Moments That Made You Realize You’re Washed




I realize that people get old but GOD DAMN I just realized I’ve never seen her in anything other than the sopranos. It was such a memorable role that I just expected her to still look like that. Would have never guessed in a million year that’s the same woman.

Then I realize that was probably 17 or 18 years ago. :frown:
Dunst is another one like bro what?!!

I swear last year she looked the same as she’s always looked. This is her in 2019?!!


My celeb crushes look the same every year then a switch goes off one year and it’s full on Bruce Katelyn jenner
Yeah she definitely fell off a cliff in terms of aging. She'd always looked so young....I think.
What happened with Dunst is she gained weight for her season of Fargo and never recovered even when she sort of lost some weight.

It was like that age like milk gene kicked in right after.

Then she married Todd from Breaking Bad.

She has a new upcoming show on Showtime premiering this month.
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Im so ****n washed man. 3 heineken got me efd up.. and my boy got me 3 more (bucket) :smh::smh::smh:
I been wearing one of these on the regular

Is this one of those muscle stimulator things? Been thinking about getting one for my quad

I lost all the muscle in my leg going through this knee injury. My quad and hamstrings are weak af
At my current state of washed, I would be content spending an entire weekend watching Hallmark movies with her, rather than just smashing.


That’s the level I’m on. We both give each other that look like “you wanna smash? Yeah let’s prolly just finish this next episode.”

Then we both fall asleep. And I’m perfectly content :lol:
At my current state of washed, I would be content spending an entire weekend watching Hallmark movies with her, rather than just smashing.


That’s the level I’m on. We both give each other that look like “you wanna smash? Yeah let’s prolly just finish this next episode.”

Then we both fall asleep. And I’m perfectly content :lol:
If it makes you feel better she’s washed too
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