MTV The Challenge season 27: Bloodlines Fall/Winter 2015

Where is Cory from? Dude is bammafied!
I wanna punch those 2 arod twins for being annoying and having ***** names.

I felt like they were lame at first but I respect that the rookies for building their own thing. Even though it ain't work, you know the vets won't protect you so you might as well have your own alliance.
Got to the part where aneesa's calling kellyanne a racist. She just called her black skin black.
I wanna punch those 2 arod twins for being annoying and having ***** names.

I felt like they were lame at first but I respect that the rookies for building their own thing. Even though it ain't work, you know the vets won't protect you so you might as well have your own alliance.

Word, I came in ready to hate on them for no reason.
But they tried to do the best they could in that situation. They knew it was eat or be food. They went out and tried to eat.
That might be the worst elimination fail i've ever seen. Your damn partner chest bumping you and causing you to lose.
This most recent episode is great. Everyone is scared of Abram. That tom guy better leave the country. cara maria better find a horse and ride it out the country too.
With the **** Cara was up to, Abram coulda been the most tender loving BF and she wouldn't have looked happy.


Cara cheats and now Abram is abusive. Abram has been a weird mog his entire history on these shows. He's dated plenty of these women and none have gone on record as saying he's abusive. Coral was even tweeting support for him being a gentleman.

Cara has a history of enjoying drama and this situation is no different. Would it be ideal for Abram to not be a hothead sure but that doesn't automatically mean he's an abuser.
If Abram, Darrell, and ct were put in a room to fight to the death; who do you guys think will walk out that room?
Darrell put the hands on Brad. They got to bring him back one last time man!

But the key to that question is are we talking present day or peak prime crazy.
If Abram, Darrell, and ct were put in a room to fight to the death; who do you guys think will walk out that room?
It's like what's left of the 90s era left in the nba.

Darrell actually boxes so you know he has hands, ask brad.

Darrell>CT> abram
We can answer for now and in their crazy show primes.

The other two have probably calmed down as time goes by but Abe seems to keep increasing his crazy. I did not expect him to be having head tattoos.
Wow. In the red team meeting Abe suggested they vote for nany and not a word from john. He didn't even have to say her name in the official vote but did anyway. Did he have some kind of mental lapse? Then they show him using a straightening iron for his hair.
I hope ct and zach join the show when ish has already hit the fan. I need to watch pure chaos happen.
I don't fully get what the production company is thinking.

They've assembled overall a pretty lame cast overall multiple seasons going now. Members need time to develop on challenges.

Whereas they choose some weird characters on AYTO.

Patience, my friend. That is what they're doing right now. They're rebuilding the talent pool. It takes a couple seasons. They realized that they couldn't keep calling people like Coral for every season (who hasn't been on since 2008), which they do, along with pretty much every old cast member for every season going back to the early 2000s. So many of them kept saying "no" that production took a hint and started branching out.

Having AYTO folks on the show isn't any weirder than the Fresh Meat seasons where you've actually never heard of any of them. And, looking at the cast for the next season, a lot of people are back for Round 2 or 3. I think they're on the right track.
To me it makes no sense to now want to develop the cast via the Challenges when you could just pick several entertaining ppl a season. They use to do that consistently. Now it's about developing drama to create tension for future challenges. Like Rivals use to be about actual rivals not petty arguments you had for one or 2 eps.

It's like CT was CT in his RW season in Paris. He didn't need 4 seasons of challenges to become who he is. Same goes for Johnny, Abram, Wes, etc. Coral was never really doing challenges like that. It wasn't her thing. I can get ppl getting older, not wanting to do it, and a few other excuses but it seems a lot of times the producers get their first picks and then have to be bailed out when somebody has to leave. I know they're loving their current Tom/Cara Maria/Abram drama but Abram who was available should've been in the cast from the get go.

Take Jordan and Nia. Clear characters all based off their season. To me that a different thing when ppl like Sarah and Ev kinda get the spotlight in a challenge cuz they find themselves being the underdog in the story line.

As far as other ppl not from RW and RR, I always found that **** weird and forced. This stuff did start as RW vs. RR. Especially something like Fresh Meat where they didn't even get ppl from other shows but just picked them from nowhere :lol: I honestly don't like it, the same way I don't care for these AYTO ppl. Now they're doing it with relatives :lol: Just seems like more dead weight gets added.

This is a similar problem to when we talk about RW and why it's not as good anymore. Now they're left reaching for gimmicks.
I remember a story coming out like a year or two ago about Abram getting arrested and smearing his feces on the cell walls
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I wanna know what happens in that scene where's walking around with a bloody nose and yelling "Die!".

Probably like a scene from Gladiator or spartacus and the camera pans out and you see tom laying in the sand with a broken neck and cara maria crying and the rest of the cast cheering.
do wut?

whos manz is tom?
I think he was talking about Tom's brother and friends on the show.
Where is Cory from? Dude is bammafied!

In re: Bananas said Nany's name cuz they used to hook up and he's engaged now. And his current fiancée doesn't **** with Nany at all. And doesn't like that Bananas keeps teaming up with his ex.

I do find it weird that Nany **** shames so many girls in the house then flips out whenever someone points out she hooked up with someone else. I'm not down with **** shaming chicks, but it's wild hypocritical. Nany's criticizing Cara, but then gets mad when Dario tells her she slept with 4 dudes in the current cast?
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