Moments That Made You Realize You’re Washed

I got a new job. A lot of it is manual labor and by manual labor I mean pushing asphalt around with a shovel. Picture sweeping like a pound of dirt with a shovel. It’s that easy.

Anyways I’m on my feet 75% of the day doing various things in the sun chilling.

It’s crazy you’d thing I’d be tired but I have so much more energy after work compared to my last job and my warm ups before lifting are like nothing now because I’m moving all day.

Check in with us in 2 weeks
Check in with us in 2 weeks

It’s been a month bro. :lol:

I work for a few hours, take a break and go get more asphalt in my dump truck and do it again. It’s easy af, I’m not putting in wild hours like most construction jobs. I work like 9 hours a day. I got burnt out from 14s at my last job.

You just spread it around. You don’t have to “shovel” and heave ho the stuff, that’s what machines are for. I just level it off.
I saw a news story that said it’s worse than cigarettes. Inactivity is so bad for your body and will lead to a bunch of health problems.

Which is what I was getting at. Humans aren’t meant to sit hunched at a desk/truck/whatever all day. That stuff will kill you. It’s only in the last few decades where it’s been normal couple that with fast food and you’re ******.

They need to stop this notion that doing a job on your feet is bad. I’m not saying be a roofer and carry shingles up a ladder on your back. But a job with light physical activity is good and nothing is wrong with being outside. So you might sweat but at least you get some vitamin d.
Wrong thread


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:lol: I found him yesterday and he was super friendly and liked my dog so I was gonna call the shelters and walk him around and see if anyone claimed him if not I would have kept him.

He let himself out of someone’s house.
Went to a bingo hall last night with this chick.

We were the only people under the age of 50.

On the slick...this low key the new hipster hot **** where I’m at. There’s a bingo hall that has like $2 beers on Wednesday’s or something that’s gets full of younger folk.
On the slick...this low key the new hipster hot **** where I’m at. There’s a bingo hall that has like $2 beers on Wednesday’s or something that’s gets full of younger folk.

It wasn't bad at all tbh. We bought 2 "books" or whatever it's called that had 6 or 7 game cards in it. $8 each.

Some of those prizes were crazy, up to 15k and ****. I seen some people win multiple prizes, definitely left with over a G. We didn't win anything but I still had a good time. Would I go back? Probably not anytime soon :lol:

Place is open til 4am. I told her "how crazy is it this place stays open longer than clubs?" :lol:
Takes about 3 days after I play ball to feel normal again...
Played outside in consecutive days for the first time in like 3 years.

Big toe has blisters but I oced my feet Friday night and last night.

I felt sore this morning and will be tomorrow but I am cool.

Felt good
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