My friend: "black people could have equality and opportunity today; all they do is complain/settle"

Originally Posted by iBlink

abeautifulhaze wrote:
iBlink wrote:
No one is saying to forget it, but people use the concept of "Oh, it's because I'm black", which has undoubtedly stemmed from segregation/racism/slavery, to justify their short comings. That's a faulty way of thinking that doesn't lead to proactive behavior. I'm saying to take the past for what it is, the past, and keep it pushing.

Just answer me this, what exactly are you accomplishing by holding onto slavery and the ideas that you're being downtrodden because of your race? In stead of focusing on the strides people, collectively, have made, there's such an emphasis on race. That type of attitude does not bring about progress, but instead it keeps us stagnant at the point we're in.

We're at the point where the law provides for equal rights among all men, yet we still have some arguing that progress hasn't been made. We may be at the dawn of which it's possible that our nation may led by a man not of full Caucasian descent, and that's not progress?

Black people are not the only people who were oppressed, yet some of you seem to think that's the case.

My dude..I hear what you are saying but you are speaking from a priveleged viewpoint. That sounds great and it would be optimal if we could all think that way....

But there are teenagers in this country who are have to drop out of school to feed their parents, kids who can't wear their bookbags in their projects in fear of getting jumped, children who have to share desks and books in classes with teachers who expect failure, kids who are trying their hardest and then get harrassed by police, discouraged by the media and held back by their economic status.

The world is filled with problems...too many of those problems are endemic to our communities. You are crying about equal performance without calling as loudly for a level playing field...its unrealistic.

Yeah we are about to have a black president and look at how much race based problems have arisen already, before he is even elected...and he is a half whte, Harvard grad. Come on...

Of course there are other oppressed peoples...just take a look at the problems that they have a s well. People don't just fail because the want to man.

Look at many South American states, African States, Eastern European nations, Chinese poverty, Middle Eastern problems, Indian distress.....oppresion and tragic history, without resolution = problems for every human group.

Dude, I've seen both aspects of life. I'm far from privileged. My mom, a white woman, has always been able to provide for me, but she struggled every step because my father was no where to be found.

I was raised in the Bronx, NY, and I've seen the harsh realities of the a derelict lifestyle firsthand. I've been in schools (PS 68 for my Bronx Nt'ers) where the teachers abandon hope on their students as early on as the 4th grade. I know what it's like to be cast aside and viewed as someone who wasn't going to make it anywhere in life. The thing with that is this, people have to establish a sense of purpose early, because if they don't society will do it for them.

I'm all for a level playing field my man, but I'm a strong believer in working with what you have. Just because some people can't send their kids to a private school doesn't mean they should not convey to the child that their education, however less substantial it may be, is on dire importance. If you have to share a book with classmates, so be it, just be grateful that you have that book.

All I'm saying is this, African Americans suffer from this "disadvantage" because they don't have a full understanding of working with what they have. Some expect to be served life on a golden platter because their ancestors suffered through slavery and segregation, and get bitter when they come up short. Segregation is not to blame fam, their attitudes are. If you want something out of life, you have to work for it. I do not stand by those people who'd rather make excuses about their misfortunes, than to get up and make something out of nothing.

Like I said, take slavery for what it is, the past, and keep it pushing. That's the attitude Black Americans should have, not this crap about "Oh, it's because I'm black".

You can't on the one hand acknowledge handicaps and inequality and on the other hand demand equal performance in spite of that.

It will never happen with a group into the millions.

If our fore-fathers thought like that, we wouldn't have half of the rights that we have now. By disregarding systemic inequalities you are allowingoppression and making it harder for every one else.
Our forefathers argued for equality. Change is a gradual occurrence dude. We can't have a defeatist attitude and expect the system to change.

If there are to be systematic changes in the school system to bring about true equality, we must first put a higher value on the education of our children. Getthem all to do better, even if that calls for them to share a book, so when the standardized tests are administered, their grades are where they need to be togenerate more school funding. We can't have ourselves and our kids not caring about their schooling and expect the government to pour money into thesystem.

Have our kids work, and I mean work in every sense of the word, with what they have.

I'm no disregarding the inequalities of the infrastructure, but rather than complaining about it, I seek to find practical resolutions. People can complainabout whatever they want, but isn't action the only thing that can bring about true change?
We keep at lkaing about slavery like Jim crowe didn't have a huge effect on people. That was lest hen 200 years ago. We haven't even been free for halfof American history. think about that. Over 50% of american history was plagued by slavery, and to tell me something like that doesn't matter isridiculous.
the truth is that america is a nation built on free labour. without the "leg-up" that slavery provided, it would not have risen to become a superpower.
it took a lot of immigrant suffering for the usa we know today to come into being.
i feel that we as blacks are owed a debt that cannot be repaid.

however, i truly believe that one day there will be a person that will unite black people, and lead our best and brightest people on a mission to rebuild ourcontinent, and reclaim what is rightfully ours. with africa's resources at our disposal we could create something our ancestors would be proud of. theunited states of africa! (just a dream of mine)
K8be wan Kenobi wrote:
We can't have ourselves and our kids not caring about their schooling and expect the government to pour money into the system.

Oh, okay. So we have to meet white people's standards of approval before they give us our due?

And people like you would be saying "Oh, we have to work hard to prove that we deserve the same water fountains as white people."

Look, I completely understand and agree that there needs to be more motivation to succeed among the black community. And I am all for seeing people rise above their circumstances.

But I refuse to give a pass to the racism, either overt or institutionalized, that is still oppressing black people today.

I'm not gonna sit here at my computer telling some kid who doesn't have books at school "Try harder and stop complaining
I'm gonna say, "Get that kid some damn books right now"

First things first, let's not get into making my response seem as though I'm downplaying oppression in the black community. Oppression, myfriend, knows no race. There are places in this nation where the piss poor education being given to some of the white youth rivals that of the piss pooreducation being given to some of the black youth. Most people, not saying you directly, seem to single out blacks as the only oppressed people out there andthat's far from the case.

Now, am I saying that these schools, the ones that are not giving our kids the adequate education needed to make it, have to meet white standards? No. I'msaying that these schools have to meet success's' standards. We have to realize that it's not just white children who are getting decent educationsin America; Thinking that way is faulty.

It goes back to what I said before, work with what you have until you're able to advance. Our forefather's forefathers did it, and look at how farwe've come.

You also made a comment on books. But see the thing with that is this, will you demanding the books produce any results?

My logic has it's flaws and I can admit that, but like I said in the past, I tend to make a lot of sense. Complaining only goes so far my man andthat's all there is to it.When people have made their arguments known, their cries fall on deaf ears if the numbers don't add up. The system mayacknowledge the need for new supplies, but will they really provide them to a school where the children aren't cutting it?
TCERDA wrote:
Originally Posted by MrMoneyInDaBank

Thugnificence wrote:
we black people cant keep blaming slavery for all our problems tho

Im not blaming it for all my problems. But something like that never goes away. So in 100 years are you gonna go up to an american and say The attacks on 9/11 is a tired and old excuse for something. Is the genocide in Darfur also gonna be a tired and old excuse in a few hundred years?
What about the Mexican people? (Which I am by the way) Wasnt Texas taken from the Mexican people? Our people still slave till this day.
How do think you live in the house you live in! Streets you live on. The majority of construction is done by hispanics at like Super minimum wage. Thats some slave work for you. Our people used to pick cotton too by the way!!!
We never complain about stuff that happened a century ago, HELL, we dont complain about the 13 hour shift we pulled yesterday for minimum wage and a couple of tacos. For the record, I love black people. I grew up in a black neighborhood, plus my wife is black and we have a kid together. I'm just tired of hearing that excuse. Im jus sayin tho

Slaving and being a slave are two completely different things my mexican brother. You got paid for your 13 hour shift didn't you? You also probably had alunch break am I correct? You don't complain than that's your problem. Yall have the right to but you don't. Don't go knocking what we wentthrough. Oh and by the way, The Mexicans had a large part of their country stolen from them. Blacks had their freedom, families, home, life etc. stolen fromthem.
regardless of what anyone thinks black peple are looked at negatively by a large number of people in this country and worldwide... it has nothing to do withdrug dealers or gang members they hate us cuz of the color of our skin.. point blank ...

lock this up
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