MTV's The Challenge

Dont take much for Leroy to get Kam pregnant :lol:

This is assuming they'll offer Leroy 50k.

Especially with the way they're having less and less RW and Challenge members on the show and putting more and more reality stars from other shows.

They would. The show is raking in money right now. I think the max appearance fee is $80K. Leroy can absolutely demand $50K and get it.
They would. The show is raking in money right now. I think the max appearance fee is $80K. Leroy can absolutely demand $50K and get it.
Again, this is assuming they'd want Leroy cuz its clear they don't need him. Also pretty sure if he made a demand there'd be less desire to bring him back. Its really not about if they have the money.

When you look at how they promote this show and how it strives on drama and competition unfortunately it's not like Leroy brings a lot of either. This is not like with Wes leaving for so long to focus on his career until they started paying him more to come back cuz dude is a big draw.
I thought the max fee was only like 8k damn

I mean, I could have read it wrong, but I know Landon won't do the show unless the compensation is equivalent to what he'd make at his job over the course of filming a full season (regardless if he makes it to the final or not). Filming is typically about two months. If he's making a six-figure salary, then his appearance fee is easily in the five digit range. And, he hasn't even been on the show in over a decade. CT is a bona fide reality TV star. Bananas is a reality star, a TV show host, etc. They can command a lot more than Landon.

I know entry level appearance fees are a few thousand dollars.
Kam is 26...Leroy 35. I heard most the family and settling down talk from him. And if she's still going to be making appearances, that leaves a wide margin for **** to change. I'd hope Leroy came back just cause, but I say odds are better he comes back than not at this point.

I don't know what Leroy does other than cut hair now, but if he really wants to be done, hopefully he has something in the works to capitalize on the relative fame he has...

Which reminds me of always trying to tell myself I should've auditioned for the RW in my early 20s like I wanted to. A lot of these folks parlayed a show into the challenge then into opportunity elsewhere as a career...I was just scared that my mom would be watching...that's my excuse. :lol:

You should've done IT Lenny.

Could've shouted out the NT Challenge peeps and parlayed that into a All Stars appearance. :lol: :nthat:
I knew Bananas, CT and Wes were likely making over 50k just to show up but 80k?!?! I'd definitely do that 2x a year plus some side gigs in the off time. Seems like Wes built up his businesses before he returned, CT is the people's champ and Bananas has made a career off appearance fees and reward money plus his First Take gig.

Wonder how much others like Leroy, Aneesa and Nany are making just to appear?? I'd guess somewhere south of 40k.
Good thing trash Trishelle is out on All Stars

Man does Arissa looks unhealthy. Does she have kids? Got that old smoker sunken in look to her face and body. Like Tek looks a bit healthier than her :lol: She got angry quick when screwed over.

Jisela looks so thick 🔥

:rofl: @ Two spitting on the block of ice.

How this ice block challenge more pornographic than the first go around? :lol:

Soundtrack is just beyond dopeness.

:rofl: @ Nehemiah and Jemmye.

:rofl: @ these old grudges.

The peppers added to this elimination was OD.
Arissas arms look like straight bones wrapped in skin. I said it before but she does not look well. Apparently she went on some rant on Twitter last night about people in the house stealing her gluten free food. I’m gonna say she doesn’t have a gluten issue but an anorexia issue. She needs help.
Just watched the final... CT def the goat. That was a dominant performance by the two of them. They won ever single possible competition in the final.

Also, ct doing that math was a thing a beauty. He smoked that.
Backtracking....Kam in that damn red outfit
That ice block challenge on All Star was way more pornographic than the OG. :lol:

That little RW Vegas flashback clip they played during Alton's confessional shows how bad Arissa looks now.

Hope she gets some help.
I got CT over Bananas. Still think both are on the Mt Rushmore of all-time. Sad to see LeRoy go. Really wanted him to get one.

Someone else mentioned it but Nany picking Kyle pretty much changed the game.
Season 37 production had to be delayed due to a break in Covid protocols (not sure if a cast/staff member tested positive or what) and I guess they are making them quarantine again while they figure it out. Have also heard rumors some cast may leave as they won't want to be away from home/family etc longer.

In other news we are getting a 2 part reunion starting tomorrow...
So what was the joke with Devon and Kyle wearing that white polo shirt with the chain in the confessionals, I missed it?
The reunion pt.1 focused waaay too much on Fessy. With seasons so long I had almost forgot Wes was on (probably would have entirely if not for that time CT threw the shoe at him) along with Nelson and Nicole.
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