Moments That Made You Realize You’re Washed

Hasn't happened to me, but I've noticed white people getting more comfortable admitting to sharts. Talking about it's natural and accidents happened. Nah, bruh...yall nasty and washed.

But yeah, I don't trust all farts anymore. But know what you're pushing out before it's too late.
Oh whoa.

That is pinnacle washed.

If you don't know whats coming out anymore and cant control your sphincter you torrently washed.

I gotta be blackout drunk for that to happen.
Hasn't happened to me, but I've noticed white people getting more comfortable admitting to sharts. Talking about it's natural and accidents happened. Nah, bruh...yall nasty and washed.

But yeah, I don't trust all farts anymore. But know what you're pushing out before it's too late.

When you're sitting in your office and you suddenly get a cramp on your left hip.

This so damn annoying.
Statham lookIng EXACTLY the same his whole life. #nevawashed


Lock, Stock came out over 20 years ago god damn.
That's next level WASHED
giphy.gif our defense, lol Thursday night we were out till 3 am, Friday night we had a cabana from 11 to 4, went out till 3 and part of the group went to a strip club and I have no idea what time they came home. Saturday morning / afternoon we floated the San Marcos and by the time the evening rolled around we were watching John Wick 2. Now if we were all in our early to mid 20s Saturday night would have been more of the same.

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