Moments That Made You Realize You’re Washed

Played pickup basketball, drove a closeout, and it felt like I was hit in the calf muscle with a golf ball. Ended up being a calf strain and couldn't walk for days. Finally able to run 2 months later.
But in all seriousness with the hip tightness, my hips have always been tight.

Since 2018, I was regularly seeing a Physical THerapist about 1-2 times per week.

SHe would massage, Dry Needle (think Western form of Accupuncture), and stretch me out.

It helped a lot but Covid came I didn't want to be inside anyone's "medical" offices.

She would use this (TheraCane) to pinpoint massage. Felt good enough that I bought one from Amazon. You can't do it on yourself though. ( # )


I normally just take my car through the wash, or have someone else wash my whip for me. This weekend I busted out the car wash soap, the tire shine, the rim cleaner, and the wax.

decided to man up and get it done in the driveway. Felt accomplished as hell. Neighbors mirin. Folks walking their dogs, chatting it up about how long I’ve had my car, if I like the all wheel drive, am I gonna get the 2022 model.

Felt like a proud member of the Brotherhood of Washed Warriors. I could have easily slept in, or started day fading. That day, I had time.
I normally just take my car through the wash, or have someone else wash my whip for me. This weekend I busted out the car wash soap, the tire shine, the rim cleaner, and the wax.

decided to man up and get it done in the driveway. Felt accomplished as hell. Neighbors mirin. Folks walking their dogs, chatting it up about how long I’ve had my car, if I like the all wheel drive, am I gonna get the 2022 model.

Felt like a proud member of the Brotherhood of Washed Warriors. I could have easily slept in, or started day fading. That day, I had time.

What you drive? calibeebee calibeebee
But in all seriousness with the hip tightness, my hips have always been tight.

Since 2018, I was regularly seeing a Physical THerapist about 1-2 times per week.

SHe would massage, Dry Needle (think Western form of Accupuncture), and stretch me out.

It helped a lot but Covid came I didn't want to be inside anyone's "medical" offices.

She would use this (TheraCane) to pinpoint massage. Felt good enough that I bought one from Amazon. You can't do it on yourself though. ( # )


I have a great in-home massage therapist. If you want his info DM me. He can usually show up the same day a couple hours after I call him. Nothing like getting a massage in the comfort of your own home. I can never relax enough to enjoy a massage at a spa.

Also recommend theragun like others have said.

I’ve been taking CBD gummies daily now for a couple weeks and I can say my hip/back/neck pain (it’s all connected) has almost disappeared completely. Not sure if related to the CBD intake or not but it can’t be hurting.

I’m back to skateboarding almost every day instead of once or twice a week. My recovery time way faster.
Just met a girl who has never used a CD before :frown:
I was telling a story to my girl's cousin a while back, who is 17.

Girlfriend: OMG, you have to hear this story Rusty told me the other day. Babe, tell her.


Well, back when I was in community college I got to campus one morning and realized I forgot the floppy with my term paper at home...

Her: What is a floppy?


My Girlfriend (who is 5 years young than me): It was a way people used to save their files back in the day.....***Proceed to Googles what a floppy drive is and shows it to her***

Her: Oh ok, wow that was way before my time. Anyway, finish the story Rusty.

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I've been watching a lot of home improvement reality shows

Homestead Rescue is my favorite

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