Moments That Made You Realize You’re Washed

IDK if just grumpy today but holy **** am i tired of grown *** people and their petty bs at work. I work in HR and holy **** all i deal is whiny little *******s. Whenever i do orientation for new hires i literally tell them you are an adult and you are here to do your job nothing more. I don't care about the who likes me or doesnt bs. DO your job get your paycheck and keep it moving not a hard concept. Rant over im moody today smh
IDK if just grumpy today but holy **** am i tired of grown *** people and their petty bs at work. I work in HR and holy **** all i deal is whiny little *******s. Whenever i do orientation for new hires i literally tell them you are an adult and you are here to do your job nothing more. I don't care about the who likes me or doesnt bs. DO your job get your paycheck and keep it moving not a hard concept. Rant over im moody today smh
you get paid to do your job
not to make friends.
pretty simple concept
IDK if just grumpy today but holy **** am i tired of grown *** people and their petty bs at work. I work in HR and holy **** all i deal is whiny little *******s. Whenever i do orientation for new hires i literally tell them you are an adult and you are here to do your job nothing more. I don't care about the who likes me or doesnt bs. DO your job get your paycheck and keep it moving not a hard concept. Rant over im moody today smh

Corporate / Company culture is a top down phenomenon. Something tells me that the people at the top are "whiny little ....." as well.
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oh trust me the people at the top are the worst lol
Actually I've found some of the people at the very top the most even keel but completely blind to what really happens beneath them. The 2nd highest level and below hide that stuff and perpetuate that culture of fear. It's amazing to see how people you've seen be ****** pretend like other people when around C level execs. None of that excuses the tops responsibility though.
Actually I've found some of the people at the very top the most even keel but completely blind to what really happens beneath them. The 2nd highest level and below hide that stuff and perpetuate that culture of fear. It's amazing to see how people you've seen be ****ty pretend like other people when around C level execs. None of that excuses the tops responsibility though.
True, it really depends on the company some have ****** leadership with good immediate managers. Some have great upper level and ****** immediate managers. Thankfully I work on a client site so I don't have to deal with any of that. Make sure my deliverables are handled for the customer and I am chilling online all day.
I'm only 20 yet I have a habit of saying "kids nowadays..." when criticizing the upcoming generation and even people in my own age group

I grunt when getting up, sitting down or bending over for anything as if it's physically taxing for me despite not really being so

I have made 80s/90s movie references among friends and other college students just to receive blank stares (the course instructors got em though)

I hate what hip hop/rnb has become, and while there are definitely some good artists out right now, it'll never compare to what was coming out back in the day

Even before the pandemic all I did was stay inside when not at work or school. Never really hang with my college buddies cause I prefer being home more than going out

Don't really care for dating because I feel like it's too much effort and there aren't any women looking for lifelong commitment this early

And so on so forth. Not sure if I qualify for being by "washed" but I feel like an old man sometimes.
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