Moments That Made You Realize You’re Washed

side note, what year were y'all born?
1988. Just turned 34 this week.

Me currently:

I took my son to a Tyler the Creator concert a few weeks ago as a late birthday gift. I went in fully expecting to hate the whole experience, but once he came on, he rocked that *****. So a few weeks later, the same songs that had me hype I start listening to and I don’t feel them the same as when they were live.
Admittedly, Tyler adds a lot of variation to his live shows that are not the same as the recorded tracks

Some songs really don’t hit the same.

So what's the difference?
The style of rapping and the sound of the beat.

Drill is super uptempo. Trap is specifically southern and has more to do with the content.
It’s a scam.

Don’t go for 5 years and do some pulling and switch up to a different mineralized toothpaste.

You’ll be the same if not better.

I have no scientific proof of this but i believe dentistry is the most highly not needed but overly done sort of work. We lived for thousands of years without em and now we gotta go every 6 months. Also have read way too many dentists all have different opinions on the same teeth articles.

My own anecdotal study. Went to 3 different dentists after 2 years of not going.

Dentists 1: You have 4 cavities
Dentist 2: You have no cavities
Dentists 3: You have 1 cavity (different tooth lol).

Didn’t do anything and checked up again recently with a dentist i know personally and he said everything looks good and if anyone else says differently they’re solving problems that don’t exist.

Random rant over
A lot of truth to this :lol:

Going off memory, I haven’t been to the dentist in like 9 years until I went last month. Back then I had a cavity and a damn root canal. Hadn’t had any pain in all that time.

They tried to make it sound bad listing like 5 or 6 teeth that need cleaning (some that ain’t even that visible to me) and a crown for the same tooth I got the root canal for.

I used my work insurance to go somewhere else they ain’t mention any cleaning just the same crown and a cavity.

Started looking at these dentists funny style.
I always enjoyed going to the dentist and doctors as a kid. I loved getting check ups.

Now that I'm older. 😬
My old dentist was doing all types of unnecessary flagrant things to my teeth. Had me wanting to put off going. Eventually just said eff it and went to a different one.

Night and day difference in the quality of work, care, and reduction of unnecessary things. Now I go every six months with NO problems. Get cleaned up and live my life. No bogus cavities or “I recommend you get root canals and crowns and let’s fill extra cavities that don’t exist”

I’d say trust your gut. If you’re gettin hit with multiple operations every single time you go for a checkup, even though you been practicing good oral hygiene, I’d say it’s time to send your dentist packing.
I go every 6 months.

They are big time scammers though, a lot of them. I think my current dentist isn't a scammer, but I guess you never know until they hit you with the okie doke
Main thing I thought they were scammers were with their products.

When I was a kid and went to the dentist I swear they was giving us mad **** for free; toothpaste, tooth brushes, floss, etc. but when I went like 9 years ago they was like I should use this toothpaste and mouth wash. I was like bet and about to leave with it and they was like nah you gotta pay.

I was like this is not included?!……… They was serious. Then I was like nah I’m good I’ll just cop this brand in the store. Damn scammers charging tourist prices for toothpaste and mouthwash :smh:

9 years tho :lol:
Admittedly, like 7 years was my own negligence. Didn’t have the insurance recently.

But hey if I don’t feel anything wrong I ain’t going.

Same with the doctor’s appointment. That’s even worse with the gaps :lol:
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