Movies Thread!!!

just saw Earth today.'twas a good watch.a nice mellow movie before all the summer blockbuster madness comes & blows us all away.(hopefully)
Originally Posted by soul228

Friday the 13th....
Which is worse, that or JASON X??
I just watched Wolverine.. the effects are very nice.. stunts are cool.. storyline SMH you decide.. IMHO I dont like what the writers did to Deadpool.
ryan renolds just looks like a chump.simple & plain.deadpool is one of the baddest comic book characters ever & you'd think with the recent successof comic book based superhero movies the people behind this flick whould follow suit.
poor casting & adaptation.deadpool with no mask on?c'mon!?
^not the entire movie.he "transforms" in the end but man,he is just lame.this studio should never attempt to do another superhero will justinevitably mess it up.
Gridiron Gang - the rock
Knowing- Nicholas Cage
Taken - Leeam Neesen (Forgot the spelling)

I Watched wolverine (leaked) and slightly upset about the errors of the movie.
Incidentally...I have seen "Taken" last Father's Day, and Damn! Liam Neeson kicked !%#

Don't mess with her daughter or he will find you and he will kill you without hesitation
Originally Posted by soul228

Incidentally...I have seen "Taken" last Father's Day, and Damn! Liam Neeson kicked !%#

Don't mess with her daughter or he will find you and he will kill you without hesitation

taken is a nice movie to watch. it could also help in parenting if you have any teenage daughters, watch it with her, she'll surely understand you moreabout being strict the next time around.
Just watched Transformers 2...
It was better than the 1st one...
Megan Fox was... HOTTT!
robot. cleavage. robot. cleavage. cleavage. cleavage. robot. cleavage. robot.

the biggest explosion in the movie was in my pants
For the Kids at Heart...

IMAX in SM MOA and SM North Edsa started selling tickets and accepting reservations for the much anticipated movie after Transformers...Harry Potter and theHalf-Blood Prince (not New Moon)
make sure you guys catch The Hangover.the best comedy of the summer(transformers take the number 2 spot)

UP is a must watch too.

also saw Away We Go.a real tender comedy with Maya Rudolph and Jim from the Office(i know his first name is John but i couldn't spell his last name for thelife of me)

Public Enemies looks hella badd real badd,michael jackson.
Watched Knowing and tranformers 2 recently.
Knowing was nice and all but i didnt really like the way it ended. I mean the addition of aliens in the story. I just hate the way the aliens were shown. IDK.Buts its only my opinion.

Transformers 2 was really great. Effects are superb. Megan Fox was... DAMN... run run run bounce bounce bounce run run run bounce bounce. get it?
you know what i mean.

Just a little pun in the movie. Sam's Professor told him the line "I'm the alpha and omega" which was also said at on point by megatron tooptimus prime on beast wars.
I've just seen G.I. Joe and baroness is

I don't know if the storyline matches the cartoons (I forgot about it) or the comic book (I haven't read one) but the special effects are
especially some bullet-time scenes.
i think transformers 2 and gi joe is match.. just watched gi joe last night and i was suprised to not have fallen asleep.. 8 out of 10 ng napanood ko in thepast 2 months nkatulog ako eh. hehe
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