My friend: "black people could have equality and opportunity today; all they do is complain/settle"

Originally Posted by iBlink

WinstonDon wrote:
150 years isnt that long ago....

So if that's the case, look at the advancements blacks have made in such a short period of time. Cut the complaining and wait for another 150 years to go by so more progress can be made, instead of using slavery, which you yourself have not endured, as an excuse for any of your problems.

People are never satisfied.
Should've just went for it and threw the "You" on the front of that last statement like you know you wanted to...
this is far too a complex issue for a simple absolute answer...but I do see slavery as a crutch for blacks coming from a Jamaican where we are black but theattitude is undoubtedly different....
Originally Posted by seaner23

slavery has been around for ten of thousands of years... european people have been slaves, asian people have been slaves, south american people have been slaves, african people have been slaves, north american people have been slaves...not too sure about australia but for the most part EVERY race and culture has been enslaved by some other race and culture (or their own) since humans stepped foot on this planet.

i'm certainly not saying to "get over it", it's part of your (and my, as an american) history. it's important to know where you came from. but using it as an "excuse" for each and every single thing that goes or is wrong in your life, i think you're only doing yourself harm. look forward, not back.

my great grandfather came over from norway in 1915 (slavery was illegal for 50 years give or take), busted his rear on his farm in montana 20 hours a day. never had/owned slaves. i'm sure a LARGE portion of "white people" you see everyday have a same and or similar story. so when some of you guys go running around claiming that all white people are the devil and racist and out to get you, you are really fighting the wrong people.

i believe the slave trade was 100% wrong, but that's looking in hindsight. it was a different time back then...slavery wasn't something that was unusual back then. all wounds take time to heal. i think we all should do our part. instead of trying to push away from each other, we should all try to find common ground and love one another regardless of skin color or heritage or anything like that.

as a "white guy", i have no hated/racism toward anyone. even saying that, i really wish there was some magical potion or spell i could cast that would make the pain and horror felt by many of your (african americans) ancestors go away but i can't. the only thing i can do is go out and live a positive, loving life and try to put down racism anytime i see it.

as a "white guy" that's all i can do.

Good message....but you can't compare the African diaspora to any recorded occurrence in human history.

Nothing comes remotely close.
Originally Posted by ShaunJon

FeedTheEgo1982 wrote:
Oh really?? Explain why a black man with the same qualifications, similar education can apply for a job, but often lose out to a white candidate. It has be researched and proven.

Researched by who!? Even if that was the case, Employment places with employees being majority black hire more black than whites, along with hispanics, asains, etc.. Every race does the same thing.

If you wanna argue *#% like that, why is it that my parents don't make enough money to pay for my college education, and white people such as myself are pretty much s.o.l. when it comes to getting a college scholarship?

I'm black and went through the same thing dude. Getting a scholarship has absolutely nothing to do with what I said. You can get a rather easy scholarship if you have the grades.. Apply to a HBCU and try to get a minority scholarship. There are ways to pay for school

I know it doesn't have anything to do with what you said. Im saying if you want to argue people don't get hired because of their race and say it has been proven, wheres your source to back that statement up? Because stuff like that happens to other races as well, for example, why its so hard for whites to get scholarships

you are dead wrong.. .this has been proven. PROVEN.

in this study, it was found that recently released white ex-cons were morelikely to get hired than black people with NO record.

and don't say it was a fluke, this study was repeated 3,500 times.

and it wasn't done in Alabama or something. it was done in NEW YORK CITY

keep trying to deny racism...
We (black people) need to stop stabbing each other in the backs too. That would help us in the long run.
Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

teacher went on to not only tell him that one of the reasons why slavery was so prevelant was because black people sold other black people for money

Thats one of the reasons slavery was so successful in uprising; Africans were selling other Africans when the Europeans came to take them to Europe. If theyhad attempted to fight back or retreat, maybe it would have changed something.
However, this is like blaming the "system." I honestly do not know what the reality is, but if you really are able to succeed, then nothing - noteven race and perception - can stop you.
Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

We (black people) need to stop stabbing each other in the backs too. That would help us in the long run.
How many times have u known someone in the Hood see a friend get money and the first thing they think about is robbing him?
Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

We (black people) need to stop stabbing each other in the backs too. That would help us in the long run.
How many times have u known someone in the Hood see a friend get money and the first thing they think about is robbing him?

Thats worldwide fam.
my dads great grandparents were dirt poor when they came here in the 1910s. Their son fought in WW2, won a purple heart and a silver star, went to college, gota phd and was a professor

my moms great grandparents were heirs to a plantation, which they lost during the depression (everything to nothing in no time flat) their son (my grandfather)was a fighter pilot in WW2, went to college and was a successful aviation engineer

it doesnt take anything but hard work, dedication, and a good head on your shoulders to be successful, no matter what life throws at you
You know what happened to the dirt poor, hard working black sharecroppers who went away to fight in WW2?.....When they came back to the states...theycouldn't even enter stores that your great grandparents visited.

Excuses are pointless, so is ignoring history and the reality of racial oppresion in America.

Slavery was still in effect into the 1940's BTW.
as a white male I agree that slavery IS an old issue,but an issue and a horrible part of history nonetheless.

as a country we SHOULD have learned from this mistake,but racism is not inherent,it is taught and bred,and ignorance is everywhere continuing to breed it.Theproblem starts with people not wisening up to this and continuing to be blind and ignorant tothe issues and problems.At the end of the end of the day Ipersonally have nothing to do with slavery but in no way condone it.Al I can do and anyone else for that matter is to simply look ahead,which in this day andage is a hard thing to do with so much BS going on in the world. and no political candidate,black nor white can change that,it simplystarts at home andeducating yourself and others who are willing to listen and learn.
Originally Posted by r33p04s

this is far too a complex issue for a simple absolute answer...but I do see slavery as a crutch for blacks coming from a Jamaican where we are black but the attitude is undoubtedly different....

Man this one of those get the ____ outta here type answers. Acting like Jamaicans have that live in the US dont say the same things. One group of blacksthinking they better than their other black brothers ftl. I like how people wanna make it seem like every black person uses that as an excuse.
Originally Posted by i3allistic

i aint black, but i kinda of people wasnt the only one use as slave, the chinese and native american were also used as slave.
Quoted for the dumbest thing i've ever read. First of all, neither chinese nor native american's were slaves. Chinese emigrated to theU.S. and built the West half of the railroad, but were paid for it (obviously). Native Americans were just slaughtered and lied to and given a bad deal. Neither were slaves at all, not to talk of the "total ownership" idea professed by slave holders. It's people like you that spread ignorance.âne muet
Originally Posted by iBlink

WinstonDon wrote:
150 years isnt that long ago....

So if that's the case, look at the advancements blacks have made in such a short period of time. Cut the complaining and wait for another 150 years to go by so more progress can be made, instead of using slavery, which you yourself have not endured, as an excuse for any of your problems.

People are never satisfied.
I usually dont agree with your posts but you are speaking the truth tonight.
But there is no evidence that the asian rail builders were payed "fairly" is there?

and the native americans are pretty much a slave to the govt. simply for their sole dependance ofn them giving them there" land". yeah a casino andsome crappy small towns,get real.

In no way shape or form were the african americans situation better or worse,but you have to look at the climate of the time,and try to find the medianresult.African americans were in no way mass murdered like the Natives were,and The US' dependance on alot of asia technological and scientificadvancements were just as much a "use" of the people.It was just not as blatant as stealing/kidnapping a demographic of people and making them domenial labor for no pay and simple necesssities of life.
Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Originally Posted by iBlink

WinstonDon wrote:
150 years isnt that long ago....

So if that's the case, look at the advancements blacks have made in such a short period of time. Cut the complaining and wait for another 150 years to go by so more progress can be made, instead of using slavery, which you yourself have not endured, as an excuse for any of your problems.

People are never satisfied.
I usually dont agree with your posts but you are speaking the truth tonight.

I tend to make a lot of sense if you read my threads the right way with your iBlink goggles.
Asians were not abducted by the hundreds of millions, stripped of their names, lanuages, history and culture.

Native Americans were the victims of genocide and their current problems attest to that horrific history.

What are you really trying to compare?
Originally Posted by iBlink

Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Originally Posted by iBlink

WinstonDon wrote:
150 years isnt that long ago....

So if that's the case, look at the advancements blacks have made in such a short period of time. Cut the complaining and wait for another 150 years to go by so more progress can be made, instead of using slavery, which you yourself have not endured, as an excuse for any of your problems.

People are never satisfied.
I usually dont agree with your posts but you are speaking the truth tonight.

I tend to make a lot of sense if you read my threads the right way with your iBlink goggles.
I know, I feel ya. I try to keep a open mind, sometimes you come across as real "preachy" to me.
Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

We (black people) need to stop stabbing each other in the backs too. That would help us in the long run.
How many times have u known someone in the Hood see a friend get money and the first thing they think about is robbing him?
crimes happen among every race buddy... most people that think like you listen to a lot of rap, or watch too many hood movies, and they get theimpression that its only black people out there committing crimes...
Originally Posted by seaner23

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Asians were not abducted by the hundreds of millions, stripped of their names, lanuages, history and culture.

Native Americans were the victims of genocide and their current problems attest to that horrific history.

What are you really trying to compare?
most of the african slaves were sold...they were slaves in africa....who do you think built the pyramids? they were not "abducted". their own people SOLD them. who should you be more mad at...the one's doing the selling or the one's doing the buying?

No they were not slaves in Africa...they were raided from neighboring tribes and sold into slavery due to the European sponsored arms race...step yourhistory game up.

Europeans were behind the selling and the buying.

Africans can abduct other Africans BTW...there are hundreds of different ethnic groups within that vast continent.
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

You know what happened to the dirt poor, hard working black sharecroppers who went away to fight in WW2?.....When they came back to the states...they couldn't even enter stores that your great grandparents visited.

Excuses are pointless, so is ignoring history and the reality of racial oppresion in America.

Slavery was still in effect into the 1940's BTW.
its not whether or not the opportunities were afforded to your parents or even your parents parents. bottom line is, if they could do it withless, so can you. stop blaming other people for your plights, take control of your life and make something of it. heck look at barack and michelle obama,textbook examples
I'm not complaining about %*!# but I'm not going to act like everything is all peaches and cream because its not....hell I don't even talk aboutslavery in any of my damn posts so don't come at me with that %*!#....but there are plenty of civil injustices against blacks but I'm going to get intoall that.....its easy to say %*!# doesn't exist but you'll never know what its like living as a black can have blk friends and all that butit still doesn't mean %*! getting tired of other races trying to tell blk people how it is....
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