MTV The Challenge season 27: Bloodlines Fall/Winter 2015

I don't get why these people get so upset there name is being said in votes that are only going one way. I know half of it is for airtime and so they can be brought back in future shows, but seriously its not that big a deal.

Nany has the right to actually be upset, but not because Bananas said her name when TJ took votes, but because he really didn't even put any effort into protecting her or swaying vote after Abram said her name in the team meeting, but Nany wasn't even there for that. Later we find out its because of his GF and he literally never fully had her back. Idk if they filmed this while or before Exes airred, but if it was after then Nany last season saying she still was caught up with feelings for Johnny probably had something to do with the GF issues.

Anyways both with girls they were going in regardless. Even Nanys cousin said her name because it didn't matter at all in that lopsided vote. Same with Kelly Anne, they couldn't change the vote. They knew before the challenge they were down on votes and did what they could in attempt to throw challenge just to try and protect her.

Imo Nany should rightfully be pissed, KellyAnne not so much.
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The new people get so in their feels when they get voted in like they're being sentenced to death. Relax, it's a damn competition show. If you're athletic and not a dummy, don't worry so much. Have some damn confidence. I'd get into damn gladiator mode ready to put someone to sleep.
Who honestly wants to get voted in and potentially leave a sweet vacation? Plus getting called out by your peers doesn't seem like any sort of fun. Why even go into an elimination if you don't have to?
It's a game. That stuff happens. Go in and do work. I could see how it would just be douchey if they vote you in every time like when those suckas brad and tori kept voting in brandon for no reason.

This aftershow is lit, as the kids would say.
First few minutes were like a damn documentary / behind the scenes.

That hj got this dude thinking he's going to die.
Funny how john lying to his own cousin about wantinng to tell abram because he deserves to know. He should've just told him he wanted to wreck their whole partnership.
This upcoming season of the Real World sounds like it's going to be Road Rules without the RV
Anthony is such a clown :lol:
Bananas/Vince have to go in next week right??

Zack ain't no CT. whoever faces him has the advantage.

Why don't they ever vote in aneesa? KA will be missed :smh:
Anthony is such a clown :lol:
Bananas/Vince have to go in next week right??

Zack ain't no CT. whoever faces him has the advantage.

Why don't they ever vote in aneesa? KA will be missed :smh:

Nah, Zack's elimination failures have been a DQ (breaking the glass out of turn) and the apparent inability to swing a hammer, which could happen to anyone. If it involves actually running into people, he's a beast. The only person who ever countered him was CJ that one time in Hall Brawl. Zack falls apart in final challenges because he's too top heavy.
Anthony is such a clown :lol:
Bananas/Vince have to go in next week right??

Zack ain't no CT. whoever faces him has the advantage.

Why don't they ever vote in aneesa? KA will be missed :smh:

Nah, Zack's elimination failures have been a DQ (breaking the glass out of turn) and the apparent inability to swing a hammer, which could happen to anyone. If it involves actually running into people, he's a beast. The only person who ever countered him was CJ that one time in Hall Brawl. Zack falls apart in final challenges because he's too top heavy.

Zack nearly killed someone in that Oklahoma drill elimination. Ran straight through some dude.
He is a big dude. Challenges where you run into someone should be advantages for him.
Get low and it's over for Zack.
Basically, I bet by the 2nd round of going low he'd be complaining about his legs hurt and just quit.

He's the typical dude to act tough but when actually going through does not have the endurance to see it through to the end. Then tell ppl you don't know what kind of pain I was going through.
Haha I mean he almost made the NFL. For all the criticism he's one of the more elite if not the most elite athlete to ever be on the challenge.
dang im late on ANOTHER challenge. Hope the eps are on xfinity.

edit, dang it starts at ep 3
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Ya'll are buggin about Zach. Zach is just dumb, but he's a hell of a competitor

It was good to see CT.

Diem's little sister looked pretty cute.

Vince is annoying. It seems like people are scared to actually vote Johnny in.
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If I was going on this show, Johnny would be the first person I would want off before anyone else
Haha I mean he almost made the NFL. For all the criticism he's one of the more elite if not the most elite athlete to ever be on the challenge.

Sources? Dude stays getting gassed in the challenge. Pure meat head.
I think he had a tryout for an NFL team, but that's it. He didn't "almost make it".
Raw strength goes to CT.

He moved some 400 or 500 lb stone by himself whereas it took Kenny, wes, johnny, that pale white kid who is banned from the show, tj, and adam to move it.

I'm still salty Kellyanne is gone. Her old catcher mitts face looks pretty aesthetic to me.
Kellyanne's face looked different in every scene. Would still love her though.

I know cramps can happen to anyone but when zach was cramping up bad in one of the finals and laurel was attached to him and yelling at him it looked so emasculating.
For someone that's often touted for gamesmanship, John isn't the sharpest tool in the shed. If the votes are set, saying Nany and KellyAnne's names only weakens your alliance(s)/relationships for future Challenges.
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