Most Racist tweets during Obama's speech at da National Convention courtesy of Complex

Lazy gathering by them. They have stuff from over a week ago. They could have easily found fresh material from last night if they used proper search terms.

Anyway, none of this surprises me. We have a LONG way to go with race relations in this country. This is only going to get worse when white people become a minority.
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some of those are from black people

but some of them just show the ignorance of the country; I am white and can't stand to see people act like this in 2012
Their mostly kids, and who looks more ignorant? 

Does this really matter? 

Im sick and freaking tired of this Race, ethnicity, religion issue popping up on NT. GTF over it. Were all on this 1 planet, why not chill TF out nobodies going anywhere so we might as well learn to get along. AND DEAL WITH IT.

COMPLEX magazine putting these IDIOTS up for everyone to see is just giving them what they want. The spotlight.

What makes 1 jackass saying obama's a Ni**er more ignorant then the next? They all in the same boat.

There is no MOST racist, its all pure unintelligent pathetic ignorance, and your showing your ignorance by buying into this propaganda.
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Their mostly kids, and who looks more ignorant? 

Does this really matter? 

Im sick and freaking tired of this Race, ethnicity, religion issue popping up on NT. GTF over it. Were all on this 1 planet, why not chill TF out nobodies going anywhere so we might as well learn to get along. AND DEAL WITH IT.

kids dont come out the womb hating black folk...just like a,b,c's and 1,2,3's this is learned from someone....

sad that theyre so open with it tho...on twitter of all places...

racism still alive...they not even concealing it...smh
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Sad part is how people hide behind their computers. Not a single one of those people would express those feelings in public. Its sad we live in a day in age where closet racist can hide behind a computer screen with no repercussions
first man wasn't white that's why

and lol @ the indian girl trying to throw racist remarks.....hilarious....
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Sad part is how people hide behind their computers. Not a single one of those people would express those feelings in public. Its sad we live in a day in age where closet racist can hide behind a computer screen with no repercussions
Oh there are repercussions now. When employers search your name and run across those racist comments you made with your Facebook profile, they'll eliminate you from their search. If all websites required people to do that, you'd see a lot less of this.

kids dont come out the womb hating black folk...just like a,b,c's and 1,2,3's this is learned from someone....

sad that theyre so open with it tho...on twitter of all places...

racism still alive...they not even concealing it...smh
I can say ignorant stuff all day, that doesn't mean I learned to do it from someone you imbecile.

Twitter is a JOKE, They should shut that BS down. 

I hope obama bans all social networking sites period. Or put very strict limits on them.

I bet if people had to pay $10 a month for a twitter 65% of them wouldn't have 1.
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It's a shame that people have to be so ignorant and racist. I've been discriminated, heard ignorant/racist remarks by every race out there. It sucks. It also sucks that people who get offended by others discriminating their race, do it them selves to other races.
You offended cause your black ?
Black or not we should all be offended to the idea that trash like this is still going on .  There are people out there that support Romney mainly, because they don't won't to support a black guy.  I'm not political at all, but just the body language of this Romney dude seems shifty as hell.  Being in the middle class and below I don't see how anyone could support this guy at all or any class at that.  Dude is hiding tax returns, not speaking with conviction and confidence,  and on the issue of jobs all he has to say is, "there are 23 mill Amer under employed or unemployed" thats it.  His slogan is "It's time to try something new"  F that tell me how you can do a better job then Obama.  If you can't do that then get the F off the stage.  Because this dude Obama is got the middle and lower class in his agenda, and it seems to me Romney and his band of racist want to turn this place into the Hunger Games. 
Twitter is a JOKE, They should shut that BS down. 

I hope obama bans all social networking sites period. Or put very strict limits on them.
So you're for censorship and the suppression of the first amendment?

RELLI45, please don't talk about politics again.
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