My FINAL girl thread ever on NT Vol. I ended it this time LOLZ

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by DaJoka004

Originally Posted by II Jovo II

So before you have any sexual encounters with any girls from here on out, your going to tell them you have HPV correct?
I already have

But HPV isn't a big deal to be honest. It's possible it could clear from the body over time. In most cases symptoms never even show.

She's actually now saying she got it the first time around. I don't understand how you could get confused like that on multiple occasions over a period of five days. Doesn't matter though.
why are you still even talking to her?

I'm not. She keeps emailing me.
damn dude why were you wifing a jump off to begin with. catching something every year like its her birthday
Your actually reading her emails? Why not just block her email addy? If you wanted to be done with her you wouldnt even read that @%!!...

Your pathetic.
Originally Posted by DaJoka004

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by DaJoka004

Originally Posted by II Jovo II

So before you have any sexual encounters with any girls from here on out, your going to tell them you have HPV correct?
I already have

But HPV isn't a big deal to be honest. It's possible it could clear from the body over time. In most cases symptoms never even show.

She's actually now saying she got it the first time around. I don't understand how you could get confused like that on multiple occasions over a period of five days. Doesn't matter though.
why are you still even talking to her?

I'm not. She keeps emailing me.

Post all said emails with her address edited out
Originally Posted by yungmatt

You need to listen to Dr. Dre 2001

Youll never have this problem in life ever again

"at the hotel or motel or holiday innnn" thats my song
OP also i hope you didnt put your face in the box also.

you at risk for throat cancer if so....
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by Calypso Chanta hpv curable? i dont feel like googling.

It's a virus, no.

It goes away by itself.

I don't understand. If it's not curable.........but it goes away by itself??????

Does this mean when it goes away everyone is clean again, or is it always there lurking or something? Basically, is this a lifetime thing?
Lol @ nters acting like your life is over because of hpv. What dude with some notches on his belt doesn't have hpv? Lol, jk. Worst thing that'll happenis you'll have to get a wart removed from you little guy once every blue's not that serious for guys. Just take the L and keep itmoving..your girl though, karma could catch up to her in the form of hpv turning into cervical cancer.
Originally Posted by DaJoka004

Cliff notes of past

-girl breaks up with me after almost 3 years of dating in summer 2006
-I act like a vagina, do everything I can to get her back
-get her back, girl breaks up with me through email in summer 2007
-I swear to myself I am not going back, yet somehow I do (should have never met her to give her the key, leave it at the door
-things go extremely well for the next two years

So a few weeks ago I start to realize I caught something.
Huh? I know I wasn't the one who had sex with somebody else and got it. Turned out that she had sex with somebody during that second, one-week long breakup. I guess it's all fair game when you're broken up. But you HAVE TO tell me what you did, especially if you did it with somebody you didn't know was clean or not (obviously wasn't). What if it was HIV? Would she understand then? But not only did she not tell me then, she found out last summer she caught something and failed to tell me again

So long story short, I ended it yesterday for good. I'm moving on. I thank NT for their help, and should have listened.

It's the girls with the pretty face
And the pretty bras
Pretty thighs
But what about the inside?
And that CHICK is a lair and I, I took the condom off and now it's on fire tonight...
This thread reminds me sadly of me

Not the HPV part but keep coming back to a girl. Damn.

I went on a Vacation with her 2 years ago.. before we were officially dating.. and I found out that she was sleeping with a 40 year old man (she says it onlyhappened once but still its MESSED up).. who is married with 3 children.

A year later.. so a year ago... I asked her for one of her CDs she put our pics on from that trip to have them on my comp... and I found pics of them togetherfrom their hotel venture.. that she didn't realize was on that CD.. i just about
Broke up with her then too. And like an idiot got back with her.

Went through her phone while she was in the shower..., and read some pretty foul texts. For the life of me I don't know why I didn't dead her when wegot back home from our trip.
@ me..

She knows the guy because from time to time she watches their kids... and although I honestly don't think anything has happened since that incident... Itbothers me to death.

I've broken up with her numerous times and we always end up back together...

She graduated Saturday... and I ditched going to her open house
Because IDK waht I would do if I were to see him there. Broke up with her that daytoo...

Don't know really.... but it makes me more angry than anything...
Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by Calypso Chanta hpv curable? i dont feel like googling.

It's a virus, no.

It goes away by itself.

I don't understand. If it's not curable.........but it goes away by itself??????

Does this mean when it goes away everyone is clean again, or is it always there lurking or something? Basically, is this a lifetime thing?

it goes into remission and dormancy and you can't really pass it on anymore.

it can cause warts which suck, but can also turn into cancer for women which is the only reason its really a big deal and something that should be avoided
^ if you was a man you would print the pics and give it to old dude wife

or tell him you will and get the black mail money

Spoiler [+]
but you wont cuz you be simpin too
Originally Posted by CasperJr

^ if you was a man you would print the pics and give it to old dude wife

or tell him you will and get the black mail money

Spoiler [+]
but you wont cuz you be simpin too

Trust me man... I tried that....

I sent him a few emails threatening to tell his wife.. he didn't seem to care.... I dont think it would do anything anyway.... I knew his brothers email..and told him and dude never said a thing to the family... its effed up

I shoulda knocked him the eff out when I had the chance
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