My friend: "black people could have equality and opportunity today; all they do is complain/settle"

Originally Posted by Grand 0ld Party

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

You know what happened to the dirt poor, hard working black sharecroppers who went away to fight in WW2?.....When they came back to the states...they couldn't even enter stores that your great grandparents visited.

Excuses are pointless, so is ignoring history and the reality of racial oppresion in America.

Slavery was still in effect into the 1940's BTW.
its not whether or not the opportunities were afforded to your parents or even your parents parents. bottom line is, if they could do it with less, so can you. stop blaming other people for your plights, take control of your life and make something of it. heck look at barack and michelle obama, textbook examples

Who told you I was blaming anyone?

Do you know me?

Im 25 and on my way to a six figure salary...Im good.

I was just correcting your skewered logic and placing your little fairy tale story into the proper context.



a person with a ronald regan avy speaking on black people?

Blacks are lazy, shiftless, have 75 kids, are always robbing people, dancing, smoking weed and crack, naming thier kids all thsoe stupid names, always onwelfare, always complaining about the "man" holding them down and are just plain animals.

I said it for you, in case you dudes didnt have the heart.

ive gotten to a point where i realize that Black people will never satisfy white people, they refuse to acknowledge the racism that is heavily prevalent inevery Amerian institution. I'm ready to just try and move all my people out of here, word to marcus garvey
Originally Posted by WinstonDon

let her keep thinking that and then when someone who isnt black call her the N word she's going to come back to reality
you aint lying!
move on. it's important that we don't forget it happened, but there is a definite need to move on.

WE, as americans should be more concerned with what's going on presently and the fact that we are hated by the majority of the civilized world.
Originally Posted by desoIation1

i never hear the jews complaining.....................................................
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]/thread. These dudes always wanna bring up slavery and "theman"[/color]
Originally Posted by asilva23

move on. it's important that we don't forget it happened, but there is a definite need to move on.

WE, as americans should be more concerned with what's going on presently and the fact that we are hated by the majority of the civilized world.
did you see what i posted earlier?

how the *%#% are you gonna tell black people to "move on" when people STILL can't get a @#+#%@@ job because of their skin color?

Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

Originally Posted by ShaunJon

FeedTheEgo1982 wrote:
Oh really?? Explain why a black man with the same qualifications, similar education can apply for a job, but often lose out to a white candidate. It has be researched and proven.
Researched by who!? Even if that was the case, Employment places with employees being majority black hire more black than whites, along with hispanics, asains, etc.. Every race does the same thing.

If you wanna argue *#% like that, why is it that my parents don't make enough money to pay for my college education, and white people such as myself are pretty much s.o.l. when it comes to getting a college scholarship?

I'm black and went through the same thing dude. Getting a scholarship has absolutely nothing to do with what I said. You can get a rather easy scholarship if you have the grades.. Apply to a HBCU and try to get a minority scholarship. There are ways to pay for school

I know it doesn't have anything to do with what you said. Im saying if you want to argue people don't get hired because of their race and say it has been proven, wheres your source to back that statement up? Because stuff like that happens to other races as well, for example, why its so hard for whites to get scholarships

you are dead wrong.. .this has been proven. PROVEN.

in this study, it was found that recently released white ex-cons were more likely to get hired than black people with NO record.

and don't say it was a fluke, this study was repeated 3,500 times.

and it wasn't done in Alabama or something. it was done in NEW YORK CITY

keep trying to deny racism...

How am I trying to deny racism? If you could read right Im saying it happens to all races, not just blacks...

as a black man who spent his early life around jews....jews unify and look out for each other better than we do....if blacks would actually unify i think thesky's the for your fellow brother aint poppin anymore though
Originally Posted by RetroJTino

Originally Posted by Jules300

Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

My answer is: Do you know anyone still alive that was involved with slavery?

Yup my great grandmother and great grandfather ur argument has failed

Yea see. And even still. Whether or not ANY of them are alive, is that fair reason to forget about it and move on?

BURN....... hella good point
What sense does it make to dwell in the past while the rest of the world is moving on?
Who really blames their problems on slavery though?

People discuss slavery in the context of African's collective problems as they should....but who really blames their personal problems on slavery ?!

Everyone wants to tell us what to forget and what we need to be doing? F outta here. Im tired of these tired generalizations and sterotypes. Why don'tAmericans forget about the Civil War, why don't the Japanese forget about Hiroshima, why don't the Native American's forget about their genocide,why don't the Jew forget about their Holocaust?....all of those suggestions are as equally stupid as telling African Americans to forget about slavery.

Yeah....lets just forget about the most deplorable crime in human history and ignore all of the racism and instituional racism around the globe....y'allare truly stupid if you let other people dictate what you should think, speak about, save and discard from our collective history.

Its about balance....we have to look forward, while remembering the past. If you keep talking about what we need to do, without putting it in the context ofwhy we are here....we will get nowhere.

Its like an amputee on a treadmill....getting mad at themselves for having 1 leg and forgetting about their accident. You have to remember the incident, cometo terms with it, clean the wounds, build crutches or a prostethic leg, get used to walking with the crutch or the leg and then start back living a normallife.

We are still at step 2 as a collective and people expect every black person to be competitve in a marathon with 1 leg.

This is in no way to say that we are inferior or need any outside help...but as a group...there are serious external forces leaningon us and stunting our progress. That can't be denied and has to be recognized. Individually, we have made tremendous strides.Those who have the tools to achieve, do so...but far too many of our people are born disadvantaged and have set-backs piled on top of that societal handicap.

Y'all let people who have no interest in our collective well being....people who would rather see us fail than succed...dictate what we should be doing,saying or thinking....
How can you even make this type of determination about a group as large and diverse as African Americans anyway?

These type of threads should be locked...just like a "Jews need to stop complaing about the Holocaust and being cheap..." or "Indians arealcoholics stuck in the past..." thread would.

Cut out the foolishness and let us live our lives.

We need to progress and shake off these chains...but until there is equal schooling, resources, income and status for black children....take it easy on all thecritique please. All people are shaped by their environment...and too many of our environments are polluted.
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Who really blames their problems on slavery though?

People discuss slavery in the context of African's collective problems as they should....but who really blames their personal problems on slavery ?!

Everyone wants to tell us what to forget and what we need to be doing? F outta here. Im tired of these tired generalizations and sterotypes. WHy don't Americans forget about the Civil War, why don't the Japanese forget about Hiroshima, why don't the Native American's forget about their genocide, why don't the Jew forget about their Holocaust....all of those suggestions are as equally stupid as telling African Americans to forget about slavery.

Yeah....lets hust forget about the most deplorable crime in human history and ignore all of the racism and instituional racism around the globe....y'all are truly stupid if you let other people dictate what you should think, speak about and sae from our collective history.

Its about balance....we have to look forward, while remembering the past. If you keep talking about what we need to do, without putting it in the context of why we are here....we will get nowhere.

Its like an amputee on a treadmill....getting mad at themselves for having 1 leg and forgetting about their accident. You have to remember the incident, come to terms with it, clean the wounds, build crutches or a prostethic leg, get used to walking with the crutch or the leg and then start back living a normal life.

We are still at step 2 as a collective and people expect every black person to be competitve in a marathon with 1 leg.

This is in no way to say that we are inferior or need any outside help...but as a group...there are serious external forces leaning on us and stunting our progress. That can't be denied and has to be recognized. Individually, we have made tremendous strides. Those who have the tools to achieve do so...but far too many of our people are born disadvantaged and have set-backs piled on top of that societal handicap.

Y'all let people who have no interest in our collective well being....people who would rather see us fall than succed...dictate what we should be doing, saying or thinking....
How can you even make this type of determination about a group as large and diverse as African Americans anyway?

These type of threads should be locked...just like a "Jews need to stop complaing about the Holocaust and being cheap..." or "Indians are alcholocis stuck in the past...".

Cut out the foolishness and let us live our lives.

We need to progress and shake off these chains...but until there is equal schooling, resources, income and status for black children....take it easy on all the critique please. All people are shaped by their environment...and too many of our environments are polluted.

This the only one in this thread who actually makes goodpoints.
everything else is just trash.
Originally Posted by ShaunJon

FeedTheEgo1982 wrote:
Oh really?? Explain why a black man with the same qualifications, similar education can apply for a job, but often lose out to a white candidate. It has be researched and proven.

Researched by who!? Even if that was the case, Employment places with employees being majority black hire more black than whites, along with hispanics, asains, etc.. Every race does the same thing.

If you wanna argue *#% like that, why is it that my parents don't make enough money to pay for my college education, and white people such as myself are pretty much s.o.l. when it comes to getting a college scholarship?

I'm black and went through the same thing dude. Getting a scholarship has absolutely nothing to do with what I said. You can get a rather easy scholarship if you have the grades.. Apply to a HBCU and try to get a minority scholarship. There are ways to pay for school

I know it doesn't have anything to do with what you said. Im saying if you want to argue people don't get hired because of their race and say it has been proven, wheres your source to back that statement up? Because stuff like that happens to other races as well, for example, why its so hard for whites to get scholarships

How were your grades? There are a multitude of scholarships available to any race. Your point has no real validity. It's hard for any raceto get scholarships without due merit for these said scholarships.. You should look past just being white as the reason you didn't get a scholarship. Ididn't get scholarships because I was not involved with my school and didn't really volunteer at all. I had the grades, but no activities. Maybe youshould examine your situation a little more closely as the reason you aren't able to pay for school.. As to the sources, look around you my man. I neversaid it doesn't happen to other races. It is more likely to happen to black people for whatever reason. I can't believe how stuck in a box somepeople on here are to suggest that the playing grounds are even.
Who really blames their problems on slavery though?

People discuss slavery in the context of African's collective problems as they should....but who really blames their personal problems on slavery ?!
Basically thats how you know most of these cats don't hang around black dudes and if they do they them Nick Cannon types.
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Who really blames their problems on slavery though?

People discuss slavery in the context of African's collective problems as they should....but who really blames their personal problems on slavery ?!

Everyone wants to tell us what to forget and what we need to be doing? F outta here. Im tired of these tired generalizations and sterotypes. Why don't Americans forget about the Civil War, why don't the Japanese forget about Hiroshima, why don't the Native American's forget about their genocide, why don't the Jew forget about their Holocaust?....all of those suggestions are as equally stupid as telling African Americans to forget about slavery.

Yeah....lets just forget about the most deplorable crime in human history and ignore all of the racism and instituional racism around the globe....y'all are truly stupid if you let other people dictate what you should think, speak about, save and discard from our collective history.

Its about balance....we have to look forward, while remembering the past. If you keep talking about what we need to do, without putting it in the context of why we are here....we will get nowhere.

Its like an amputee on a treadmill....getting mad at themselves for having 1 leg and forgetting about their accident. You have to remember the incident, come to terms with it, clean the wounds, build crutches or a prostethic leg, get used to walking with the crutch or the leg and then start back living a normal life.

We are still at step 2 as a collective and people expect every black person to be competitve in a marathon with 1 leg.

This is in no way to say that we are inferior or need any outside help...but as a group...there are serious external forces leaning on us and stunting our progress. That can't be denied and has to be recognized. Individually, we have made tremendous strides. Those who have the tools to achieve, do so...but far too many of our people are born disadvantaged and have set-backs piled on top of that societal handicap.

Y'all let people who have no interest in our collective well being....people who would rather see us fail than succed...dictate what we should be doing, saying or thinking....
How can you even make this type of determination about a group as large and diverse as African Americans anyway?

These type of threads should be locked...just like a "Jews need to stop complaing about the Holocaust and being cheap..." or "Indians are alcoholics stuck in the past..." thread would.

Cut out the foolishness and let us live our lives.

We need to progress and shake off these chains...but until there is equal schooling, resources, income and status for black children....take it easy on all the critique please. All people are shaped by their environment...and too many of our environments are polluted.
No one is saying to forget it, but people use the concept of "Oh, it's because I'm black", which has undoubtedly stemmed fromsegregation/racism/slavery, to justify their short comings. That's a faulty way of thinking that doesn't lead to proactive behavior. I'm saying totake the past for what it is, the past, and keep it pushing.

Just answer me this, what exactly are you accomplishing by holding onto slavery and the ideas that you're being downtrodden because of your race? In steadof focusing on the strides people, collectively, have made, there's such an emphasis on race. That type of attitude does not bring about progress, butinstead it keeps us stagnant at the point we're in.

We're at the point where the law provides for equal rights among all men, yet we still have some arguing that progress hasn't been made. We may be atthe dawn of which it's possible that our nation may led by a man not of full Caucasian descent, and that's not progress?

Black people are not the only people who were oppressed, yet some of you seem to think that's the case.
Originally Posted by iBlink

No one is saying to forget it, but people use the concept of "Oh, it's because I'm black", which has undoubtedly stemmed from segregation/racism/slavery, to justify their short comings. That's a faulty way of thinking that doesn't lead to proactive behavior. I'm saying to take the past for what it is, the past, and keep it pushing.

Just answer me this, what exactly are you accomplishing by holding onto slavery and the ideas that you're being downtrodden because of your race? In stead of focusing on the strides people, collectively, have made, there's such an emphasis on race. That type of attitude does not bring about progress, but instead it keeps us stagnant at the point we're in.

We're at the point where the law provides for equal rights among all men, yet we still have some arguing that progress hasn't been made. We may be at the dawn of which it's possible that our nation may led by a man not of full Caucasian descent, and that's not progress?

Black people are not the only people who were oppressed, yet some of you seem to think that's the case.

My dude..I hear what you are saying but you are speaking from a priveleged viewpoint. That sounds great and it would be optimal if we could all think thatway....

But there are teenagers in this country who are have to drop out of school to feed their parents, kids who can't wear their bookbags in their projectsin fear of getting jumped, children who have to share desks and books in classes with teachers who expect failure, kids who are trying their hardest and thenget harrassed by police, discouraged by the media and held back by their economic status.

The world is filled with problems...too many of those problems are endemic to our communities as a result of slavery, Jim-crow laws and brutal racism. Youare crying about equal performance without calling as loudly for a level playing field...its unrealistic.

Yeah we are about to have a black president and look at how much race based problems have already arisen, before he is even elected...and he is a half whte,Harvard & Columbia grad. Come on...

Of course there are other oppressed peoples...just take a look at the problems that they have a s well. People don't just fail because the want toman.

Look at many South American states, African States, Eastern European nations, Chinese poverty, Middle Eastern problems, Indian distress.....oppresion andtragic history, without resolution = problems for every human group.
abeautifulhaze wrote:
iBlink wrote:
No one is saying to forget it, but people use the concept of "Oh, it's because I'm black", which has undoubtedly stemmed from segregation/racism/slavery, to justify their short comings. That's a faulty way of thinking that doesn't lead to proactive behavior. I'm saying to take the past for what it is, the past, and keep it pushing.

Just answer me this, what exactly are you accomplishing by holding onto slavery and the ideas that you're being downtrodden because of your race? In stead of focusing on the strides people, collectively, have made, there's such an emphasis on race. That type of attitude does not bring about progress, but instead it keeps us stagnant at the point we're in.

We're at the point where the law provides for equal rights among all men, yet we still have some arguing that progress hasn't been made. We may be at the dawn of which it's possible that our nation may led by a man not of full Caucasian descent, and that's not progress?

Black people are not the only people who were oppressed, yet some of you seem to think that's the case.

My dude..I hear what you are saying but you are speaking from a priveleged viewpoint. That sounds great and it would be optimal if we could all think that way....

But there are teenagers in this country who are have to drop out of school to feed their parents, kids who can't wear their bookbags in their projects in fear of getting jumped, children who have to share desks and books in classes with teachers who expect failure, kids who are trying their hardest and then get harrassed by police, discouraged by the media and held back by their economic status.

The world is filled with problems...too many of those problems are endemic to our communities. You are crying about equal performance without calling as loudly for a level playing field...its unrealistic.

Yeah we are about to have a black president and look at how much race based problems have arisen already, before he is even elected...and he is a half whte, Harvard grad. Come on...

Of course there are other oppressed peoples...just take a look at the problems that they have a s well. People don't just fail because the want to man.

Look at many South American states, African States, Eastern European nations, Chinese poverty, Middle Eastern problems, Indian distress.....oppresion and tragic history, without resolution = problems for every human group.

Dude, I've seen both aspects of life. I'm far from privileged. My mom, a white woman, has always been able to provide for me, but she struggled everystep because my father was no where to be found.

I was raised in the Bronx, NY, and I've seen the harsh realities of the a derelict lifestyle firsthand. I've been in schools (PS 68 for my BronxNt'ers) where the teachers abandon hope on their students as early on as the 4th grade. I know what it's like to be cast aside and viewed as someonewho wasn't going to make it anywhere in life. The thing with that is this, people have to establish a sense of purpose early, because if they don'tsociety will do it for them.

I'm all for a level playing field my man, but I'm a strong believer in working with what you have. Just because some people can't send their kidsto a private school doesn't mean they should not convey to the child that their education, however less substantial it may be, is on dire importance. Ifyou have to share a book with classmates, so be it, just be grateful that you have that book.

All I'm saying is this, African Americans suffer from this "disadvantage" because they don't have a full understanding of working with whatthey have. Some expect to be served life on a golden platter because their ancestors suffered through slavery and segregation, and get bitter when they come upshort. Segregation is not to blame fam, their attitudes are. If you want something out of life, you have to work for it. I do not stand by those peoplewho'd rather make excuses about their misfortunes, than to get up and make something out of nothing.

Like I said, take slavery for what it is, the past, and keep it pushing. That's the attitude Black Americans should have, not this crap about "Oh,it's because I'm black".
The only reason things are still "uneven" is that the people who are grumbling are the exact ones who won't get off their butts and work hard andmake something of themselves. Too many people nowadays want free rides "just because" instead of working hard. And their excuse is that everything isuneven and unfair and society keeps them down, but really it's because they don't want to go that extra mile in order to fight past the stereotypes andracism.
Originally Posted by Grand 0ld Party

my dads great grandparents were dirt poor when they came here in the 1910s. Their son fought in WW2, won a purple heart and a silver star, went to college, got a phd and was a professor
My dad's side of the family was in a similar situation. My grandfather fought in WW2 also, came back and became a dentist. Through hard workand dedication he reached the million dollar mark.

People of all races need to stop blaming others and expecting things to be given to them. If you want success you have to earn it. You have to put in theeffort to do your homework and study for tests in high school to get accepted into a university or college to get a well-paying job. If you put in the effort,everything else will fall into place.
a person with a ronald regan avy speaking on black people?

Blacks are lazy, shiftless, have 75 kids, are always robbing people, dancing, smoking weed and crack, naming thier kids all thsoe stupid names, always on welfare, always complaining about the "man" holding them down and are just plain animals.

I said it for you, in case you dudes didnt have the heart.
A+ for stereotyping.
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