MTV's The Challenge

It’s been 3 seasons of this spinoff and they’ve done a purge to get the Finalists everytime

The food eating basketball challenge in Season 1

The swimming chalenge in Season 2

And now twister in Season 3. That was the elimination.
Yeah, I would prefer head to head eliminations or a challenge that knocks out teams in the last 2 spots.

Instead of one team winning an elimination and then they just choose who is going home.
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Final Reckoning Cast Photos



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is that Amanda with Zach?
No Johnny? they saving him and Corey for mercenaries or return guest
Bananas is on the official Day 1 cast. Devin was his partner but his pops passed away, so I assume he missed whenever they to took those official cast pictures
I guess this a good a time as many to mention I met Tori couple weeks ago.
Turns out shorty clocks in hours as a stripper from time to time.

She was pretty cool when I recognized her.
Chopped it up with her for some time. Took a pretty penny from me that night.
It almost looks like players with their rivals paired together except for like a handful and the ppl I don't recognize.
Sylvia Sosa

Sylvia is probably the most useless person to ever be in the challenges, only thing she brings are arguments , and they're not even entertaining ones.
So that is Sylvia with the sexy British dude from last season of the challenge?

Sylvia is so trash!
There's a couple teams missing up there. Tony/Bananas and Ashley/Hunter to be specific.
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I guess this a good a time as many to mention I met Tori couple weeks ago.
Turns out shorty clocks in hours as a stripper from time to time.

She was pretty cool when I recognized her.
Chopped it up with her for some time. Took a pretty penny from me that night.
Do say more...
NYC strip club.
I was drunk af but kicked it with her all night once I locked in on her.

Got her number that night and we texted a few times since then, mostly cause I lost my phone but shorty was cool.

I’m not saying I’m going to smash or that I’ll even try and hit her up next week, but I will say she’s wilding if she thinks she’s heard the last from me.

Shorty def thick though. She looks better in person.
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Team Bios

With the most Challenge wins in history, Bananas hopes to dodge the usual arrows that get fired at the king from all sides. Bananas hasn’t won a season since stealing all the money from his Rivals III partner Sarah – and some might say he’s been cursed.

These two have been at each other’s throats for years, starting on The Challenge: Dirty 30 when Marie actively campaigned against Cara Maria, seeing her as one of her biggest threats. On The Challenge: Vendettas, they tried but failed to work together, and things didn’t improve when Cara Maria also stole Kyle away from Marie. Not content to keep it on the show, they continued their bitter rivalry on Twitter, where they traded jabs continuously. Now these two mortal enemies are going to have to figure out how to work together, but don’t expect it to be smooth.

Challenge Rookies, Kam and Melissa competed on their first season together on The Challenge: Vendettas. While Melissa went around the house flirting with a number of people, Kam with her alliance actively plotted against Melissa. After a drunken night out, Kam lashed out at Melissa, leading to a heated argument, which almost became physical. Will the pair be able to put Vendettas behind them and work as a unit?

Kailah and Kayleigh first competed against each other on The Challenge: Vendettas. Their problems started when rumors flew of Kayleigh and Bananas hooking up. Kailah, in support of her friend and scorned-Bananas-lover Natalie, got together with Britni and Jemmye to throw all of Kayleigh’s belongings over a balcony. Feeling alienated and bullied, Kayleigh decided to quit the game. But their beef continued on Twitter, where they exchanged insults, calling each other weak, delusional, and liars.

Challenge Veterans, CT and Veronica, have competed on their fair share of seasons together. Reuniting on The Challenge: Dirty 30, the pair consistently argued with one another. When CT was given the opportunity, he sent Veronica into elimination, claiming that no one wanted to be on a team with her. After returning from elimination, Veronica earned her revenge by sending CT straight to the Redemption House. Will these two Vets be able to put their differences aside and claim another Challenge victory?

Shane and Nelson competed alongside one another as Underdogs on The Challenge: Invasion of the Champions. Shane made backdoor deals with numerous people on his team and when Nelson caught wind of it, he lashed out at him. Will their history of anger be kicked to the curb to earn each of them their first Challenge win?

Jozea would claim that on Big Brother, Da’Vonne orchestrated his eviction from the game because of a miscommunication, when he actually wanted her to get to the end. However, Da’Vonne insists that she was protecting herself by striking first. Either way, both of them are outspoken, loud and manipulative, and will somehow have to figure out how to bury the hatchet if they’re gonna survive this brutal and unpredictable game.

Sylvia and Joss were initially good friends during his rookie season, The Challenge: Vendettas. That bit Sylvia in the butt when Joss voted her into elimination, leaving her shocked and heartbroken. Sylvia won the elimination, but was sent home due to an illness and she and Joss have yet to bury the hatchet.

These Are You The One alums met while filming Are You The One: Second Chances and came onto The Challenge: Dirty 30 as a couple, attached at the hip. Tori was a strong competitor out of the gate and made it her mission to not only win, but to do it alongside her boyfriend. However, following Derrick’s early exit after an embarrassing elimination, Tori cheated on him with Challenge champ Jordan. Derrick was left both heartbroken and angry, leaving them both on bad terms.

Amanda and Zach were on opposite teams during their first meeting on The Challenge: Invasion of the Champions. When Amanda spread rumors of Zach’s ex-girlfriend and fellow Challenger, Jenna, hooking up with Bruno, Amanda and Zach immediately became enemies. Having never been aligned or on the same team, will they be able to start fresh and work cohesively?

Loudmouth Jemmye and bubbly Jenna were never on one another’s radar, until Jemmye pulled the Double Cross and sent Jenna into elimination against her best friend, Kailah on The Challenge: Dirty 30. Jenna was blindsided by Jemmye’s iconic Challenge backstab that sent her to the Redemption House. Will their contrasting personalities be able to mesh together and lead to a vet win?

Housemates on Big Brother 18, Natalie didn’t like Paulie’s gameplay – he flirted with girls to get their vote. She went on a one-woman campaign to get him evicted. When he got wind of what she was doing, he lashed out, calling her every name in the book. Paulie has no regrets about his comments and they’ve done nothing but bad-mouth each other ever since.

On Ex on the Beach, Angela and Faith got into a huge fight when Faith went on a date with Angela’s man and things got steamy. Faith claims Angela’s man liked her, but Angela thinks Faith violated girl code, an unforgivable sin. Somehow these two will have to leave the past in the past if they’re going to work together, but it will be hard to do when resentment and distrust run deep.

Kyle and Brad met for the first time on The Challenge: Vendettas. The Wild Brit and Challenge Papa were never aligned together, and when Brad utilized his grenade against Kyle, forcing him to sit out of a challenge, Kyle declared that Brad would always be his biggest vendetta. Will these hotheads be able to put their past behind them and work harmoniously together?

Britni and Chuck got hot and heavy on Are You The One? season 3. They were a confirmed “no match” but stuck together and even dated after the show. Britni moved to Hawaii to be with Chuck, but the pair broke up right before Britni left to compete on The Challenge: Vendettas, her second Challenge season. The two have been on bad terms since – will their anger propel them to work together as a competitive pairing?
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This is practically just a season 2 of Vendettas with almost the same cast. Wish they had more variance. Hard to believe all of the cast members from former seasons declined if they were asked. Probably just trying to capitalize on the current beefs, but returning vets from 3-5 years ago plus is what keeps me intetested most. Then again, they probably have real world careers and families by now, making it hard. Seems like only the single people and divorcees are the ones coming back for more.
CT isn't gonna be in this next season? Is he doin the Wes thing now, Champs vs Stars only and sit out the main seasons?
**** this Casper dude. He is such a lame conniving loser to me. Got me looking at JLo sideways.

But son would be the perfect foil on the Challenge. Like dude has Wes potential with how annoying he can be.
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