Moments That Made You Realize You’re Washed

y’all boring. just finished watching season 1 legend of korra :smokin
Quantum Leap or some ****.
one of goat shows

me these days. I'll fight these damn kids. I'm the cool uncle for my nieces and nephews but I don't know how much longer that's gonna last.

The last kids that fought are almost hitting AARP territory. They can't take lumps anymore. They just dig holes...of the six foot variety.
I was telling a story to my girl's cousin a while back, who is 17.

Girlfriend: OMG, you have to hear this story Rusty told me the other day. Babe, tell her.


Well, back when I was in community college I got to campus one morning and realized I forgot the floppy with my term paper at home...

Her: What is a floppy?


My Girlfriend (who is 5 years young than me): It was a way people used to save their files back in the day.....***Proceed to Googles what a floppy drive is and shows it to her***

Her: Oh ok, wow that was way before my time. Anyway, finish the story Rusty.


this probably the best use of gifs in a story I’ve ever seen on this site. I’m dying fam :lol: :lol:
see man I want to do tricks but I’m 36. Ain’t trying to be all scraped up.

I’m torn

Just take it slow and you’ll be fine. Don’t be trying to do tricks right away even if you could do them in the past. Getting comfortable first and working up slowly to new tricks is the key. You don’t have anyone to impress. Let the groms jump down the stairs. You’re body is not the same. I’m about to turn 32 and skate a few times a week. It’s a good workout and completely frees my mind and puts me at peace. Not to mention I’ve met my best friends of my adult life through skating. Even have gotten laced with some SBs without having to enter raffles and all that BS.
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