Moments That Made You Realize You’re Washed

RIP. I work in a few hospitals in populations people put off or can't afford to go to the doctor for check ups then show up with stage 4 cancer when they "feel sick" and end up in the ER. Get a colonoscopy and the bare minimum check ups.
Colonoscopies are for when you're 45. I am not volunteering for an early one :lol:
I turned 32 this year and have probably been to the doctor twice since I was 21. I ended up going to the doctor on my 32nd bday to try to establish a personal care provider (wife convinced me). I got blood work done and some other things. Apparently I have a heart murmur so I got an EKG done. Lemme tell you the peace of mind I have been feeling the last few weeks as positive/non-threatening results have been coming in is the best feeling. It’s like I got a CarFax report for my body and I went from not knowing anything to knowing everything that’s going on. Definitely going to keep this momentum going and start going to the doctor annually
Annual checkup usually covered under most insurance, at least do that. Get a lot of labs and tests without the individual costs.
our plan through UHC sends us gift cards when we book appointments like physicals and bloodwork
i get an in n out certificate everytime i give blood
Yo thats wild. I get it healthcare in the US isnt good, but man if you guys have things covered thru your job why arent you going? Folks be taking better care of their material items (shoes, clothes, cars) than they do themselves. Crazy to me. Also the insurance companies love people that dont use up all their benefits. Im using up all my ****. Im at the RMT every other week, i dont even get a massage i go for stretches. Take full advantage if you have these things.
Speaking of that I feel my primary care doc is a scammer, may have to switch. Getting way too many little bills for basically just visits.
Yo thats wild. I get it healthcare in the US isnt good, but man if you guys have things covered thru your job why arent you going? Folks be taking better care of their material items (shoes, clothes, cars) than they do themselves. Crazy to me. Also the insurance companies love people that dont use up all their benefits. Im using up all my ****. Im at the RMT every other week, i dont even get a massage i go for stretches. Take full advantage if you have these things.

Yea I use up all my benefits. My job gives me 7000 every year to purchase work stuff like computers, work clothing and books etc. I can even use it to pay my phone bill. I make sure I use all of it.

Paying for health insurance without going is basically throwing money away.
I turned 32 this year and have probably been to the doctor twice since I was 21. I ended up going to the doctor on my 32nd bday to try to establish a personal care provider (wife convinced me). I got blood work done and some other things. Apparently I have a heart murmur so I got an EKG done. Lemme tell you the peace of mind I have been feeling the last few weeks as positive/non-threatening results have been coming in is the best feeling. It’s like I got a CarFax report for my body and I went from not knowing anything to knowing everything that’s going on. Definitely going to keep this momentum going and start going to the doctor annually

Going to the docs on your bday is wild.
I fell down the rabbit hole on YouTube y’day, I can’t remember what I originally was looking up, but I watched about 2-3 hours of yard transformation videos. Not like landscaping, but more like dilapidated yards being cut, and some trimmings, **** was therapeutic.
Cow hoof shaving was randomly recommended to me one day and I ended up watching a bunch. Stuff is kinda sickening but also so intriguing, I couldn't turn away:lol:

I’ve watched a few cow videos - abandoned donkeys is good too.

Surprisingly different techniques for cows and horses.
started working the wardrobe around these hats... washed???
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