Most Overrated "Legend" In Music.

What's good for the goose, is good for the gander. Take a look in the mirror buddy. Take a music class or two while you are at it, preferably one on musical theory and ethics.

Spare me the cliches.

The difference between us is that I was nothing but respectful to you.

I even agreed with most of your points and acknowledged that Mr. Presley owed his success in very large part to his skin color.

Look at it however you want to though.
Elvis debate aside, I think this is less of a "most overrated legend" thread, and more of a "post a legend that you don't care for" thread.

As for the thread title, I'd have to say Jay-Z.  I have several of his songs, mind you.

To me, he doesn't exude any significant personal flair, where you can say, "Oh, that's Jay-Z" or "Oh, that's Jay-Z inspired".  

I don't understand how he's a legend, but would like to know.  
Riiight. You came out the box shooting, I just waited until the end to smack you back. Obviously, mine stung a bit more.

You took personal offense to my blanket statement. That's your own fault.

Either way, you sure put me in my place.

Do you feel better now?

I'll even allow you have the last word.

Go ahead...
Let me put another spin on this.
Why don't one of you go to a museum, then take a look at a Picasso painting, one of his that is considered a masterpiece, let's say Old Guitarist, cool?
Now why don't one of you go and trace over the painting, color it in, then putting it out there on display. Now people who have never seen the original painting before call you the KING of this art form, then saying that you are incredibly talented due to what you've accomplished.
Do any of you mean to tell me that you would not understand why the family of Picasso would be pissed off at you, for allowing those claims to stand as truths, while also questioning your so called talent?
Furthermore, there will be people going to great lengths to prove that you are indeed talented, even though all you've done, is to make a copy of the original. You followed a blueprint, but where was the blueprint for Picasso?
How did you open the door for him again?
You see, some would say that due to Elvis's supposed opening the doors for Black music in order for it to seep through, that something was lost. There was a thriving Chitlin' circuit that Black acts and businesses thrived upon. It was rich. Once everything went mainstream, plenty was lost. A few acts, including James Brown, didn't try and appeal to White audiences. But others, such as Motown acts, did try and reach the White audiences, but also losing much of their soul. Berry Gordy, smart dude, understood that White buyers didn't like too much drum and bass, then began making watered down soul in order to sell to the masses. It worked, but they lost their authenticity as well. Great acts came out of Motown, some great music too! But it was not groundbreaking, and artists like Marvin Gaye were pissed off about that. He, had to fight with Berry Gordy in order to get What's Going On released, as Berry Gordy told him that the album would ruin his career.
Berry was wrong.
Many point to Elvis as being that watershed moment. But it also points to a time when many record companies were trying to control an artists image, so that he can be sold to the masses, just so he or she could be more LIKE Elvis.
Meanwhile, Elvis is trying to be like YOU.
It's just crazy.
Did Elvis really copy people to that point? Literally tracing over their work? Even if you trace someone's work(using your example) people can easily tell it's not authentic. 

You're influenced everyday in life. Everything you do is influenced by what you saw, read, watched, etc. If Elvis is considered a imitator there's a whole list of musical artists I can post that make what Elvis did minuscule. What do you say about all the black artists who make white suburban pop music once they get on? EX: Niki Minaj. Saying he was white at the right time and that's the only reason he was a success is a slap in the face. Obviously he had an "IT" factor and connected with the fans. 

Don't drag me into this horrible argument you have going on with half of the posters in this thread. You can post all the videos, stories, quotes, meet n greets, to support your opinion. That's all it will ever be; your opinion. 
OK Spider... I think I get it now.

Our perception of "vocal talent" is different. It's probably because I grew up listening to 70s R&B , and you did not.... cuz to me Elvis isn't singing. That's like country music to me, which I like--but I don't like it because I think they "sing", sing.

THESE are examples of vocal talent; point, blank, period.

And Donny Hathaway has one of the most beautiful voices I've ever heard---- like.... why isn't HE considered a legend. Just based on vocals alone.
Man, RIP :frown:

you wanna talk about some dag on range??

Elvis still can't really sing to me... and yes, I did listen to some of the videos, or made a strong attempt to :\
^Ok. Not a problem. You think Elvis can't sing. I still think you're insane. lol :tongue:

I'm done with this convo. All of us have said what had to be said. We aren't going to change each others opinions.
I agree, Bob Marley sucks.  People who nothing about music love him.  Stoners worship him.  He sucks
Straight trollin, you don't even believe that
So you're telling me James Brown and all these legends made songs like "Starships"? 
"Starships" is a multi-genre song,which heavily utilizes Eurodance,Europop,  Euro house,and electropop    while also incorporating other genres such as pop,  dance,reggae,  pop rock,  and hip hop.[sup][[/sup]  After the chorus, there is a '90s-influenced Eurodance  breakdown, which some critics have compared to the likes of Europop  groups 2 Unlimited  and C+C Music Factory. During the final Breakdown, a stadium football chant can be heard chanting the lead notes of the song. The background vocals on the chorus were considered extremely similar to Britney Spears' 2011 single "Till the World Ends" by Scott Schettler of Popcrush.[sup][6][/sup]  Jocelyn Vena of MTV  also said that "it's hard not to see Spears' influence on the rapper/singer when listening to the song." Billboard  compared "Starships" to the work of Lady Gaga  and Jennifer Lopez."
[color= rgb(0, 0, 0)]Taken from wikipedia. [/color]

So you're telling me James Brown and all these legends made songs like "Starships"? 

"Starships" is a multi-genre song,
which heavily utilizes 
Euro house
 while also incorporating other genres such as 
pop rock
hip hop
 After the chorus, there is a '90s-influenced 
 breakdown, which some critics have compared to the likes of 
2 Unlimited
C+C Music Factory
. During the final Breakdown, a stadium football chant can be heard chanting the lead notes of the song. The background vocals on the chorus were considered extremely similar to 
Britney Spears
' 2011 single "
Till the World Ends
" by Scott Schettler of Popcrush.
 Jocelyn Vena of 
 also said that "it's hard not to see Spears' influence on the rapper/singer when listening to the song." 
 compared "Starships" to the work of 
Lady Gaga
Jennifer Lopez


Taken from wikipedia. 



I don't know if many of you dudes are watching, but Adult Swim's animated Black Dynamite series had a rather comedic take on the Elvis debate we were having.



Julius F. Wrek
I'm waiting on the season to be done and then I'll catch up on Black Dynamite....

Funny, I was watching 'Cadillac Records' last night and Elvis' was thrown in there as well.
Tupac was not really a great rapper.

But yes people will always fall back on "he was more than a rapper" and all that jazz.
BIG is definitely first in mind. Two great albums but that's it, just two.
Lauryn Hill....she's not even a legend but everyone calls her a legend because of one album she released over a decade ago
Jay Z. I bought every album and I'm a fan but he's not what people say he is. Son has been dumbing down music since Vol. 2 minus a few songs.
Snoop Dogg has been spitting the same verses since 99. I applaud him though, don't know how he got away with it for this long.

Big's 2-album catalog is better than 97% of the catalogs throughout the history of hip hop. The fact that he penned 2.5 additional albums (Hardcore, Conspiracy, No Way Out), and his various features on hip hop and R&B songs...add to that the amount of Big lines that have been bitten and reused....add to the fact that he was able to find the perfect balance between pop and hip hop...

I can at least see where the rest of your arguments come from, but not the Big one.

As far as Lauren goes, however, she won how many grammys that year? Has a hip hop album EVER done anything like that? I'm hard pressed to think of another.

Michael Jackson only had 2 AMAZING albums (Off the Wall and Thriller)...his others were really good, but not classic. Sometimes it's not about quantity. Quality, no matter how much or how little, can be enough.
10 pages and maybe i skipped, but nobody mentioned....

Nasir Jones? Overrated, overhyped, overinflated idea of intelligence.

He has one good album...Good album, then a lifetime supply of trash fillers and 2 quality songs per album.
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I don't come in to the Music forum often, but when I do, I usually find a thread or two that are pretty entertaining. This is definitely one of those threads.

But its also an illustration of why I've come to really dislike the term "overrated." Basically, in most cases when someone says something is overrated, they're saying, "I don't like this (artist/movie/athlete/TV show) as much as everyone else seems to, so everyone else must be wrong." I don't see the need to validate your own opinion by questioning the opinion of the majority. If you're not into something, then leave it at that. For example, I'm not really a Jay-Z fan. I've just never really gotten in to his music. But I would never call him "overrated," since I know a lot of people regard him as one of the greatest rappers ever. I'm not going to say they're wrong. I'm just saying, according to my own, subjective taste, that I don't love his stuff. That's it.

And, for the record, I love Bob Marley.
I really don't know too much of Bob Marley's music, but I've never heard a song that wasn't good from him. Musically nor lyrically.

to answer OP's inquiry, I'm actually having a hard time pin-pointing this.

I don't understand when people say Pac wasn't lyrical. I'll give you, All Eyez on Me, is commercial and doesn't resonate lyrically as well as the albums directly before and after it.

How is 2Pac not lyrical???

Lyrical (of literature, art, or music) a. Expressing deep personal emotion or observations
Tupac was not really a great rapper.
But yes people will always fall back on "he was more than a rapper" and all that jazz.

...but he was a great rapper. metaphors and word play isn't always what makes a good rapper. Listen to Me Against the World...that's great rapping. simple.
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