're not going to continue insulting the staff or any other NikeTalk members. Your problems with authority are your problems.

Where in my post did I say that it was in a thread rather than a PM? It doesn't matter. You probably came across as though you were whining - can'timagine how, I know - and Dirty wasn't having it. It happens. Now, if that makes you tight, you could handle that like a rational adult and communicatewith him, or you could just call him names over the Internet. I'm sure everyone reading is just so very impressed with your rugged, independent spirit andthe courage required to attack "authority figures" through the Internet. I know I am. What's the deal, are you projecting all your rage towardsauthority on the closest example you can find? Can't slap a cop in the face, so you have to insult volunteers on a sneaker board online?

We're not teachers. We're not cops. We're fellow sneaker fans who sacrifice their free time so that people like you have a safe, friendly placeto meet people online and discuss your shared interests. We uphold rules to keep the place worth visiting. If you have a problem with how that's handled,the least you could do is be respectful about it. At the end of the day, staff members don't have to just sit here and take your abuse in good humor. You're a guest here and you can leave any time. If somebody were insulting you in your own home, I doubt you'd sit there and take it for very long. Ithink it's fair to say that we've been more reasonable than most people would be in that situation.

If you really want to dead it, man up and apologize. You're out of pocket.
Originally Posted by Method Man

I never even said it was in a thread genius, I said it was a PM. Get off my tip dude, Jesus CHRIST! This crap was deaded
Still rude as ever, I see. Seriously: grow up. The "genius," "get off my tip," etc. are clear insults. Get out of here with that. Are you trying to act tough or do you genuinely want out of here? You're the one who insulted our staff members and you CONTINUE to do so. All you're proving right now is that we're being patient to a fault with someone who's being obnoxious for no good reason ... and you probably think you're making us look foolish. I would have left it alone, but you stay insulting my staff and "i ain't sorry and i'll keep insulting you but i don't wanna talk about it anymore" doesn't cut it. You can change behavior or change forums, but you're not going to continue insulting the staff or any other NikeTalk members. Your problems with authority are your problems.

Where in my post did I say that it was in a thread rather than a PM? It doesn't matter. You probably came across as though you were whining - can't imagine how, I know - and Dirty wasn't having it. It happens. Now, if that makes you tight, you could handle that like a rational adult and communicate with him, or you could just call him names over the Internet. I'm sure everyone reading is just so very impressed with your rugged, independent spirit and the courage required to attack "authority figures" through the Internet. I know I am. What's the deal, are you projecting all your rage towards authority on the closest example you can find? Can't slap a cop in the face, so you have to insult volunteers on a sneaker board online?

We're not teachers. We're not cops. We're fellow sneaker fans who sacrifice their free time so that people like you have a safe, friendly place to meet people online and discuss your shared interests. We uphold rules to keep the place worth visiting. If you have a problem with how that's handled, the least you could do is be respectful about it. At the end of the day, staff members don't have to just sit here and take your abuse in good humor. You're a guest here and you can leave any time. If somebody were insulting you in your own home, I doubt you'd sit there and take it for very long. I think it's fair to say that we've been more reasonable than most people would be in that situation.

If you really want to dead it, man up and apologize. You're out of pocket.

A. We still continue to go back and forth over a statement that I edited once. I WILL NOT edit it again.
B. If you wanna ban me because you don't like what I said, do so. But please, before you do, show me the rule where it says I have to have opinions thatthe mods agree with.
C. I'm not apologizing because I'm not sorry. Period. You guys "zing" NTers all day...hell, NTers "zing" NTers all day...and whoapologizes? Yeah right... I changed and made my comment as politically correct as it's gonna get. Any further changes and it would no longer be my trueopinion.

All this for one statement huh? I guess man...

Now to point out the numerous holes in your argument...

Still rude as ever, I see. Seriously: grow up. The "genius," "get off my tip," etc. are clear insults.

1. "Genius" is no more of an insult than calling me "Chief" when I clearly said that wasn't my name or a name I prefer to be called,though in reality I'd be offended by neither. It's a matter of principle. And as a matter of principle, as long as Dirty has a point to prove by saying"sure thing Chief" in a snide way, I'll call whomever I please "Genius", Genius...

2. "Get off my tip" is perfectly fine under the ROC, just as long as "tip" means "case" and not "penis", which in thiscase it does.

Are you trying to act tough or do you genuinely want out of here?

3. As soon as a man says what he believes and stands behind it, he gets labeled
.What's next? Cats acting like I'm a cereal box stealing Insurgent for not liking certain mods and speaking up on it.

You're the one who insulted our staff members and you CONTINUE to do so. All you're proving right now is that we're being patient to a fault with someone who's being obnoxious for no good reason ... and you probably think you're making us look foolish. I would have left it alone, but you stay insulting my staff and "i ain't sorry and i'll keep insulting you but i don't wanna talk about it anymore" doesn't cut it. You can change behavior or change forums, but you're not going to continue insulting the staff or any other NikeTalk members. Your problems with authority are your problems.

4. I was the one that said we could agree to disagree, remember? That's never good enough for "the Powers that Be" though. It's not goodenough to be a good "citizen" of NT, you have to also be "patriotic", ha. You have to like the mods or there's no room for you on theboard, huh? You know what, "Obnoxious" is such a relative term....don'tchaknow? I'd like to describe how I think you're acting butI'd get banned for treason. With that said, you're insulting my character and being a pretty solid hypocrite in the process. It's "cute"That you don't see how parallel this all is.

Where in my post did I say that it was in a thread rather than a PM?

I didn't even see the thread this guy's complaining about, but obviously there WAS notification about the rule.

You probably came across as though you were whining - can't imagine how, I know - and Dirty wasn't having it. It happens. Now, if that makes you tight, you could handle that like a rational adult and communicate with him, or you could just call him names over the Internet.

no discussion

6b. Nope, Dirty sent the original message in response to a thread I made in which I put my SN as a search tag... I had not communicated with him prior to thatmessage in regards to this situation. Actually, I let it go. I responded sarcastically, because that's what us NTers do, but besides that I didn'tsweat it. you made a bigger deal out of it then I did. Actually, you're whining right now. You won't even let me say "nvm...eff it". I alsobelieve, I only called him an intentionally childish name after he childishly refused to call me by my name. He chose to call me another man's name, and Iresponded similarly by calling him out of his.

I'm sure everyone reading is just so very impressed with your rugged, independent spirit and the courage required to attack "authority figures" through the Internet. I know I am. What's the deal, are you projecting all your rage towards authority on the closest example you can find? Can't slap a cop in the face, so you have to insult volunteers on a sneaker board online?

7. Nice one Meth! A+ for effort on trying to gain momentum by labeling me as a thug, hoodlum, etc...when it's obvious that my greatest weapon is myintellect.

8. Though I do hate cops, it's more philisophical than anything else. Power corrupts the weak willed, and a lot of cops become cops because they werepicked on as kids, or because they were nobodies, and things like that. Then, once they gain a position of power, young Black males like myself have to dealwith their "wrath". It's a given fact, but maybe you can't relate. But I KNOW I'm not the only one that's noticed that trend.

9. Rage?
Come on man... don't insult me. I'm not even mad. I log onto NTevery day and go about my business and I only spoke on the mods because I was indirectly asked to. A guy made a thread about mods and I said what I had to say.It's not like I was so "enraged" that I started a "I hate Meth and Dirty" thread. Come on man...

We're not teachers. We're not cops. We're fellow sneaker fans who sacrifice their free time so that people like you have a safe, friendly place to meet people online and discuss your shared interests. We uphold rules to keep the place worth visiting. If you have a problem with how that's handled, the least you could do is be respectful about it. At the end of the day, staff members don't have to just sit here and take your abuse in good humor. You're a guest here and you can leave any time. If somebody were insulting you in your own home, I doubt you'd sit there and take it for very long. I think it's fair to say that we've been more reasonable than most people would be in that situation.

10. I was waiting on this.... see...
sorry...but being all polite isn't my thing ... you know why? I'm a G.D.I.!!!!

as good ole' innocent Dirty put it... (exluding "when I'm telling you rules you should alreadyknow")

BUT, that being said, I changed my OG statement already. Now, if you want it to say "I <3 all mods" then I'm sorry. I took out anything thatyou could possibly take offense to, so what's the problem? It's apparently not the wording. It must be the heart of the statement itself....wellI'm sorry that I'm not sorry. What ABUSE?!?! Stop playing to the jury man... it ain't like I'm beating you upside your head or cursing you out,I just said I don't like you. What man cries because another man says he doesn't like you? Grow up. And if you take offense to that, Itake just as much offense to you telling me the exact same thing, AND your weak sarcasm about "street cred". You don't know my level ofexperience or wisdom, only my age, and only because I offer that info voluntarily. My orientation to the streets is not relevent right now, and it'sstarting to sound condescending when you mention it. That's the mark of a weak arguement... Beat me with logic, not slander. Don't paint me ina bad light when you run out of an argument.

As for the only rules that currently apply to this arguement (based on the ROC that I just read):

4. "Trolling", or making posts with the sole intention of creating problems on the board is against NT guidelines. This includes registering an alternate ID for the sole purpose of creating problems on the board. "Troll ID's" will be locked immediately and permanently, and can be locked without notification to the rule breaker. If an existing member creates a separate troll ID and is caught, the troll ID AND the member's primary ID will be banned. Note: "hijacking" of threads (posting with intent to derail a thread) and "copycat" threads (i.e. parodies mocking others' threads) will be considered trolling.


4. Administrators reserve the right to exercise discretion in removing any member whose conduct is deemed disrespectful or destructive to the community. Don't risk your membership over something foolish. If you are respectful to your fellow members at all times and handle conflict appropriately, your membership will never be in jeopardy.

I guess that's a matter of opinion...

Since I backtracked and rescinded my OG statement, in lue of:
"I do not appreciate the pompous attitude with which certain moderators carry themselves. But Ant, Cam, and Ska are pretty cool in my book

I don't see why you'd feel particularly disrespected. As I'm sure you have favorite and least favorite NTers, I too have mine. I didn't derailthis thread, I made one comment and responded to the comments it spawned. Though my comment was against the grain, it did fit the topic at hand. Now, WHAT am Isupposed to apologize for? Not liking certain mods? I refuse. Also what rule do I CONTINUE to violate? What rule am I currently breaking that warrants yourthreats?

Are we done yet? I'm still leaning towards a "cease fire", because at this point "peace" seems far away...

Happy Thanksgiving guys.
I'm really sorry that you had nothing better to do today - or all last week.

I'll apologize to this mess later. If you want to clean it up in advance with additional edits before then, be my guest.
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