MTV's The Challenge

It's amazing that they've dragged the whole Ex on the Beach thing out for this long. Rather have more AYTO seasons with unknowns.
New trailer is expected soon and I've heard rumors new season could start as soon as next month.
It's amazing that they've dragged the whole Ex on the Beach thing out for this long. Rather have more AYTO seasons with unknowns.
It’s a way to keep their roster engaged and active. It’s another revenue stream that incentivizes them working full time as reality stars and let’s MTV keep them under contract. Also another way to keep them fresh in our minds before throwing them on other shows and draws in stars and fans of other shows like Big Brother and the Bachelor.
Can’t wait. Nice twist that you have to win an elimination to make the final. Too bad cara isn’t on this season after not seeing an elimination in a few seasons lol.
Cannot wait! Really like that everyone has to win at least one elimination to make the final. Interested to see how the matchups play out. Not familiar with any of the new cast but Jennifer Lee looking amazing.
I’m liking the “to make the final you have to win an elimination” rule change. The politics were getting annoying.
Kind of interesting that Kam, Leroy, and US' team four runner ups (Cara, Paulie, Ninja and Zach) aren't on this season.

Also think they decided not to do a trilogy and this season is meant to stand on its own. Good to see Nelson and Cory back, they always bring the lulz many times unintentionally.
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