My FINAL girl thread ever on NT Vol. I ended it this time LOLZ

man what is wrong with you. so you caught something from her twice and YOU keep begging for her back? i am 100% sure she has cheated on you more than you know.+ everyone sayin she mad ugly. you !!#+#*+ up man. its all on you. dont blame nobody else. even if this girl leaves your life, another girl will just walk allover you. but dont even trip, im talking from experience. i was a simp once also, but when i found out the !%%!+ cheated on me i quit asking for her back, andchanged my act. now im a complete $+$@!%* to any girl, show no emotion, have *@#%%@! beg for me back, and cheat on them and i just dont give a %!@+. iseriously think you should take what you learned, and next girl that tries to walk all over you and burn you like that you either beat her %#%, dead her, orcheat on her way before she cheats on you. and yes i am mad. reading this thread reminds me of how pathetic i used to be over a long term relationship with agirl that i lost it to
Damn... like somebody else said, I feel sorry for you but at the same time I don't... i feel like everyone told you this was going to keep happening a longtime ago. But I understand having that one chick that just hangs around for seemingly ever, even though she's bad news for you and doesn't deserve yourtime anymore.

You gotta shake this chick off though already.. your good years are passing you by quickly, and you can't let her waste another second of your life withher whorishness.
You took so many Ls in the past 5 years and end it with taking one ofthe biggest L you could take. You faithful and she cheats on you, plus she burnt you

I hope young NTers study this and learn what NOT to do in a relationship.
I agree with my dude Bwood about ol' girl lookin' atrocious, but You're just as foul as her if you go back with her after this wholeordeal
Just take the L and keep pushing bro. Don't even talk to her or give her the satisfaction of knowing that you may still care after this horrible past.


I am glad you finally dropped her, just hope you move on this time.

As for pics, we've seen them, no need to repost them.

Although those Cheetoh joints were
That girl was a beast. Joka you liked getting roughed up? She basically used and abused you. ...damn son... smh are you gonna go Cam Nelson(Saturn) on us in regards to the pic?

The jury has to decide whether or not you really took the L.
Originally Posted by dreClark

I took you getting your balls rotisserie'd for you to break up w/ her?


Which means that if she was clean, y'all would still be together.

Which makes me think that you'll still get back with her eventually if she wanted to be with you.

So wait,wait,wait.

She's been burning since '07? Which means you've been throwing flames for 2 years?


about time this dumb mother #$#%#* type something good
Ain't nuttin' wrong but he got caught with the H.I.V. now
No life to live, doc says two more years
So after the laughter, I guess comes the tears-WU TANG CLAN
Originally Posted by KIDFLY SniperElite007

Ain't nuttin' wrong but he got caught with the H.I.V. now
No life to live, doc says two more years
So after the laughter, I guess comes the tears-WU TANG CLAN
That was Ghost, son.

You should at least be able to name the member who said it.
Originally Posted by DaJoka004

I'm laughing with yall. You're not phasing me. I'm not going back EVAAAAAR. Promise.

What you promising for? You sound like you're trying to convince yourself.

So how long before you're in love with some other broad letting her punk you outta your manhood?

I'd do time before I let a broad do me dirty like that. Burn you up and not tell you for TWO YEARS? I wouldaknocked the air outta that #@!#* !
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