Movies that made you cry. Vol. Boys Don't Cry

Originally Posted by DUnkFan84

Originally Posted by Hugo

The Lion King
with you on that one...
-most recently..million dallor baby..
Can't believe I had to go 4 pages before someone mentioned Million Dollar Baby. That is one of the few movies that I've seen in myadulthood that was literally 2 seconds away from making me cry, I mean I had to hold back tears. The other ones mentioned here were sad but this one got me.Her whole struggle to make it, only to be taken away so drastically, then the family being total scumbags
Originally Posted by r0yalty

Originally Posted by SoleOnEyez

Forrest Gump when he was at Jennys grave. I had seen the movie a million times but this one time it got me.
This and when Radio found out his mom died and spazzed out
John Q
Pursuit Of Happiness
Bucket List (was thinking about my grandpa while watching it, probably the hardest I've cried since he died.)
My Dog Skip (day of my grandpa's wake, I wasn't going to go. Flipped and My Dog Skip was on, reminded me of my grandpa & my dog because they werereally close and made me go to it glad I did get to see him 1 last time..)

Marley & Me whenever I watch it, I know how it ends so I'll be tissue ready for when it ends (my dog is old so it'll remind me of that)
A lot of these movies you guys posted had me close to crying. The only movie I remember crying to was Casper and I was like 6 years old. The part when he wastalking about he used to be a boy and talked about him dying
Lion King
The Notebook
Crash - When dude thinks his daughter got shot but she has on the cape
Land Before Time - When little foots mom dies and the next scene when he starts chasing the cloud yelling"mother"
The Green mile - when the white guy starts crying that's strapping him into the chair, the guards crying always gets me
Men of Honor - When they make Cuba walk in the court room in the navy diving suit
Life is Beautiful - may be the hardest movie for me to watch period. Dude being able to convince his son that the concentration camp was all just a game theentire time and saying that they'd win a tank at the end.
ive never cried during a movie cuz i dont have tear ducts but the closets would have been.............



the scene in Seven Pounds when that family was jumpin on the bed in their new house
i never cried but really close was

End Of Click
and the Fresh Prince dad episode.. i know not a movie but still
Originally Posted by SoleOnEyez

Forrest Gump when he was at Jennys grave. I had seen the movie a million times but this one time it got me.

$!%* Jenny and errythin she stands for.

The Simpsons Movie almost did

yoooooooo i forgot all about this.

i think a tear actually did drop for me tho. when homer was sittin in front of that tv

i was like awww man their marriage is officially
yo realtalk i felt sad as *+#@ during that scene
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