Movies that made you cry. Vol. Boys Don't Cry

john q...when denzel was talking to his son before he was going to kill himself and the last scene where his son said "thank you"

cried so hard when I watched this scene...
John Q.

Same scene that cadon23s mentioned

Came close during the beginning of Up the other night.
Mighty Joe Young, when he fell off of whatever he fell off (I forget)

I was sad.. that was back in the day though
the gameplan....yes, that "the rock" disney movie....
....don't know why....
Click of course. IDK before reading about how it made everyone on NT cry I could watch it no problem. But after, the last time I saw it I cried
Just off the top of my head...

My Dog Skip
I Am Legend (with the dog)
Shawshank Redemption

Got to be more, but this is all I can think of.
Originally Posted by Vendetta

The last 30 minutes of Schindler's List
How could I forget that.

The part that got me was when they put em in the gas chamber and was bout to execute em but Schindler somehow managed to get the call thru and instead of thegas, it was water (like it was posed to be) my heart dropped.
Coach Carter, eyes got teary when Cruz went to Coach's house after his cousin was shot.. And when he recited "Our Deepest Fear".

Pursuit of Happyness, when Gardner finally got that stockbroker job, I was real happy for the dude.
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