Money doesn't buy happiness ... Vol Jeff Bezos Divorce

More like, what level... Level 7,8,9 etc.

I can speak on 8

I haven’t made 8 yet...not sure how long it may take. Pretty hard to get there on the operations side right now. But if you hire off the street at 6 or above the pay is pretty great compared to most.
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1-3 hourly positions, 4-5 area manager, 6 operations manager, 7 senior ops/site leader/GM, 8-regional, 9-10 you are pretty damn important. 11-12 executives/bezos. This is from the operations side.
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So let's say you're an 8 and you exceed expectations. What's an estimate value of the annual RSA? How about at level 7?

I'm gonna guess 7's make ~$105-130k in base and 8's make ~$140-165k in base salary.

I'm also going to guess meets expectations = ~20% of salary bonus and exceeds expectations = ~35%. How many years before RSA's actually vest?
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There is no such thing as exceeding expectations with Amazon, lol. I’m going to say your numbers are more 6 and 7 if you are an off the street hire. RSUs is where you make it all. I know 5s that clear 150k+ due to stock. But that will taper off quickly if stock price doesn’t continue to climb. PM me if you want a little more detail. But I will say a strong 6 at Amazon would be GM/Regional in most FC/DC environments with large companies(Target/walmart/UPS/Fedex).
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I'm from Chicago and I know 100k downtown ain't ****... that's not to say that everywhere in Chicago you can't live off 100k, I know plenty of people living off far less.

With that being said, I know I can stretch my money much further elsewhere, so I been on the move the past few years, usually a new city every year, been in 3 different states the past 3 years alone.

Currently in Colorado and the cost of living here 8s definitely higher than Michigan and most of IL, don't think it's somewhere I'm gonna stay unless they offer me a really good store but Vegas is looking better due to the weather, lower cost of living, and no state income tax.

Point being, if you currently live somewhere where the cost of living is so high you're living check to check off 100k you seriously should consider moving. The US is a big place.
So let's say you're an 8 and you exceed expectations. What's an estimate value of the annual RSA? How about at level 7?

I'm gonna guess 7's make ~$105-130k in base and 8's make ~$140-165k in base salary.

I'm also going to guess meets expectations = ~20% of salary bonus and exceeds expectations = ~35%. How many years before RSA's actually vest?

Depending which Amazon company you work for, I wouldn’t be too concerned about job level. Look more towards job families. I know level 5 SDEs, Project Managers and Data Analysts. All the same level but different salaries due to job families.

RSU vesting schedules are dependent on your date of hire. Your initial contract may not fully vest for 3 years and during that time you can be award more RSUs that’ll vest at a later date
Depending which Amazon company you work for, I wouldn’t be too concerned about job level. Look more towards job families. I know level 5 SDEs, Project Managers and Data Analysts. All the same level but different salaries due to job families.

RSU vesting schedules are dependent on your date of hire. Your initial contract may not fully vest for 3 years and during that time you can be award more RSUs that’ll vest at a later date

Only receive additional RSUs if you are not still collecting a sign on bonus. And most last 2 years. So no stock given with raises the first 2 years if you are still collecting a sign on bonus. And most initial contracts take 4 years now. 5% year 1, 15% year 2, 20% every 6 months after until complete
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The other issue is being an 8 at Amazon leaves you with almost no down time

And 100% agree with this. Once you hit 7 and above you are always on. I don’t leave my house without my laptop. I can do most from my phone but never know when I need to pull over and log in to handle something. My last real day off where I did nothing for work was probably in September. Or worst when something big breaks in the building at 3am and your phone goes off with this horrible notice and you have to get on a conference call.
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Damn. September :wow:

You even living life??

lol, I’m talking 30 minutes here and there on the weekends. Not full days working. Peak at amazon is no joke, life has finally settled down for a few months. I log in every morning on the weekends to check on things then again in the evening. To make sure day and night shifts are on target. Then whenever I receive random texts needing things. Some weekends it’s almost nothing others it may be a couple hours. But I’m probably a bad example, since I do love what I do. So I don’t even think about the hours I work.
And 100% agree with this. Once you hit 7 and above you are always on. I don’t leave my house without my laptop. I can do most from my phone but never know when I need to pull over and log in to handle something. My last real day off where I did nothing for work was probably in September. Or worst when something big breaks in the building at 3am and your phone goes off with this horrible notice and you have to get on a conference call.
Sounds about right. I have a bunch of homies that work at Amazon and when I ask them to hang out they tell me no cuz they gotta finish their project for work. When I ask when they'll be done, the answer is usually "when I go to bed." :lol:
This happens every time.
Last time I kicked it with one of those dudes cuz they had free time was probably over the summer.
Bunch of them even gained weight cuz they have to order takeout all the time since they don't even have enough time to cook
Between myself and my girl we make 300-400k depending on stock price...and funny enough both work for Amazon. We live in Louisville, Ky which is pretty much the top 1% here. I hated Seattle, Miami, and Chicago when I lived there. Guess it’s all about what you enjoy. Give me a big boat on the river, bourbon, and a great small big city anyway over LA/NYC. Only place I’ll go from here is maybe Austin/Houston.

*salute and hand claps*

I should be breaking 6 figs this year. Right at the border atm. Nowhere near 400k annually, but damn this is motivation :lol: :pimp:

1-3 hourly positions, 4-5 area manager, 6 operations manager, 7 senior ops/site leader/GM, 8-regional, 9-10 you are pretty damn important. 11-12 executives/daddy Jeff. This is from the operations side.

Do you guys really call him Papa Bezos?
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Between myself and my girl we make 300-400k depending on stock price... We live in Louisville, Ky which is pretty much the top 1% here. I hated Seattle, Miami, and Chicago when I lived there. Guess it’s all about what you enjoy. Give me a big boat on the river, bourbon, and a great small big city anyway over LA/NYC. Only place I’ll go from here is maybe Austin/Houston.

400k in Louisville!?!

Living like a Saudi Peince pleighboi!

But on the real, I was surprised how much money was actually down there.

That tobacco and horse money long :pimp:
400k in Louisville!?!

Living like a Saudi Peince pleighboi!

But on the real, I was surprised how much money was actually down there.

That tobacco and horse money long :pimp:

There is a surprising amount of money in the general area. Floyd knobs, IN across the river is one of the wealthiest cities in Indiana. Then pretty much everything east of downtown Louisville is really nice. The horse farms are no joke with stables full of 100k+ horses.
That’s my point exactly. That really isn’t a lot.
It is for most people unless you're trying to ball on all the top things in a major city. I agree if you're trying to have the condo downtown, nice cars, go out all the time, travel, etc. If you're just renting in a nice area, not super crazy with spending your money you'll be good in even the bigger cities ime.
Anyone who addresses themselves as "tha don" is gonna be a dickhead 99.9% of the time.

We get it, youre a big baller shot caller. But to say 100k aint **** is ludacrous.

You talking like everyone lives in a penthouse suite with an ocean view.

100K isn't A LOT in the Bay Area/LA but it's still a good salary. I hate those articles that come out and try to say that people making 100K are struggling here and not making much; yeah, only the idiots are saying that :lol: They're the type to rent a $3500 1 bedroom in an expensive part of town (while you can get an inlaw 1BR/studio WITHIN SF for $1.5-2K less 25 mins away from downtown, share a nice house, just move 15-45 mins outside of the city,etc.), UberEats everything, barhop every night, and then complain about living paycheck to paycheck.

You can live comfortably off $100K if you just live a balanced and reasonable lifestyle.But nah, all these idiots here want to live like a tech bro :lol:
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Name them....

That was a blind spot :lol:

My point is 100k in most of America gets you a car, house, expendable income.

If not you chasing ghost.

IDK what dude is clamoring about. 6 figures ain’t enough? Majority of millennials are in student loan debt anyway so that money is being ate up. He’s saying “major cities” like dude, they’re are about 10-15 “Major Cities” in the USA.
100K isn't A LOT in the Bay Area/LA but it's still a good salary. I hate those articles that come out and try to say that people making 100K are struggling here and not making much; yeah, only the idiots are saying that :lol: They're the type to rent a $3500 1 bedroom in an expensive part of town (while you can get an inlaw 1BR/studio WITHIN SF for $1.5-2K less 25 mins away from downtown, share a nice house, just move 15-45 mins outside of the city,etc.), UberEats everything, barhop every night, and then complain about living paycheck to paycheck.

You can live comfortably off $100K if you just live a balanced and reasonable lifestyle.But nah, all these idiots here want to live like a tech bro :lol:
****** stay fronting like 6 figures USD aint good anywhere in the world to provide you with more than the basic necessities. Just live within your means.
Whole discussion reminds me of when Hank said in the NBA thread that a billion wasnt a lot or something like that :lol:
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