Moments That Made You Realize You’re Washed

This dude got the ole playa **** down to a T :rofl:

Dude legit sounds like me when I'm walking because I wear a bunch of keys too. :lol:

Yesterday I was sitting on the couch and I was about to watch "Last Week Tonight" on demand. My girl had just finished watching TV, so the local news was on.

I'm on the couch, looking for the remote, I spot it on the coffee table, but it would require me getting up to get it.

This was about the actual distance:

This is what the distance felt like to me

I said **** it at decided to hear about what is going on in my community.....


#GentleCycle #OxicleanLife


Even worse is when the remote drops on the floor while you chillin in bed.

Have you legit praying it falls right where you can get it with minimal effort, and not deep under the bed or worse behind the headboard. :sick:

When you don't see it in the general vicinity of the bed have you like

Dude legit sounds like me when I'm walking because I wear a bunch of keys too. :lol:


Even worse is when the remote drops on the floor while you chillin in bed.

Have you legit praying it falls right where you can get it with minimal effort, and not deep under the bed or worse behind the headboard. :sick:

When you don't see it in the general vicinity of the bed have you like




Once the remote fell so far away and I was just so tired I watched a hour of late night infomercials just cuz I was too washed to get up and get it. A full 60 min :smh:
Dude legit sounds like me when I'm walking because I wear a bunch of keys too. :lol:


Even worse is when the remote drops on the floor while you chillin in bed.

Have you legit praying it falls right where you can get it with minimal effort, and not deep under the bed or worse behind the headboard. :sick:

When you don't see it in the general vicinity of the bed have you like


TV not getting turned off that night
Yeah it's crazy, a year of physical therapy cost me less than the surgery lol the US healthcare system is so broken.
Thoughts and Prayers

Dude I hoop with ruptured his during a League Game last Jan. He said the same thing everyone else says, "I thought someone kicked me in the back of my leg, I looked back and nobody was there."
someone tell me which app to download to put my remote on my phone...

and will it work for my sound bar too?:nerd:
someone tell me which app to download to put my remote on my phone...

and will it work for my sound bar too?:nerd:
I have a roku TV. App store. And firestick remote from the app store. Only remote I use is my soundbar.
Who doesn't have their remote on their phone as well in 2018?
And when the phone falls out of reach?

That's the reason I got this plastic thing that broke off some old blinds I use to reach stuff.

Let me known when the iphone XX comes out and it has a voice activated drone attached so I can just summon it to me.
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