My dude Biggavelli is DONE!!!! (Sentenced to 75 Years!!!) smh...


-The Juice
75 years?!?! Damn
It sucks to be Max B right now. I wonder how Jim Jones feels about this?

while i do realize he killed two innocent people..

i like his music, and he was always a character in the rap world....

you dont realize max has a shorty, its gonna be hard for both of them to grow up without eachother.

max and his fam will be in my prayers tonight.

so if you wanna call us f'n idiots, eh @!+@ it.

at the end of the day im still gonna bump his music regardless if he is a murderer....
Originally Posted by StarkyL0ve

Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

2 people were killed and you all are shaking your heads for Max B. NTers are f'ing idiots.
-The Juice

the irony

Try again dunce.

@Jose: I feel sorry for his kids. But Max would be a FREE man if he wasn't an idiot. Should he get a pass because NT clowns dig his whack music?
-The Juice
at the end of the day Max did it to himself but its nothing to laught at...he grew up in a life style that he obviously couldnt escape...dudes saying good forhim is outta line thats like laughing at a person who committed suicide
he going to be in jail lookin like this;

he better hide his crack because he going to be yellin like OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWwwwwww
Originally Posted by CharlieContacto

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Originally Posted by khadafi252

maybe it's that i don't understand NT'ers obsession with WACK *** RAPPERS
, but what i don't really understand is why dudes have compassion for this man. i haven't been following the trial much, but did they prove he did it? they must have if his own ex testified against him. and you have compassion??? people were murdered.

note to some nt'ers:

1.) please, please, oh please develop better taste in rap music.
2.) put yourself or your family in the position of the dead folk. would you then want max b free?

NT music forum

there was a thread a few weeks ago that was heavily detailed with the facts of the case.
they didnt prove anything.
If I find the thread, I'll link u

and no Max B aint the best (nowhere near the best) but he did him and was very creative and original.. while everyone is tryin to sound alike to get they sales up Max went another route.



Originally Posted by DavidHustlehoff

Originally Posted by khadafi252

maybe it's that i don't understand NT'ers obsession with WACK *** RAPPERS
, but what i don't really understand is why dudes have compassion for this man. i haven't been following the trial much, but did they prove he did it? they must have if his own ex testified against him. and you have compassion??? people were murdered.

note to some nt'ers:

1.) please, please, oh please develop better taste in rap music.
2.) put yourself or your family in the position of the dead folk. would you then want max b free?

NT music forum

his ex? ooooooooooooooooooooh u mean the +$$!%# that plotted against the two men that were murdered? or you talking about the crackhead that wrote to max and threatend to hurt max's child if he didnt get back with her?perhaps the one that set up the whole thing and tested postitive for exctasy pills and gave up max to get a reduced sentence????

Honestly. I feel that if he gets a decent lawyer for the appeal that he can beat the case. I don't see how a weed smoking, henny drinking, pill popping prostitute's testimony holds up in a trial where someone's life is on the line. Even if it is sworn testimony, people lie under oath all the time. Especially when they're facing life in prison.....

Max wasn't at the scene of the crime...There's no physical evidence linking him to anything....
Everything is based on what the girl said. There is obvious reasonable doubt. I do not know how he even got convicted. That judge/jury must have been doin the same drugs as Max's Ex Girlfriend.

to the bolded...from personal experience, when the DA doesnt have a case (bad investigatin usually) they will do whatevr they can to make a case stick...

i dont want to go in on my personal S!!! but it dont matter who it is,if the wittness supports the outcome the DA needs/wants, a judge will allow it and thedefendant is done.

F!!! Dekalb county police department...
Originally Posted by StarkyL0ve

Originally Posted by red mpls

at cats acting like he didn't have adequate representation. This dude had a lawyer that most people could only dream about having, not some wet-behind-the-ears public defender, and he was still convicted.
I think you should do a lot more research on the case.

And there are two types of idiots in these threads. The one as you noted who runs in screaming "free _______" and the one who comes in laughing who's unaware that regardless of whether the accused is rightfully guilty or not, that this is nothing other than a sad sad situation for both parties.
I've tried but google didn't turn up anything other than Tony Yayo being upset with Max's lawyer for releasing a video speaking on thecase and a few bloggers apparently upset with Max's predicament. The video with Max and his lawyer sure didn't clear anything up- they essentiallyprovided a very subjective account of why Gina Conway, the prosecution's main witness, couldn't be trusted. OK. I'm fairly certain that the videodidn't lose them the trial just like it didn't win it for them. But on the other hand, I don't see how that, or anything else I've seen orheard, is evidence that Gerald Saluti provided Max with less than competent, if not excellent, legal defense. If you have any links that will furtherenlighten me on the case, please feel free to post them...

I agree that there are two types of idiots in this thread. The ones who don't argue Max B's innocence, they just feel sympathy for him and want him tobe freed cause they like his music, and the ones who think he's innocent and there's some kind of conspiracy to lock this clown up. It is indeed avery tragic situation- for the deceased and the families on both sides, but not for the convicted.
Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by StarkyL0ve

Originally Posted by red mpls

at cats acting like he didn't have adequate representation. This dude had a lawyer that most people could only dream about having, not some wet-behind-the-ears public defender, and he was still convicted.
I think you should do a lot more research on the case.

And there are two types of idiots in these threads. The one as you noted who runs in screaming "free _______" and the one who comes in laughing who's unaware that regardless of whether the accused is rightfully guilty or not, that this is nothing other than a sad sad situation for both parties.
I've tried but google didn't turn up anything other than Tony Yayo being upset with Max's lawyer for releasing a video speaking on the case and a few bloggers apparently upset with Max's predicament. The video with Max and his lawyer sure didn't clear anything up- they essentially provided a very subjective account of why Gina Conway, the prosecution's main witness, couldn't be trusted. OK. I'm fairly certain that the video didn't lose them the trial just like it didn't win it for them. But on the other hand, I don't see how that, or anything else I've seen or heard, is evidence that Gerald Saluti provided Max with less than competent, if not excellent, legal defense. If you have any links that will further enlighten me on the case, please feel free to post them...

I agree that there are two types of idiots in this thread. The ones who don't argue Max B's innocence, they just feel sympathy for him and want him to be freed cause they like his music, and the ones who think he's innocent and there's some kind of conspiracy to lock this clown up. It is indeed a very tragic situation- for the deceased and the families on both sides, but not for the convicted.

I'm not agreeing with anything he did, my thing is with all that was going on and the buzz he was getting, why throw that away for the streets..smh
R.I.P. to the victim

with that said

I HATED this dude

"You not wavy son, OOOOOooow"
He sounded so annoying"Gucci bucket hats is wavy, $500 chains is wavy"
He did it tohimself too smh



The sky was crystal clear on the morning of June 9th, 2009 in Hackensack, New Jersey. With an entourage including his lawyer and a camera crew, CharlyWingate, a.k.a. Max B, confidently strode through the parking lot of the Bergen County Courthouse. As he approached the fortress-like building he told thecamera that he'd be found innocent and leave a free man. His attorney, Gerald Saluti, bragged about his cross-examination of the state's star witnessand was pretty sure of a victory. The mood in Max's camp was extremely optimistic as they walked towards the courthouse's thick stone walls.

But the wave that Charly Wingate had been riding would abruptly knock him over that morning. In the Hackensack courtroom of Judge Harry G. Carroll, Max wouldbe found guilty and possibly spend the rest of his days in a New Jersey prison. Like most other court proceedings it was mundane, almost boring. Judge Carrollread the charges and the jury's forewoman replied "guilty" to nearly every one. Then the jury was polled and they all agreed that Max and hisstepbrother, Kelvin Leerdam, had planned a crime that resulted in one David R. Taylor II losing his life. The jury exited, Max and his lawyers embraced, and astoic Mr. Wingate kept his composure as he was placed in handcuffs, unlikely to be a free man ever again.

On January 18, 2005, Inmate 97A2823, a.k.a. Charly Wingate, walked out of the Oneida Correctional Facility a free man. He had "maxed out", no punintended, on an eight-year bid for robbery in the 1st degree. It would appear that Max came out determined to make up for lost time. How he got involved withDiplomats "capo" Jim Jones is anybody's guess, but Max certainly must have made an impression. Seven months after his release from prison, therapper/singer was heavily featured on Jones' second solo album Harlem: Diary of a Summer. In fact, the lead single"Baby Girl" was co-written by Max and got fairly significant radio play, considering the independent nature of the release.


Whatever else one might say about Joseph Guillermo Jones, a.k.a. Jim "Capo" Jones, no one could say that he is a man who would let an opportunitypass him by. Having started his career as a hypeman for his friend, Harlem rapper Cam'ron, Jones did not hesitate to walk through the doors Cam opened forhim. Along with another Cam'ron protégé, Juelz Santana, they formed The Diplomats-once Cam'ron strong-armed his way out of a bad record deal withSony/Epic. Almost immediately Cam signed with Rocafella Records, through his long time affiliation with Rocafella co-founder Damon Dash, and the Harlemgroup's debut went platinum. Jones had bigger plans though. When the majors weren't interested, he launched his solo career through indie label Koch(now d.b.a. E1) Records. His first album sold surprisingly well, but Jones was still mostly known for being Cam'ron's sidekick. It was not until hebegan working with Max B that Jones would come within striking distance of the level of wealth and fame he so clearly wanted.


This complex, interwoven tale starts in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Baltimore native Gina Marie Conway was living in North Carolina in 2005 with hercommon-law husband of nearly ten years. She was a huge fan of the Diplomats, the Harlem-based rap crew fronted by Cam'ron, Jim Jones, and Juelz Santana.Her admiration for 'Dipset' was evident in the amount of time she spent in chat rooms singing their praises. Ms. Conway had to have been thrilled whenshe heard that the Dipset was to perform a show in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. The fact that she was able to get a backstage pass to the show no doubt addedto her elation. This excitement was tempered when she realized that she would not be meeting Cam or Juelz, as the show was headlined by Jim Jones. Disappointedabout not meeting her rap idols, Ms. Conway did take the time to introduce herself to the Diplomats that were there. Among the performers she interacted withwas Charly Wingate, a.k.a Max B. While she would claim later in court that she only talked to him in order to smoke his weed, Gina and Max's relationshipwould end up being something neither party would soon forget.


It was only about a month after this initial meeting that Max convinced Gina to move to New York to live with him. So she packed her life up and left her"husband" in North Carolina to cohabitate with Max at his residence at 1950 Andrews Ave. in the Bronx. By all accounts it was a sordid affair. Maxwas busy getting his rap career together while Gina was plying her trade as an exotic dancer at the Bronx gentleman's club Sin City. Neither of theseprofessions makes monogamy easy, and beyond that, neither person seemed like the marrying type, a fact that came up repeatedly in the trial. With variousboyfriends and girlfriends in the picture, this initial arrangement did not last long. About six months after moving in, Gina and Max parted ways. Ginareturned to her native Baltimore to live with family.


[font=arial,sans-serif][size=-1]Gina Conway[/size][/font]

This first break-up was only the beginning of end for this couple. After a few months apart Max was once again able to convince Gina to move back to New Yorkto live with him. But this time there was one small caveat. Max was now living with another woman, by the name of China. But as we would find out, Gina is anopen-minded woman, so this fact did not deter her. She jumped at the chance to join Mr. Wingate's harem. While the exact arrangements aren't clear,both women considered themselves to be Max's girlfriend and didn't mind the presence of the other-or the various other women that he dealt with.


Like all good things Gina and Max's second act did not last. China, a woman so striking that Saluti prefaced her every mention in court with that fact,became pregnant with Max's child. Max and China thought that Gina should no longer live with them, so Ms. Conway was forcibly thrown out of the apartment.At this time, it is about a month before David Taylor's death.

But again the story of these two lovers did not end there. Gina was determined to stay in New York and carve out her niche in Harlem World. In August of 2006she moved in with one Michael "Murda Mike" Wingate at 480 St. Nicholas Ave. Murda Mike is one of Max's Brothers. Also living there at the timewas Max's Uncle Hassan, and one of Mike's girlfriends. The fact that she lived with people related to Max says a lot about Gina. She still had verystrong feelings for Max; she still called herself his girlfriend and saw him on a daily basis. Despite their rocky relationship the two remained very active ineach other's lives.

At this point in her life Gina seemed very driven to remain in New York. The life she always wanted was starting to become a reality in her mind. But New Yorkis an expensive town, even if one doesn't have a 4-6 pill per day Ecstasy habit like the one Ms. Conway was allegedly nursing. In order to support heraddiction and establish herself in the NY, Gina supplemented her dancing income by pushing coke for Uncle Hassan. It became clear that Ms. Conway would be downfor just about anything that would help her stay in NY and remain in Max's life.



Early 2006 was the calm before the storm for Charly "Max B" Wingate, in more ways than one. We can only assume that having gone from prison inmate tosomewhat successful rapper/ghostwriter/hook specialist in only one year must have been a nice turnaround. But at the same time, Max was thirsty for thelimelight, and in the grand scheme of things, he was still just the sidekick of a sidekick. While the rapper was undoubtedly getting some money from Jim,clearly in Max's mind it was not enough-unsurprising given his appreciation for the finer things in life. Still, Charly was heavily involved in working onJones' forthcoming album and had snagged an attention-grabbing feature on the chorus of a Cam'ron song attacking Jay-Z, called "You Gotta LoveIt." The song was getting spins due to the controversial subject matter and Max's slurred sing-song flow stood out; people began to mention his name.Jim Jones also paired him with the Byrdgang, a crew of street-rappers that Jones was trying to form into a new wing of the Diplomats movement. Things seemed tobe headed in the right direction.


The seeds to this crime were first planted in April 2006, when a man who would cross Gina's path began making money hand over fist. According to courtdocuments, this was when Allen "Jay" Plowden first began his mortgage and mail fraud scheme. Using the name of a fictitious closing agent, Harrisonand Associates, Plowden received a loan from Novastar Mortgage in the amount of $300,000. The proceeds were then wired to an account in a California bank heldby Virtual Automated Technologies. VAT, as it's called, produces stored value cards, SVCs, which function like ATM cards but are pre-paid through VAT, notlinked to a bank account. Plowden, via Harrison and Associates, had these cards sent to a mailing address in Atlanta. From April 9th to April 12th, the fundsthat Novastar mortgaged to "Harrison and Associates" were withdrawn through numerous ATM transactions.


Emboldened by the success of his first scam, Plowden sought to do it again. This time he upped the ante significantly. Court documents allege that in August of2006, another fake company, "Williams and Associates" applied for a home loan from Countrywide Financial. This time Plowden struck it rich, obtaininga loan worth $1,426,769.62. On August 10th this money was wired to United Community Bank. Four days later the funds were wired to Vida Mejor, a subcontractorof Virtual Money, Inc, who issued SVCs paid for with the proceeds of this loan. On the 17th the cards linked to this "virtual money" were mailed toan address in Bethesda, Maryland. Over the course of the next week this money, like the money from the Novastar loan, was made available to Plowden vianumerous ATM withdrawals.


Despite the attentions spent on this case, exactly what David Taylor's role was in Plowden's scheme, and his past in general, remain murky-at least inthe documents and testimony COOL'EH was able to procure. What we do know is that in death, Taylor was found in possession of a falsified passport and othermaterials related to the mortgage scam his partner was running. It seems safe to assume his association with Plowden must be connected to the fact that bothmen are from Florida. Whatever their past was, once they began making the rounds in New York City, Plowden and Taylor stuck close together.


Getting the money turned out to be the easy part of Jay Plowden's scheme; holding onto it would prove to be an entirely different matter. Like the suitcasein Pulp Fiction, Plowden's bags of money would attract problems from all directions. While he was orchestrating the withdrawal of his cake, Plowden andTaylor met with an individual who, unbeknownst to them, was actually an undercover FBI agent. According to the numerous conversations that were recorded onthat day, August 16, 2006, Plowden was seeking to launder large amounts of the cash. The U.S. Attorney's office was unwilling to discuss how the FBIidentified the two men or the details of how they were lured into this money-laundering sting, but we do know that Taylor and Plowden revealed that they gotthe money through ATM withdrawals, and agreed to the undercover agents' fee for washing the loot.


The two men continued to attract attention-attention that would cost Jay Plowden his freedom and David Taylor, much more. At some point after arriving in NewYork City, and during the months before the Bergen County robbery, the two out-of-towners frequented a motor vehicle accessory business in the Bronx. It wasthere that they met Julio Cruz and Edward Blancaneaux, two New Jersey residents who are referred to in the U.S. Attorney's charging documents as "thecar thieves." Plowden was allegedly at the "rim shop," in words of Kevin Leerdam's attorney Jennifer Bonjean, "to get his Mercedes Benztricked out." While Bonjean believes that they may have had other illicit business with Plowden and Taylor, all we know for sure is that the two Dominicanmen eventually introduced Plowden and Taylor to two women, Maite Castro and Gisselle Nieves. It would appear that the purpose of the introduction was of anamorous nature. Whether the two women were indeed prostitutes or merely posing as such is hard to assess, but we do know that they were soon conspiring withCruz and Blancaneaux to rob the two Floridians.

Amazingly, Plowden was not done making bad decisions or making new friends. Around the time of the meeting with the supposed money launderer, Jay Plowden wouldhave another fateful encounter. Gina Conway was standing on the corner of 126th and Lexington on September 20, 2006, waiting to be picked up by Max. Plowdenwas also on that corner, sitting in his white 2007 Mercedes-Benz S55. Conway would later recall in court that she felt like something shady was going on in thecar. Other unknown males were in the car with him and she thought some sort of black market transaction was going down. But Jay saw something he liked in Gina,and approached her. By this point Max had told Gina he couldn't pick her up and in her own words she "had nothing better to do."


Undeterred by his shadiness, or perhaps more impressed with his vehicle, Gina got in Jay's car. Their first stop that night was a bar. While there, Ginanoticed Jay talking to another sketchy character, a man referred to in court as "G-Head." Ms. Conway would later share that, again, she felt like hernew friend was into something illegal. But that did not stop her from putting her number in one of Mr. Plowden's phones.

After a few drinks the two got back in the Benz. Gina claimed that she told Mr. Plowden to take her to her job at the strip club Sin City. But he had otherideas, and made a beeline for a motel in Mahwah, New Jersey. According to testimony "Jay" was very aggressive in his romantic approach to Ms. Conway.His fruitless "courting" was so forward that when she left, he felt obliged to give her money as a way to make amends. By this point Gina wasstarting to notice the stacks of cash that her new friend had. Gina returned to city around 4 that morning. She shared some of her cash with Max, a commonpractice as she claimed he was broke and always "took" money from her, then headed to Sin City. There she waited for a new romantic partner/Sin Citybouncer, Turon Gholston, to get off work. The couple made a rendezvous at a seedy uptown motel before going their separate ways.


September 21st, 2006, was the beginning of the end for this circle of Harlem hustlers. The scenario started when Allan "Jay" Plowden calledGina. He wanted to further apologize for his actions the last time they met by taking her shopping. Once again showing a severe lapse in judgment, despite thefact that this man had almost raped her, Conway agreed to meet and told him where she lived. When she got in the white Mercedes she began to fathom the sheerabundance of Plowden's ill-gotten revenue. He had a black bag stuffed with thousands of dollars and she saw large amounts of cash stashed in the car'sglove box and center console. Jay was going to put all that money to good use in the form of a shopping trip to one of Jersey's more expensive malls,Paramus Park.


The trip to the mall was not unlike Michael Jackson's shopping spree in the documentary Living with Michael Jackson. Money was no object, and Jay made thatabundantly clear. He purchased everything that he and Gina wanted. Money was so far from his mind that on more than one occasion he forgot to take his blackbag of cash with him. All sorts of cash register bells and whistles had to be going off in Gina's head at this point.

The two left the mall and headed for a Holiday Inn on Route 4 in Fort Lee, New Jersey. Mr. Plowden checked in, had the Benz valet parked, and his luggageportaged. For some strange-and fateful-reason he gave Ms. Conway a keycard to the room so she could use the bathroom without having to wait on him. Jay took ashower and emerged, seemingly ready for Gina to "pay him back" for his generous nature at the mall. According to Gina, this did not happen and Jaydecided it best that she head back to the city, as he had a long night of clubbing ahead of him.


At this point events become complicated. Attorneys for Mr. Wingate and his co-defendant/stepbrother Kelvin Leerdam cast doubt on events as Ms. Conway recalledthem, without providing much of an alternate narrative. What follows is largely based on her testimony.

Gina met up with Max at the basketball courts at the Lincoln Houses, a housing project on 132nd St. between Fifth and Madison Avenues. Max was upset that shehad been out of touch and demanded to know where she had been. In an attempt to make him jealous Gina told him about Jay and his fancy Benz and the bottomlesscash he had on hand. As luck would have it Gina went in her purse for a lighter and found the keycard Jay had given her. She also shared with Max that Jaywould not be in the room for a while as he was out clubbing. This prompted Max to make a comment, according to Gina, along the lines of "getting this dudefor his guap." One of the trial's lighter moments occurred when Conway explained to Bonjean, Kelvin Leerdam's lawyer, the meaning of guap.

Subsequently, Gina went with her and Max's mutual friend, Chinchilla, to get some E pills. Ironically her pill spot was on the same corner where she hadmet Mr. Plowden. She returned to Max around midnight on what is now the twenty-second of September 2006. She took one of her four to six E pills and imbibedsome Hennessey with the crew as they watched the games. Around this time Leerdam, a.k.a. Sims, was summoned by his stepbrother and soon arrived at thebasketball courts. Gina would testify that Max said if she took Leerdam to the hotel room, he would love her forever. Since she had the keycard and Plowden wasthought to be out of the room, it was to be a simple burglary. She would jump at the chance to earn Mr. Wingate's undying affection.


Gina recalled that Charly Wingate's next move was to call a cab driver he frequently employed, one Mamdou Gbenga. Mr. Leerdam and Ms. Conway then piledinto the Lincoln Navigator and headed for the Holiday Inn on Route 4 where Plowden and his partner in crime, David Taylor where staying. All the pills anddrinks fogged Gina's sense of direction, making what should have been a quick cab ride into a two-hour sojourn. The trio rode all over the upperNortheastern corner of New Jersey, even venturing across the state line into lower New York. This wasted time proved to be a costly error, as it allowed Mr.Plowden time to return from the club.

When the Navigator finally made it to the right hotel, Mr. Leerdam had the driver pull into a side parking lot and told him they'd be right back. She wentinside with Leerdam and proceeded to room 408, where Plowden was staying. They were unable to open the door because of a problem with the keycard, so Ginaclaimed that Sims (as Leerdam was known to her) told her to call Jay's phone. They heard it ringing, confirming he was in the room but were undeterred.Leerdam came prepared, bringing with him a handgun, gloves, and duct tape just in case.


Gina knocked on the door and was greeted by Giselle Nieves. Unbeknownst to them, Ms. Nieves was there as part of a plan to obtain the Plowden and Taylor'scar keys in order to abscond with the luxury vehicles (In addition to Mr. Plowden's Benz, Mr. Taylor had purchased a 2007 BMW 750). Kelvin Leerdam burstfrom behind Gina Conway brandishing his pistol. With Jay still sound asleep, Mr. Leerdam kept a gun trained on Ms. Nieves while she and Ms. Conway searched theroom for the cash. It is believed that at this time Ms. Conway filled a Louis Vuitton duffle bag with the valuables she did find, clothes, jewelry, and alaptop used by Jay in his various fraudulent schemes. Gina maintained that during this time she tried to comfort her visibly distraught captive, Ms. Nieves.Angered about not finding the cash, Mr. Leerdam confined their hostage to the bathroom and told Gina to wake up the man she knew as "Jay."

Jay was woken and bound with duct tape. At Max's trial Plowden testified that he refused to acknowledge the presence of any cash in the room and told hisassailants that his partner, David Taylor had the money. According to his testimony, they demanded that he call Mr. Taylor-who was in a room on a differentfloor with Maite Castro-and tell him to bring the cash to the room. Mr. Taylor, who was about six foot four inches tall and weighed about 270 pounds enteredroom 408, only to have a gun jammed in his face. Apparently he reacted instinctively and struggled with Mr. Leerdam, himself a big guy, before being shot inthe face. However, according to all available testimony, Taylor did not bring any significant amount of money up to the room. In the version of events suppliedby the survivors Plowden had removed a few hundred dollars from his main stash and secured it under the mattress. Conway and Leerdam allegedly took this money,along with the aforementioned designer luggage, jewelry, and laptop. Gina would later testify that she took cash from the dead man's pockets butcouldn't stand to take the watch off his wrist, a task more to Mr. Leerdam's temperament. At the end of the day, it was this relative pittance that thestate contends Leerdam and Conway were forced to abscond with after inadvertently killing David Taylor.

Accorfing to her own testimony, upon returning to Manhattan, Gina did not meet up with Max B. This seems counterintuitive since her entire story is based onthe fact that Mr. Wingate planned and put her up to this robbery. Instead of bringing her bag of goodies to him, a man she loved who told her he would love herforever if she pulled this heist off, she sought out her new flame, Turon Gholston. The two met up at Sin City and returned to Gholston's place inBloomfield, NJ. When they got there Gina gave him some of the items from room 408, including clothes and the laptop. This is interesting to note due to thesize of the men involved. Mr. Gholston and Mr. Plowden are similar in size, with both men being about six feet tall. Max B, for lack of a better term, is quitediminutive, topping out at about 5' 7" and weighing around 140 pounds. Why Gina would take the clothes of a much bigger man if they were to be givento Max is unknown. From there Gina went to the apartment of "Murda Mike" Wingate, where she stashed the LV duffle bag and its remaining contents.Charly Wingate never received any property or cash that had been taken from room 408 the night David Taylor was killed.


As it turned out, "Jay" Plowden's thirty grand had been in the room all along, hidden under the plastic liner in the trashcan. But instead offleeing the scene of the crime or calling the police, his behavior after the robbers left was inexplicable. On the stand, Plowden claimed that he freed himselfand attempted to chase Conway and Leerdam. A motel employee stated that he saw a partially clad Plowden behaving suspiciously in the hallway and that Plowdentold him to call the police. The police arrived to find Allan barricaded in his room with Ms. Nieves and the corpse of Mr. Taylor. He eventually came out ofthe room and was detained by the Fort Lee police.

Things certainly did not look good for Plowden. Taylor's dead body and tens of thousands of dollars in ill-gotten cash had been found in his room. As itturns out, the items he was missing would prove to be his undoing. The Toshiba laptop and thumb drive, which were later found in the possession of Gina'sfriend Turon Gholston, provided the F.B.I with a detailed record of his crimes. The proverbial smoking gun, as it were. Among the items on the computer werefiles relating to the opening and closing of mortgages, invoices for the shell company Harrison and Associates, and the picture of a US passport issued to oneJustin Lieberman. The hard drive also contained copies of agreements for the mailboxes that the suspects used and the card numbers for the SVCs that were sentto said mailboxes. For good measure much of this information was also found on a Sony Vaio laptop discovered in David Taylor's BMW. The feds had alreadybeen sizing Plowden up for a fall and eventually took him into custody, where he remained through his guilty plea on charges stemming from the fraudulentmortgage schemes. But Allan did not go into federal custody quietly. He cooperated with New Jersey authorities and once he began spilling the beans, the policeimmediately began searching for Gina Conway.


On September 26th 2007, the search for Conway brought Bergen County Prosecutors Office Detective Dave Borzotta to Max B's residence at 1950 Andrews Avenuein the Bronx. According to the detective, Mr. Wingate was very helpful. "Mr. Wingate dealt himself in," Borzotta would later recall at trial. He wasforthcoming about his dealings with Ms. Conway and even told them addresses she was known to frequent. Max revealed that she could be at "Murda"Mike's, where stolen property was later found. Max also told them about Sin City, close to where they ultimately caught her. Max gave the officer his cellnumber and even called him on more then one occasion during the preliminary investigation. Borzotta recalled one instance when he went to interview Max and therapper was outside his Bronx residence, talking on the phone with Jim Jones. "The police talking to me about some ##%%@+*@," Max was overheardtelling his future nemesis. Max even let the police search his apartment to look for Gina. It was clear from the officer's testimony that Max was notconsidered a suspect at this time.


The search for Gina Conway ended on September 28th 2006 around 12:30 a.m. when she tried to borrow money from Mr. Gholston. She was placed under arrest andtaken to the 32nd Precinct. Conway was cooperative with the officers who interrogated her. It is at this point that things get complicated. Gina wasMiranda-ized at 12:58 a.m. and the tape of her confession started rolling at 1 a.m. Whatever was said during those two minutes, Ms. Conway proceeded to singlike a bird, painting Mr. Wingate as the mastermind behind the botched burglary that left David Taylor dead with a gunshot wound to the face.

After interviewing Ms. Conway, officers proceeded to Max's apartment and arrested him at about 6 a.m. that same morning. The long arm of the law caught upwith Kelvin Leerdam at his aunt's apartment on Flatlands Ave. in the Canarsie neighborhood of Brooklyn, where he was also taken into custody.


Only weeks after Max was arrested and charged with a slew of felonies, including murder, Jim Jones released the first single for his upcoming album. The song,entitled "Ballin'," quickly became a nationwide hit with the help of the New York Football Giants. On their way to the franchise's firstSuperbowl victory in seventeen years, the Giants players began pantomiming jump-shots to celebrate big plays. The move was an obvious reference to the song,which was already popular on local radio. Giants Stadium soon began playing the song over the PA system. The Giants success on the field certainly paid off forthe Capo, who watched as his song hitched a ride with one of the NFL's most popular teams as they tore through the playoffs on national television. Thesingle gained a traction unlike anything Jones had been able to generate before, from strip clubs to sporting events, "Ballin" was everywhere.Meanwhile the man who claimed (quite credibly, since he is credited on the album) to have written the song for Jones, was sitting in a New Jersey jail cellunder a $2 million dollar bail. The single would peak at a meteoric #5 on the Billboard charts and Jim's subsequent LP commercially outperformed all hisprevious work, selling over 100,000 units in it's first week. Max B was featured on seven songs of the albums songs and claims he ghostwrote orcollaborated on many more. Regardless of exactly what he did, Max's influence on Jim's music is plain to hear, and Jim was no fool, he clearly sawWingate's talents and put them to good use. The problem was, Max was in prison now, and seemed to think that what with all he had done to ensure Jim'ssuccess, it was time for some payback. But for Jones, the $2 million bail was likely starting to seem like a lot to pay for someone who could be on their wayback to jail for a very long time. �

It is possible that had he never been arrested, Max and Jim would have fallen out anyway but Max's prison stint made it a certainty. The friction startedwhen, after months in the can, Max began publicly airing his grievances at having not been bailed out yet. Apparently, sitting in the jail day room andwatching Jones pose in front of luxury vehicles while reciting lyrics Max wrote rubbed him the wrong way. Go figure. While stopping short of outrightdisrespecting his former boss, Max made it clear that he felt something fishy was going on and seemed to impugn Jones' financial dealings with him. Jonescopped various pleas in interviews about why he hadn't put up his protégés' bail money, alluding to wanting to wait until the bail was lowered orwanting to give Max the money once the rapper was released. What spurred him to finally act, we may never know, but at least one party has alleged that Jimonly decided to bail Max out after he found out somebody else might. Whatever his reasons, Jones' next move would make Iago blush, Suge Knight blanch, andeven the infamous Morris "Mo" Levy tip his fedora. Jim "Capo" Jones went to the jail and gave Max the $90, 000 he needed to get out of jailin return for Max inking a new contract. When the relationship between Max and Jim later turned to outright acrimony, Jones would tell radio disc jockeyFunkmaster Flex that:

"He's signed to my label and I bought his publishing for roughly $90,000 which he cried over the phone to get out ofjail for…he sold his soul, the stupidest move I've ever heard anybody make in their entire life."

It did not take long for Max to realize that he had made a costly mistake. He would later claim that Jim had been eager for him to get back in the studio afterbailing Max out, but Max felt he was owed more money. He also seemed to be becoming leery of continuing to do Jim Jones albums when his own solo work wasgetting scant attention from the Capo. For his part, Jones would later imply that the wisecracking rapper was attempting to rise above his station and beingunappreciative of what Jones had done for him, before and after the arrest. By this time, Jim had parlayed the success of "Ballin'" into afinancially significant deal with Columbia Records. Roc-A-Fella was already history and Dame Dash was more than happy to hitch his wagon to Jim's; theybegan working not only on his album, but a documentary and a potential reality show. Meanwhile, the Diplomats as a crew had pretty much ceased to function asJim and Cam'Ron slowly grew apart and Jones made it clear that he had every intention of being bigger than Cam ever was. The most successful personalitiesin Dipset, Cam'Ron, Jones and Juelz Santana parted ways and began promoting their own new crews. The second-tier Diplomats artists like 40. Cal, Hell Relland J.R. Writer, were left to largely sink or swim on their own. So when Max began to disassociate himself from Jim and Byrdgang /Diplomats, it made sense thatJones had neither the time nor the desire to try and placate his former weed-carrier. However, the more he nonchalantly dismissed Max as a "twerp"and a "nobody", the more lyrical gasoline Max poured on the fire he was attempting to light under the so-called Capo. Suddenly, Jim, whose wholecareer had been filled with disrespectful interviews and vendettas against some of New York's more respected rappers, was getting a taste of his ownmedicine. If Jones had set the bar high for ignorant foolishness and blatant "goonery", Max B cleared it on his first try. His claims were legion; hewrote all of Jim's songs, he pepper sprayed Jim at an event, Jim's "wifey" tried to seduce him on numerous occasions, Jim was a homosexual,Jim couldn't come to Harlem anymore, Jim needed police protection to keep Max from getting "at him"…and so on. To Wingate's credit, peoplestarted to notice and pretty soon Max was omnipresent in the hip-hop blogosphere. His non-coastal style and easily digestible lyrics won fans in this age ofhook-driven, regional hip-hop. His amusing interviews and on-camera antics kept the Internet turning to him for ready-to-post controversy. It did not hurt thatveteran beat maker Dame Grease was backing him, giving the mixtapes an additional level of credibility. The timing of Max's feud against Jim Jones alsogained him additional listeners because of the controversies surrounding the dissolution of the Diplomats. At least some hip-hoppers tuned in to Max'sschtick simply because Jim Jones is a polarizing figure in hip-hop and, generally speaking, everyone likes to see a bully get bullied. All this, combined withhis distinctive slang, surfing-related catchphrases, and ongoing murder case meant that Max's visibility was at an all time high.


Unfortunately for Max, no matter how many graphic verbal attacks he made against Jim and his "wifey," and regardless of how many hours of anti-JonesDVD footage he compiled, the Capo held one hell of a trump card. The entirety of Charly Wingate's publishing was now the legal property of Jim Jones. Thismeant that anything he had done in the past put money in Jim's pocket, and anything he would ever do was essentially under Jim's direct control. Maxcould put out free mixtapes (and did he ever!) or other penny ante deals that Jim couldn't be bothered to track down and stop, but any hope for mainstreamor even independent success would have to come with Jones's blessing. By now however, Jones had clearly had enough of Max's antics and had noinclination to be charitable. He made it clear that Max had passed the point of no return in an interview with, saying:

"Maxi-Pad? He's like finding Nemo right now, where is that +%$*!+? [Actually] he is on the shelf right next to myNike boots, we ain't never letting him come out"


With little more than the word of Gina Conway, the trial of the State of New Jersey v. Wingate, Leerdam, and Conway began. The fact that Max and Kelvin weretried together raises the first set of eyebrows. As attorney Jennifer Bonjean would argue on her client's behalf, the two men's defense strategiesshould've kept the trials separate. Gerald Saluti, Esq. argued that Gina was a woman scorned and that Mr. Wingate was never at the crime scene and was notinvolved in the crime at all. Ms. Bonjean's argument was that whomever Ms. Conway brought to the Holiday Inn as muscle, it was not Kelvin Leerdam. Afterall, the police were unable to find a murder weapon, or any physical evidence tying Leerdam to the crime scene. Although Leerdam had a drug conviction, therewas no previous involvement with violent crime on his criminal record. When reached for comment Ms. Bonjean pointed out that there were significantirregularities in the witness identification, as well:

"Allan Plowden was presented with two photo arrays in the hopes of making an identification of the shooter. The firstphoto array contained a photo of my client and he did not identify my client. He did not identify anybody. They showed him a second photo array where they putan updated version of my client, in the array and Plowden actually identified somebody else. He identified one of the fillers. So that was very problematic forthe investigation; the lead victim, the person with supposedly the best ability to identify the man in the room, not only was unable to do so in one array butactually identified the wrong person in a second photo array."

Nevertheless, when he appeared as a prosecution witness during the trial of Wingate and Leerdam, Allan "Jay" Plowden readily fingered Kelvin as theshooter. Bonjean considers the testimony "laughable", given Mr. Plowden's failure on two occasions to pick her client out of a photo array andsaid she argued that "the state did not have a good faith basis to ask [Plowden] to make an identification in court" after his earlier failures. Andas far as cab driver Mamdou Gbenga's identification of Leerdam, Ms. Bonjean had the following to say:

"What the police did, which I think is very…I think, improper…is they did not show him a photo array, because, I thinkthey questioned his ability to make an identification. So he was never shown a photo array or asked to identify the person who he drove in the cab that nightwith Gina Conway. But come trial they put him on the stand and he made an in-court identification of my client. I argued that it was improper to even elicitthat testimony and, in fact, it is going to be an issue on appeal. That it was improper to have him identify someone from a suggestive situation where you havehim sitting at counsel table with two white lawyers. The only black people sitting at counsel table were Charly Wingate and my client. The cab driver knew whoCharly Wingate was and had driven him on prior occasions, so there was only one person left to choose. When I questioned Mr. Gbenga on cross-examination abouthis recollection of the person he drove in the cab, he had no ability to describe him, and in fact, described him differently to police."

Reviewing the records of the trial it is clear that both defenses would've been better served if the trial had been split. One instance involved cell phonerecords. Detective John Haviland of the prosecutor's office testified that on the night of the crime Ms. Conway "chirped" Mr. Leerdam about thetime they should've been in the cab looking for the hotel. While possible that they could've been playing as they drove around, it is curious that theywould chirp each other on the way to commit a felony in the same vehicle. The prosecutor did say that it could've been the two talking to each other asthey fanned out across the Holiday Inn, but it still didn't add up. Points such as this could have been better argued if the defense co-counsels didn'thave to worry about implicating the co-defendant. When asked, Jennifer Bonjean detailed several other ways that the joint trial hurt both Wingate and Leerdam:

"I felt strongly that the trials should be severed. [Both men's] defenses were limited by virtue of the fact thatthey were sitting next to each other. Speaking hypothetically, Mr. Wingate could have, he did not, but he could have tried to point the finger at Gina and Mr.Leerdam. But that would have been more easily done had they been severed. Similarly, we argued before the judge that we intended to present a defense whichcentered around third-party culpability, meaning that Gina Conway did this crime with somebody else. And that one of the possible people she could have done itwith was Charly Wingate, or other persons associated with Charly Wingate. Ultimately, that was not necessarily the defenses' pursuit but we didn't wantto be limited in our defense…but [the court] denied it and as I understand it, getting a case severed in New Jersey is pretty difficult."

Another quirky aspect of the trial was that the prosecution's entire case is based on a witness that is sketchy for more than one reason. As noted before,Ms. Conway loved her Ecstasy and her alcohol. She was drunk and high when the crime was committed and when she gave her statement to the police. At more thanone point she testified that the intoxicants had clouded not only her memory but also her perception of events as they happened. For instance, she said on thestand that Mr. Leerdam threatened her with his gun and directed her to do things in the hotel. She had never before stated that she was under duress during thecrime. Her testimony is seemingly riddled with enough inconsistencies to cast a shadow over everything she said under oath.

During Gerald Saluti's cross-examination Ms. Conway stated that she did not commit the crime, despite the fact that she plead guilty and faced up to 18years in prison. When asked who did the crime she pointed to the defense table and said, "They did." Saluti continued, reminding her that she signeda document saying she did commit the crimes and that what she signed and said in her statement was the truth. The truth didn't matter much to her, as sheexplained repeatedly that the main reason she copped her plea was to avoid life in prison. She continued to hedge her bets throughout her testimony, claimingthat the plea is "basically true" but that she signed it in an act of self-preservation.

When Giselle Nieves, the woman who was held captive along with "Jay" Plowden during the robbery, took the stand, she only added to the murkiness. Atone point she testified that, in her opinion, Plowden had been in on the robbery from the beginning. She went on to state that he seemed unperturbed whenTaylor was killed and was mostly concerned with his notorious "bag of money". Of course, according to her own testimony, she herself was only in theroom as part of a wholly unconnected scheme to rob Plowden and Taylor.


Neither Charly Wingate nor Kelvin Leerdam took the stand during the trial to explain the nature of their relationship with Ms. Conway, or offer an alibi.

The whereabouts of the duffel bag of cash David Taylor supposedly had in his own hotel room are not known. If indeed such a bag did exist.


Perhaps most surprising is that none of the many people involved in this convoluted Venn diagram of a case seems to have benefited at all from their respectiveschemes. As of this writing, Max and his stepbrother await sentencing later this month from inside a jail in northern Jersey. They continue to protest theirinnocence and say they will be filing appeals. Gina Conway also awaits sentencing, although having co-operated with the authorities as part of her guilty pleashould ensure that she does significantly less than the 18-year maximum penalty that she copped out to. Since she has already done about three years inside andis being credited with time served, a lenient sentencing might mean that she would be out in 7-10 years. Attorney Gerald Saluti has spoken at length about hisclose relationship with Wingate and has vowed that he will not rest until he sees Max's convictions overturned. Unfortunately for Saluti, the press hasroundly criticized his actions before, during, and after the trial. As of press time we were unable to reach him or even determine if he was still employedwith his last known firm. When we called the only number we could find, a woman would only tell us that she had been instructed to say that Mr. Saluti "nolonger worked there". Allan Plowden is in Federal prison facing decades behind bars on a host of interstate fraud charges. Being that he is forty-fouryears old and there is no parole in the federal system, Allan may very well die inside. Jim Jones got his big shot as a solo artist on Columbia but without Maxthe album flopped hard, and he has not yet managed a hit single on par with "Ballin". He still owns Max's publishing but being that the permedrapper may never get out of jail and has dependents to support, Jim may be forced to sell it back at cost or run the risk of appearing to be taking food out ofthe mouth of Wingate's newborn.


Most people seek to take advantage of their opportunities, everyone connected to this saga sought opportunities to take advantage. Each actor here establishedan interlocking web wherein they took turns playing and being played. Jim Jones has nothing to do with the murders in Jersey but his attempt to rise frommiddling independent artist to hip-hop mogul on par with Jay-Z and 50 Cent was greatly aided by the writing talents of Max B. Then, when Max sought Jim'shelp in making bail, the Capo obliged by pulling off one of the rap industry's more noteworthy shenanigans when he obtained Max's publishing rights inreturn. This wasn't all bad for Max, as this provided him with a soapbox from which to rail against Jim Jones, the very person who co-signed his entry intothe music game. His feud with Jones raised his profile considerably, which in the end may help his dependents (assuming Jim ever gives up the publishing).Charly Wingate and Gina Conway in turn used one another for all they were worth. Max provided Gina a way out of the boondocks and the chance to live the lifeof a rapper's girlfriend. That was fine with Charly, as Gina offered a ready supply of sex and pocket money. For Gina, opportunity knocked when she met JayPlowden and his bottomless bag of cash. Taylor and Plowden took advantage of stolen identities and pocketed a lot of cash in the short run but they both paid asteep price in the end. The lawyer who presented Charly's case, Gerald Saluti, also knew a good business opportunity when he saw one. Whether he was inYouTube videos outlining his defense strategy, announcing a new career as a hip-hop manager, or tweeting during trial; Saluti made sure everyone knew he wasdefending Mr. Wingate. As for Mattie Castro, Julio Cruz, and Eddie Blancaneaux, their case is still pending for a robbery they claim they never even got theopportunity to execute.
Free MAX B.

Me I dont care at all what people say about him, I loved dudes music, had a funny personality and had that buzz in the street. Wish I could of met him.

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