My Gay Friends: Please stop comparing your plight to civil rights.

Originally Posted by HankMoody

I don't understand the thought process behind this.
it's because uneducated and small minded individuals think people choose to be gay...
Originally Posted by thegoat121886

Qualifying wrongs as better or worse is just as lame. Both are unjust; marriage equality is no less of a social ill than any other civil right. Make inroads to solve them instead of drawing comparisons or qualifications.

shoulda ended the thread right there at Post number 2. 
Originally Posted by thegoat121886

Qualifying wrongs as better or worse is just as lame. Both are unjust; marriage equality is no less of a social ill than any other civil right. Make inroads to solve them instead of drawing comparisons or qualifications.

shoulda ended the thread right there at Post number 2. 
Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Yea ok, or they could actually have been gay. How do u explain the God swallowing semen, or whatever the hell they were doing in that piece. Speaking of which I think I'm gonna embrace my lower self right now, that black women thread got me frisky.
All three people in this picture are the same person, king tut as Osiris/Heru/Heruhet. Khnumhotep and Niankhkhnum also have their children behind them in the picture you posted and they are recorded as having wives. But as we all know, most of what we know about Egypt hasn't been discovered yet. 
God swallowing semen was their description of creation. They viewed the heavens as a larger organ of a larger body as well.

You don't believe it, cool. it was their understanding. the pictures are like diagrams. they are not photographs. 

Creation is seen as housing both polarities male and female and the balance in between or the trinity. You will find homosexual themes in plenty of religions and mythologies because the stuff they are talking about is beyond our concept of human either, or gender.


Egyptian diety Happi. Man depicted with breast. Represents water and in this picture, unification of water from the north and south. The plants on either side are the symbols for the north, and south quarters of the king's body or the kingdom.

Not to get caught up in this argument between you because I'm not sure what its point is, but Wr you do realize dudes have been banging dudes for 1000s of years right?

Regardless of what the deeper meanings behind those paintings and heiroglyphics are, homosexuality existed in ancient Egypt (men on men and women on women.)  It's not even a "trying to slander Africa" deal because it was going on in Ancient Greece, Rome, China, and Mesopotamia too...
I know. There are pictures and pottery of greek men and little boys with their homosexual bath houses and all. But i was just trying to tell Anton and other ppl in this thread that we are only talking about physical homosexuality when the issue is larger than that if we gonna talk bout it/
Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Yea ok, or they could actually have been gay. How do u explain the God swallowing semen, or whatever the hell they were doing in that piece. Speaking of which I think I'm gonna embrace my lower self right now, that black women thread got me frisky.
All three people in this picture are the same person, king tut as Osiris/Heru/Heruhet. Khnumhotep and Niankhkhnum also have their children behind them in the picture you posted and they are recorded as having wives. But as we all know, most of what we know about Egypt hasn't been discovered yet. 
God swallowing semen was their description of creation. They viewed the heavens as a larger organ of a larger body as well.

You don't believe it, cool. it was their understanding. the pictures are like diagrams. they are not photographs. 

Creation is seen as housing both polarities male and female and the balance in between or the trinity. You will find homosexual themes in plenty of religions and mythologies because the stuff they are talking about is beyond our concept of human either, or gender.


Egyptian diety Happi. Man depicted with breast. Represents water and in this picture, unification of water from the north and south. The plants on either side are the symbols for the north, and south quarters of the king's body or the kingdom.

Not to get caught up in this argument between you because I'm not sure what its point is, but Wr you do realize dudes have been banging dudes for 1000s of years right?

Regardless of what the deeper meanings behind those paintings and heiroglyphics are, homosexuality existed in ancient Egypt (men on men and women on women.)  It's not even a "trying to slander Africa" deal because it was going on in Ancient Greece, Rome, China, and Mesopotamia too...
I know. There are pictures and pottery of greek men and little boys with their homosexual bath houses and all. But i was just trying to tell Anton and other ppl in this thread that we are only talking about physical homosexuality when the issue is larger than that if we gonna talk bout it/
Too bad "Ignorant" isn't a minority.

Some of you should be able to check that box off and get a kind of benefit. Hopefully, pertaining to education.
Too bad "Ignorant" isn't a minority.

Some of you should be able to check that box off and get a kind of benefit. Hopefully, pertaining to education.
Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

Originally Posted by TennHouse2

Originally Posted by Wr

It's not hiding. They just don't have to disclose it. I don't walk around disclose how many times I sleep with my girl or all my sexual exploits. Why are gay people to adamant on letting the world know about their sexual orientation. It's not very courteous to the people who are grossed out by homosexuality or sexuality period.  Point is whoever you are having sexual relations with is not public info. Sex should be a sacred and private thing, but as we all have seen with our media in the past 30 yrs, we have definitely seen the decline of the sacredness of sex and the commercializing of it for business purposes, policy shaping, and social engineering.

For gay people to openly talk about their rights, they are practicing civil rights, but If I were to do it, I could get slapped with a ticket for indecency or verbal sexual abuse. It's gonna create a new playing ground for hypocrisy in lawsuits.

Plus the fact that as Americans, we are already catching flack around the world for our morals policy. Don't you think this is adding another bulls eye on our backs for fundamentalist to have something else to legitimize their arguments for attacking us.

They  now have gay task forces now in police departments. See where this is heading???
what? idk where your from but ive never once heard a gay guy walking around talking about all the men hes slept with, your just making up stuff 

and SMH at saying they should just hide the fact that there gay, how do u not see whats wrong with that? and being black doesent come with an on/off switch your right about that, BUT NEITHER DOES BEING GAY!

theres alot of ignorance being spewed in this thread

And to say Gay Civil Rights is not comparable to what we as black people went through is laughable....its not the exact same but its defenatly comparable

Im not taking either side with this comment, but seriously you guys are missing his point. No one is asking them to hide anything. In fact hide is the wrong word. Look at it this way; if a gay guy walks into a room full of hetero people, interacts with them for some time then leaves, no one would know whether or not he was gay. If a black person walks into the same room with in one second every person in the room would know he is black. No ones hiding anything and both men are acting normal/true to who they are. But, the difference is obvious.

Thank you for pointing this out for me and I do need to work on my wording. 
i see how i used the wrong wording, but these cats in here would rather call somebody  a name. How ironic considering what we are debating about.
being oppressed for being a color is different fro being oppressed for sexual preference. The only thing they have in common is oppression. Ya'll cats act like you never heard of tonal value of things.
Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

Originally Posted by TennHouse2

Originally Posted by Wr

It's not hiding. They just don't have to disclose it. I don't walk around disclose how many times I sleep with my girl or all my sexual exploits. Why are gay people to adamant on letting the world know about their sexual orientation. It's not very courteous to the people who are grossed out by homosexuality or sexuality period.  Point is whoever you are having sexual relations with is not public info. Sex should be a sacred and private thing, but as we all have seen with our media in the past 30 yrs, we have definitely seen the decline of the sacredness of sex and the commercializing of it for business purposes, policy shaping, and social engineering.

For gay people to openly talk about their rights, they are practicing civil rights, but If I were to do it, I could get slapped with a ticket for indecency or verbal sexual abuse. It's gonna create a new playing ground for hypocrisy in lawsuits.

Plus the fact that as Americans, we are already catching flack around the world for our morals policy. Don't you think this is adding another bulls eye on our backs for fundamentalist to have something else to legitimize their arguments for attacking us.

They  now have gay task forces now in police departments. See where this is heading???
what? idk where your from but ive never once heard a gay guy walking around talking about all the men hes slept with, your just making up stuff 

and SMH at saying they should just hide the fact that there gay, how do u not see whats wrong with that? and being black doesent come with an on/off switch your right about that, BUT NEITHER DOES BEING GAY!

theres alot of ignorance being spewed in this thread

And to say Gay Civil Rights is not comparable to what we as black people went through is laughable....its not the exact same but its defenatly comparable

Im not taking either side with this comment, but seriously you guys are missing his point. No one is asking them to hide anything. In fact hide is the wrong word. Look at it this way; if a gay guy walks into a room full of hetero people, interacts with them for some time then leaves, no one would know whether or not he was gay. If a black person walks into the same room with in one second every person in the room would know he is black. No ones hiding anything and both men are acting normal/true to who they are. But, the difference is obvious.

Thank you for pointing this out for me and I do need to work on my wording. 
i see how i used the wrong wording, but these cats in here would rather call somebody  a name. How ironic considering what we are debating about.
being oppressed for being a color is different fro being oppressed for sexual preference. The only thing they have in common is oppression. Ya'll cats act like you never heard of tonal value of things.
Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

I wonder how the homosexual members of this board feel coming here almost every day to a new thread making them feel below everyone else? This is supposed to be a community/family of some sort, yet we have threads like these.

Comparing the two is ridiculous. MLK didn't teach yall *+++ apparently.

The Tuskegee experiment part made me lol, you think the government hasn't researched or tested experimental viruses and vaccines on homosexuals? Do you really think HIV came from a damn monkey? Oh but that's a conspiracy, right?

Instead of trying so hard to seem like your entire being is crushed by injustices your forefathers faced (you know damn well a dog has never been ordered to attack you, NOR have you been hit with a firehose), focus on the plight of your fellow man. Civil rights are civil rights. Did you know white activists assisted black people way back then? Crazy concept right? They believed in equality of all people, regardless of social constructs and Biblical "moral" systems.

This is just minorities bashing minorities. That SAME devil government you're talking about is @$#*!@++ on the rights of other people, and you don't care because it's not affecting you. You are no better than the people you feel are holding you down.

WOW, is my reading comprehension fail, or did this dude just say HIV was a goverment made virus released in the gay population? Go back to highschool man. Please, if you have time and or care look up SIV. If you still dont get it after that, then...

I know what SIV is. I know its BELIEVED that HIV came from it. Actually did learn that in high school. I believe HIV as we know it today was introduced into the homosexual population on both coasts, in a manner similar to the Tuskegee experiment. HIV is a bio weapon, kinda like what this new strain of e. coli seems to be. You don't have to believe that, its cool.
Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

I wonder how the homosexual members of this board feel coming here almost every day to a new thread making them feel below everyone else? This is supposed to be a community/family of some sort, yet we have threads like these.

Comparing the two is ridiculous. MLK didn't teach yall *+++ apparently.

The Tuskegee experiment part made me lol, you think the government hasn't researched or tested experimental viruses and vaccines on homosexuals? Do you really think HIV came from a damn monkey? Oh but that's a conspiracy, right?

Instead of trying so hard to seem like your entire being is crushed by injustices your forefathers faced (you know damn well a dog has never been ordered to attack you, NOR have you been hit with a firehose), focus on the plight of your fellow man. Civil rights are civil rights. Did you know white activists assisted black people way back then? Crazy concept right? They believed in equality of all people, regardless of social constructs and Biblical "moral" systems.

This is just minorities bashing minorities. That SAME devil government you're talking about is @$#*!@++ on the rights of other people, and you don't care because it's not affecting you. You are no better than the people you feel are holding you down.

WOW, is my reading comprehension fail, or did this dude just say HIV was a goverment made virus released in the gay population? Go back to highschool man. Please, if you have time and or care look up SIV. If you still dont get it after that, then...

I know what SIV is. I know its BELIEVED that HIV came from it. Actually did learn that in high school. I believe HIV as we know it today was introduced into the homosexual population on both coasts, in a manner similar to the Tuskegee experiment. HIV is a bio weapon, kinda like what this new strain of e. coli seems to be. You don't have to believe that, its cool.
Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by TennHouse2

so are u saying gay people arent being discriminated against too, they arent getting beat to death? they arent getting sodomized and hung on fences? they arent getting turned away from jobs because there gay? its so lame to try and turn this into a we had it worse pissing contest, instead of helping out the rights of everyone 

It was individuals discriminating against gays. It was official government policy to kill and hunt down blacks. We weren't even considered a full human being. We were classified as a sub human species. When have gay people ever fallen under such nomenclature?

Or do you just want specifically in the US?
I was speaking for the u.s. and our cultural practices
Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by TennHouse2

so are u saying gay people arent being discriminated against too, they arent getting beat to death? they arent getting sodomized and hung on fences? they arent getting turned away from jobs because there gay? its so lame to try and turn this into a we had it worse pissing contest, instead of helping out the rights of everyone 

It was individuals discriminating against gays. It was official government policy to kill and hunt down blacks. We weren't even considered a full human being. We were classified as a sub human species. When have gay people ever fallen under such nomenclature?

Or do you just want specifically in the US?
I was speaking for the u.s. and our cultural practices
Originally Posted by proper english

this dude Rex.
 @ the quote. 

I just wondered if he has always had it, or did i just notice it.

So I have to ask. Who does a gay man take care of. Just his partner and maybe potentially an orphan? 
Originally Posted by proper english

this dude Rex.
 @ the quote. 

I just wondered if he has always had it, or did i just notice it.

So I have to ask. Who does a gay man take care of. Just his partner and maybe potentially an orphan? 
Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

I wonder how the homosexual members of this board feel coming here almost every day to a new thread making them feel below everyone else? This is supposed to be a community/family of some sort, yet we have threads like these.

Comparing the two is ridiculous. MLK didn't teach yall *+++ apparently.

The Tuskegee experiment part made me lol, you think the government hasn't researched or tested experimental viruses and vaccines on homosexuals? Do you really think HIV came from a damn monkey? Oh but that's a conspiracy, right?

Instead of trying so hard to seem like your entire being is crushed by injustices your forefathers faced (you know damn well a dog has never been ordered to attack you, NOR have you been hit with a firehose), focus on the plight of your fellow man. Civil rights are civil rights. Did you know white activists assisted black people way back then? Crazy concept right? They believed in equality of all people, regardless of social constructs and Biblical "moral" systems.

This is just minorities bashing minorities. That SAME devil government you're talking about is @$#*!@++ on the rights of other people, and you don't care because it's not affecting you. You are no better than the people you feel are holding you down.

WOW, is my reading comprehension fail, or did this dude just say HIV was a goverment made virus released in the gay population? Go back to highschool man. Please, if you have time and or care look up SIV. If you still dont get it after that, then...

I know what SIV is. I know its BELIEVED that HIV came from it. Actually did learn that in high school. I believe HIV as we know it today was introduced into the homosexual population on both coasts, in a manner similar to the Tuskegee experiment. HIV is a bio weapon, kinda like what this new strain of e. coli seems to be. You don't have to believe that, its cool.

If it interests you enough I think you should give this a read

Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

I wonder how the homosexual members of this board feel coming here almost every day to a new thread making them feel below everyone else? This is supposed to be a community/family of some sort, yet we have threads like these.

Comparing the two is ridiculous. MLK didn't teach yall *+++ apparently.

The Tuskegee experiment part made me lol, you think the government hasn't researched or tested experimental viruses and vaccines on homosexuals? Do you really think HIV came from a damn monkey? Oh but that's a conspiracy, right?

Instead of trying so hard to seem like your entire being is crushed by injustices your forefathers faced (you know damn well a dog has never been ordered to attack you, NOR have you been hit with a firehose), focus on the plight of your fellow man. Civil rights are civil rights. Did you know white activists assisted black people way back then? Crazy concept right? They believed in equality of all people, regardless of social constructs and Biblical "moral" systems.

This is just minorities bashing minorities. That SAME devil government you're talking about is @$#*!@++ on the rights of other people, and you don't care because it's not affecting you. You are no better than the people you feel are holding you down.

WOW, is my reading comprehension fail, or did this dude just say HIV was a goverment made virus released in the gay population? Go back to highschool man. Please, if you have time and or care look up SIV. If you still dont get it after that, then...

I know what SIV is. I know its BELIEVED that HIV came from it. Actually did learn that in high school. I believe HIV as we know it today was introduced into the homosexual population on both coasts, in a manner similar to the Tuskegee experiment. HIV is a bio weapon, kinda like what this new strain of e. coli seems to be. You don't have to believe that, its cool.

If it interests you enough I think you should give this a read

Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by proper english

this dude Rex.
 @ the quote. 

I just wondered if he has always had it, or did i just notice it.

So I have to ask. Who does a gay man take care of. Just his partner and maybe potentially an orphan? 

i think proper was referring to rex calling out the guy who came into the thread and wrote "posting for later".  not rex's sig quote.  or did i completely miss that?
Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by proper english

this dude Rex.
 @ the quote. 

I just wondered if he has always had it, or did i just notice it.

So I have to ask. Who does a gay man take care of. Just his partner and maybe potentially an orphan? 

i think proper was referring to rex calling out the guy who came into the thread and wrote "posting for later".  not rex's sig quote.  or did i completely miss that?
Originally Posted by TimCity2000

Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by proper english

this dude Rex.
 @ the quote. 

I just wondered if he has always had it, or did i just notice it.

So I have to ask. Who does a gay man take care of. Just his partner and maybe potentially an orphan? 

i think proper was referring to rex calling out the guy who came into the thread and wrote "posting for later".  not rex's sig quote.  or did i completely miss that?
i might have made a boo boo. I forgot all about that first quote after reading what Rex wrote. (Did Read) I just happen to see the quote in his sig. my b ya'll
Originally Posted by TimCity2000

Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by proper english

this dude Rex.
 @ the quote. 

I just wondered if he has always had it, or did i just notice it.

So I have to ask. Who does a gay man take care of. Just his partner and maybe potentially an orphan? 

i think proper was referring to rex calling out the guy who came into the thread and wrote "posting for later".  not rex's sig quote.  or did i completely miss that?
i might have made a boo boo. I forgot all about that first quote after reading what Rex wrote. (Did Read) I just happen to see the quote in his sig. my b ya'll
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