Moments That Made You Realize You’re Washed

I started getting greys on the side, but it wasn't a big deal because I'd always get a fade anyways. Then came the beard. A few here and there, now I got a lot on the chin and both corners at the bottom. Also have a mix of reddish brown hairs in there. My girl likes it so I'm not complaining :lol:
At what age did y’all start growing major gray hair? Just curious because I’m at that point where I have a few :lol:
I’m 30 and have like 15-20 total gray hairs in 3 random patches. 1 on each side and one above my eyes
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A friend of mine balded and grey-ed in his early 20s. Rough. He had to basically stay clean shaven for people to not think hes in his 40s.
Hit 30 and all these grays start popping out as if they were just waiting for those digits to change and can justify themselves making an appearance.

I'm growing out my hair and where it parts, the few grays are more obvious :frown:
My elders did…
… NOT tell me
Age 31

I’m washed I guess, can’t see it but it’s coming
I’ve got a couple of clients in their 70s/80s with jet black hair - just looks ridiculous.

It was one of my small pleasures during the pandemic - seeing people with a couple of inches of grey roots and really struggling with it.

You know this dude?

It’s either a face transplant (Face/Off) or hair dye this guy also was caught in Borat 2 and ate fatty yogurt in Seinfeld. He’s not a joke whatsoever.
I’ll definitely hit up Turkey for a hair transplant someday down the road. Still looking decent on the hair side for now but can tell i need it in the long run.

I’d love to shave my head bald but i’m short with a small head and it just loooks truly awful lol. Some people just not meant to be bald. I don’t even care about the looks that much i juz know i’ll get paid more with a full head of hair…that stuff does matter when interviewing for gigs.
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