MTVs Real World vol Trail Blazing

Lol where did nia get a cell phone from. Not gunna lie the keep ur hand in ur pocket was funny but crossed the line. **** I would of ethered her jaw strong as ****
Nias def corny but I don't mind her.

My only issue with her is how she acts at work. But they wouldn't send her to one of the other places because they need her and Jordan in the same place.

Females don't realize when they try to play fight/wrestle guys going at 25% is still gonna feel "rough" to them.

Nia petty/spiteful like a typical chick (not sure if I believe the rape thing)

Jordan is those things and he actual issues...starts with the hand, his crazy dad and his package. He gave the sob story to the chick he just met, avoiding yambs like the plague and he mentioned trying to kill himself. His facade is falling apart...Nia made it happened what she planned to do.

Marlon is simping on Nia then talking about he's not having sex in the house because of his religion :lol: :stoneface: I'm mad Jordan didn't call him out on that bs. Hopefully Nia calls his bluff.
Don't eem think Anastasia gonna do anything ALL season. Then she'll be on the challenges for some reason :smh:


they dont want to kill of real world and the challenge in the same year do they?
hope not.
Lol where did nia get a cell phone from. Not gunna lie the keep ur hand in ur pocket was funny but crossed the line. **** I would of ethered her jaw strong as ****
How was that funny? Nia was lame as hell for some of the stuff she was saying.

Jordan is a d-bag but Nia's behavior has been uncalled for. I thought she would be a funny addition to the cast at first, but all she's been doing is acting out and showing her emotional baggage from being raped.

MTV won by casting Nia. Always gotta find an ignorant black person who will make a fool of themselves on TV.. it's a staple.

Marlon is simping on Nia then talking about he's not having sex in the house because of his religion :lol: :stoneface: I'm mad Jordan didn't call him out on that bs. Hopefully Nia calls his bluff.
Smh, noticed this too..

Marlon was openly trying to pull broads in the first few eps. Now all of a sudden he's a born-again Christian after Nia denies him the P. Okay bruh. Looks like he's playing captain in the next episode too. I thought he was gonna join the cool black RW'ers list but that **** is revoked.. simping harder than Will w/ the dreads from RW Hollywood :smh:
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watched this morning the whole thing after she went to bed was hilarious and so typical, she did all that stuff to him and when he did basically the same thing she wanted to get all mad
funny how they are mad at jordan for being better than them in like everything nia resorting to insulting his hand smh
Jordan isn't better at anything though :lol:

As far as being a competitor he is. That fool would challenge Daisy to a race.

If Marlon didn't mention it I would have never guessed he was an athlete of any sort let alone D1 linebacker
Jordan is a d-bag but Nia's behavior has been uncalled for. I thought she would be a funny addition to the cast at first, but all she's been doing is acting out and showing her emotional baggage from being raped.
I don't believe for a second that she was ever raped. I don't believe anything she says. She's probably broke, living in her parents' basement, never slept with any professional athletes, and so on.
I don't believe for a second that she was ever raped. I don't believe anything she says. She's probably broke, living in her parents' basement, never slept with any professional athletes, and so on.

Now I'm not saying she's a gold digger, but she aint messing with no broke *****.

View media item 393124

funny how they are mad at jordan for being better than them in like everything nia resorting to insulting his hand smh

She was low-blowing him about his arm all show, ish wasnt cool man :smh:
Nia was wrong for making fun of Jordans hand that's a disability he's insecure about, then bringing up his small package, then stealing money from his wallet, as well as messing with him all night when he was at the computer and then when he was trying to sleep.

But when he makes the monkey movements he gets called the devil by the roommates. He's always being blamed for starting stuff.
She just has a lot of growing up to do.

I actually felt bad for dude when he was saying he didn't want surgery to repair his hand. Not felt bad, but just felt for him.
He's always being blamed for starting stuff.

Um he usually does...Jordan was trolling Jessica, Bird and Johnny when he drinks.

Main difference is Nia premeditated with it and she's willing to stoop lower. So she has the clear advantage.

Chick said she was gonna come in there and act a fool...(yall loved the previews) now she's doing too much and yall don't like it :rolleyes

I bet if she split his head open with that lamp yall would have love it :lol:
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I actually felt bad for dude when he was saying he didn't want surgery to repair his hand. Not felt bad, but just felt for him.

His dad is the real problem though. Dude said he would fell like a quitter because of the surgery...that's nothing but his pops talking

The way he raised helped him overcome physical limitations but it ****** him up mentally/socially
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Nia was antagonizing this dude all night, then wants to turn around and play victim.

Jordan was out of line for doing those monkey/ape mannerisms though.

Right. Women get killed playing with a man's ego like that.

The ape mocking doesn't surprise me.
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Nia is advertising SOOO hard throughout this season. She's showing her body any chance she gets.

She's really campaigning for a ball player.

And I'll bet you a hunnit dollas she'll have somewhat of a modeling career after this if she tightens her body up a little.

She's a hustler and she knows what she's doing, I'll give her that.

She a ATLien too.

Wait... I just got to then end of the episode, and um.... This chick bananas. So is Jordan. And ftr, I don't think Jordan is racist. I think he just knows how to get under people skin, and he knew it would get to her.
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Lol where did nia get a cell phone from. Not gunna lie the keep ur hand in ur pocket was funny but crossed the line. **** I would of ethered her jaw strong as ****
Sorry but this nia chick does nothing for me
Just a typical bird
If you go back to the first episode, they show Nia in the preview, but nobody ever noticed she didn't was missing when the season started. That was a pretty big spoiler :lol:
He seriously seems dumb enough to possibly not know that was racist.

But at the same time, he's just doing it to cut her down to her deepest since nothing else was working.
Nah son... he knew what he was doing. "You gon get yur GAT?" 

Monkey jokes were real.

She's in the complete wrong provoking him, finger jokes, pouring alcohol in my dudes bed. These **** be acting up

But the monkey noises....those monkey noises rustled my jimmies ever so slightly
View media item 393527

Nah son... he knew what he was doing. "You gon get yur GAT?" 

Monkey jokes were real.

She's in the complete wrong provoking him, finger jokes, pouring alcohol in my dudes bed. These **** be acting up

But the monkey noises....those monkey noises rustled my jimmies ever so slightly

Oh well. What else he really gonna do to piss her off
Don't eem think Anastasia gonna do anything ALL season. Then she'll be on the challenges for some reason :smh:

they dont want to kill of real world and the challenge in the same year do they?
hope not.[/quote]
I got bad news for you brahs

[quote="ATLien Seeko, post: 17811032"]If you go back to the first episode, they show Nia in the preview, but nobody ever noticed she didn't was missing when the season started. That was a pretty big spoiler :lol[/quote]
After first episode aired, everyone in here was like wheres the black chick lol? All they did was hint at them getting a new cast member, and we all wanted to know how/why someone leaves (fight? kicked out? emotional breakdown?), and then we get the lamest going home excuse ever from Joi. MTV with there 24/7 letdowns.

This episode, w/e. They edit so much you don't even see what is going on. Nia followed Jordan's room and he never once seemed like he wanted her to leave. She was annoying the hell out of him no doubt, but Jordan was at one point trying to grab her *** it seemed, thinking he might be getting some. She mentioned something about him choking her or something and that's why when she left she was like your going home now.(dunno why they didn't show that). And from all the editing, you really can't tell if Jordan came right into her room right after that, or if it was hours later when she was asleep. Unlike Jordan she was from the getgo saying get the hell out, which basically let Jordan know he could get under her skin. Apparently he wasn't just making monkey noises either, he straight up called her a monkey [b][i]ninja[/i][/b].

Either way, no way in hell would I want to be friends with either of theses psychos. The way everyone hates Jordan now, I won't be surprised if everyone hates Nia at end of it all too.
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Don't eem think Anastasia gonna do anything ALL season. Then she'll be on the challenges for some reason :smh:

they dont want to kill of real world and the challenge in the same year do they?
hope not.[/quote]
I got bad news for you brahs

[Spoiler=Actual Spoiler]:| :|
:{ the entire female cast :| :{ :|
the two weakest links from portland? are you effing serious? :{

Heather Cooke tho :evil [/Spoiler]
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