My Gay Friends: Please stop comparing your plight to civil rights.

I wonder how the homosexual members of this board feel coming here almost every day to a new thread making them feel below everyone else? This is supposed to be a community/family of some sort, yet we have threads like these.

Comparing the two is ridiculous. MLK didn't teach yall *+++ apparently.

The Tuskegee experiment part made me lol, you think the government hasn't researched or tested experimental viruses and vaccines on homosexuals? Do you really think HIV came from a damn monkey? Oh but that's a conspiracy, right?

Instead of trying so hard to seem like your entire being is crushed by injustices your forefathers faced (you know damn well a dog has never been ordered to attack you, NOR have you been hit with a firehose), focus on the plight of your fellow man. Civil rights are civil rights. Did you know white activists assisted black people way back then? Crazy concept right? They believed in equality of all people, regardless of social constructs and Biblical "moral" systems.

This is just minorities bashing minorities. That SAME devil government you're talking about is @$#*!@++ on the rights of other people, and you don't care because it's not affecting you. You are no better than the people you feel are holding you down.
I wonder how the homosexual members of this board feel coming here almost every day to a new thread making them feel below everyone else? This is supposed to be a community/family of some sort, yet we have threads like these.

Comparing the two is ridiculous. MLK didn't teach yall *+++ apparently.

The Tuskegee experiment part made me lol, you think the government hasn't researched or tested experimental viruses and vaccines on homosexuals? Do you really think HIV came from a damn monkey? Oh but that's a conspiracy, right?

Instead of trying so hard to seem like your entire being is crushed by injustices your forefathers faced (you know damn well a dog has never been ordered to attack you, NOR have you been hit with a firehose), focus on the plight of your fellow man. Civil rights are civil rights. Did you know white activists assisted black people way back then? Crazy concept right? They believed in equality of all people, regardless of social constructs and Biblical "moral" systems.

This is just minorities bashing minorities. That SAME devil government you're talking about is @$#*!@++ on the rights of other people, and you don't care because it's not affecting you. You are no better than the people you feel are holding you down.
Originally Posted by thegoat121886

 you might as well just elft this out if you expected it to strengthen your position
. "There's a few gays who hate black people..let's punish them all!!!!111!!!"


Who said anything about punishing gay people?

I have no problem with gay people and don't want to "punish" them. Stop jumping to conclusions.

And of course I'm talking about during African Americans' struggle for civil rights. What else would I be talking about since the GLT community is currently "struggling" for their civil rights. They are comparing their struggle to ours (African Americans) and they aren't the same.
Racism is systematically institutionalized throughout the world....they aren't comparable phenomena....
Racism is systematically institutionalized throughout the world....they aren't comparable phenomena....
Originally Posted by proper english

Originally Posted by thegoat121886

Qualifying wrongs as better or worse is just as lame. Both are unjust; marriage equality is no less of a social ill than any other civil right. Make inroads to solve them instead of drawing comparisons or qualifications.

so stop it already, kids.

very well said 
Originally Posted by proper english

Originally Posted by thegoat121886

Qualifying wrongs as better or worse is just as lame. Both are unjust; marriage equality is no less of a social ill than any other civil right. Make inroads to solve them instead of drawing comparisons or qualifications.

so stop it already, kids.

very well said 
Originally Posted by Brolic Scholar

Originally Posted by thegoat121886

 you might as well just elft this out if you expected it to strengthen your position
. "There's a few gays who hate black people..let's punish them all!!!!111!!!"


Who said anything about punishing gay people?

I have no problem with gay people and don't want to "punish" them. Stop jumping to conclusions.

And of course I'm talking about during African Americans' struggle for civil rights. What else would I be talking about since the GLT community is currently "struggling" for their civil rights. They are comparing their struggle to ours (African Americans) and they aren't the same.
i was drawing allusions to the statement you made but no matter...that's a tangent anyway and has little to do with the main topic at hand. Like i said before, comparing the two is stupid. Trying to lessen one because it is supposedly not as worse as the other is equally stupid. embrace the struggle as an affront to civil rights instead of trying to differentiate the two. You'll find that no one will be able to compare them then. Your position is only furthering that belief in those who hold that as fact.
Originally Posted by Brolic Scholar

Originally Posted by thegoat121886

 you might as well just elft this out if you expected it to strengthen your position
. "There's a few gays who hate black people..let's punish them all!!!!111!!!"


Who said anything about punishing gay people?

I have no problem with gay people and don't want to "punish" them. Stop jumping to conclusions.

And of course I'm talking about during African Americans' struggle for civil rights. What else would I be talking about since the GLT community is currently "struggling" for their civil rights. They are comparing their struggle to ours (African Americans) and they aren't the same.
i was drawing allusions to the statement you made but no matter...that's a tangent anyway and has little to do with the main topic at hand. Like i said before, comparing the two is stupid. Trying to lessen one because it is supposedly not as worse as the other is equally stupid. embrace the struggle as an affront to civil rights instead of trying to differentiate the two. You'll find that no one will be able to compare them then. Your position is only furthering that belief in those who hold that as fact.
stop comparing gay marriage to anything else. judge it by itself. let them marry, move on.
stop comparing gay marriage to anything else. judge it by itself. let them marry, move on.
Originally Posted by thegoat121886

i was drawing allusions to the statement you made but no matter...that's a tangent anyway and has little to do with the main topic at hand. Like i said before, comparing the two is stupid. Trying to lessen one because it is supposedly not as worse as the other is equally stupid. embrace the struggle as an affront to civil rights instead of trying to differentiate the two. You'll find that no one will be able to compare them then. Your position is only furthering that belief in those who hold that as fact.

What does that last line even mean? My position is furthering what belief? I support gay rights. More power to them.

Another thing, I'm not the one making the comparison. Gay people are the ones making the comparison. I don't have the right to point out that they are not the same with factual evidence? So because my people have gone through a struggle for civil rights I'm not supposed to call bs when I see it, because the GLT community is trying to get civil rights? Nah.

You're acting like African Americans are the ones comparing these two to their advantage and we aren't. It's obviously the other way around. It sounds great and may garner more sympathy, but it's an offensive simplification of history.

Why don't they compare their struggle to that of the Jewish community. Let's see how that flies. My guess is Jews ain't having it and no one is going to tell them they are wrong for it. Somehow the African American struggle is ok for everyone to don when they need a boost in credibility. I'm not ok with people jumping in and out of my culture when it's convenient. What's the problem with that?
Originally Posted by thegoat121886

i was drawing allusions to the statement you made but no matter...that's a tangent anyway and has little to do with the main topic at hand. Like i said before, comparing the two is stupid. Trying to lessen one because it is supposedly not as worse as the other is equally stupid. embrace the struggle as an affront to civil rights instead of trying to differentiate the two. You'll find that no one will be able to compare them then. Your position is only furthering that belief in those who hold that as fact.

What does that last line even mean? My position is furthering what belief? I support gay rights. More power to them.

Another thing, I'm not the one making the comparison. Gay people are the ones making the comparison. I don't have the right to point out that they are not the same with factual evidence? So because my people have gone through a struggle for civil rights I'm not supposed to call bs when I see it, because the GLT community is trying to get civil rights? Nah.

You're acting like African Americans are the ones comparing these two to their advantage and we aren't. It's obviously the other way around. It sounds great and may garner more sympathy, but it's an offensive simplification of history.

Why don't they compare their struggle to that of the Jewish community. Let's see how that flies. My guess is Jews ain't having it and no one is going to tell them they are wrong for it. Somehow the African American struggle is ok for everyone to don when they need a boost in credibility. I'm not ok with people jumping in and out of my culture when it's convenient. What's the problem with that?
Originally Posted by Brolic Scholar

Originally Posted by thegoat121886

i was drawing allusions to the statement you made but no matter...that's a tangent anyway and has little to do with the main topic at hand. Like i said before, comparing the two is stupid. Trying to lessen one because it is supposedly not as worse as the other is equally stupid. embrace the struggle as an affront to civil rights instead of trying to differentiate the two. You'll find that no one will be able to compare them then. Your position is only furthering that belief in those who hold that as fact.

What does that last line even mean? My position is furthering what belief? I support gay rights. More power to them.

Another thing, I'm not the one making the comparison. Gay people are the ones making the comparison. I don't have the right to point out that they are not the same with factual evidence? So because my people have gone through a struggle for civil rights I'm not supposed to call bs when I see it, because the GLT community is trying to get civil rights? Nah.

You're acting like African Americans are the ones comparing these two to their advantage and we aren't. It's obviously the other way around. It sounds great and may garner more sympathy, but it's an offensive simplification of history.

Why don't they compare their struggle to that of the Jewish community. Let's see how that flies. My guess is Jews ain't having it and no one is going to tell them they are wrong for it. Somehow the African American struggle is ok for everyone to don when they need a boost in credibility. I'm not ok with people jumping in and out of my culture when it's convenient. What's the problem with that?

so, you're basically saying that there are different levels of human rights...?
all gay people want is equality.. same goes for every single minority out there. 
Originally Posted by Brolic Scholar

Originally Posted by thegoat121886

i was drawing allusions to the statement you made but no matter...that's a tangent anyway and has little to do with the main topic at hand. Like i said before, comparing the two is stupid. Trying to lessen one because it is supposedly not as worse as the other is equally stupid. embrace the struggle as an affront to civil rights instead of trying to differentiate the two. You'll find that no one will be able to compare them then. Your position is only furthering that belief in those who hold that as fact.

What does that last line even mean? My position is furthering what belief? I support gay rights. More power to them.

Another thing, I'm not the one making the comparison. Gay people are the ones making the comparison. I don't have the right to point out that they are not the same with factual evidence? So because my people have gone through a struggle for civil rights I'm not supposed to call bs when I see it, because the GLT community is trying to get civil rights? Nah.

You're acting like African Americans are the ones comparing these two to their advantage and we aren't. It's obviously the other way around. It sounds great and may garner more sympathy, but it's an offensive simplification of history.

Why don't they compare their struggle to that of the Jewish community. Let's see how that flies. My guess is Jews ain't having it and no one is going to tell them they are wrong for it. Somehow the African American struggle is ok for everyone to don when they need a boost in credibility. I'm not ok with people jumping in and out of my culture when it's convenient. What's the problem with that?

so, you're basically saying that there are different levels of human rights...?
all gay people want is equality.. same goes for every single minority out there. 
Spot on Proper English. Way to put words in my mouth.

Explain to me how I am saying there are different levels of human rights, please.
Spot on Proper English. Way to put words in my mouth.

Explain to me how I am saying there are different levels of human rights, please.
Originally Posted by Brolic Scholar

Originally Posted by thegoat121886

i was drawing allusions to the statement you made but no matter...that's a tangent anyway and has little to do with the main topic at hand. Like i said before, comparing the two is stupid. Trying to lessen one because it is supposedly not as worse as the other is equally stupid. embrace the struggle as an affront to civil rights instead of trying to differentiate the two. You'll find that no one will be able to compare them then. Your position is only furthering that belief in those who hold that as fact.

What does that last line even mean? My position is furthering what belief? I support gay rights. More power to them.

Another thing, I'm not the one making the comparison. Gay people are the ones making the comparison. I don't have the right to point out that they are not the same with factual evidence? So because my people have gone through a struggle for civil rights I'm not supposed to call bs when I see it, because the GLT community is trying to get civil rights? Nah.

You're acting like African Americans are the ones comparing these two to their advantage and we aren't. It's obviously the other way around. It sounds great and may garner more sympathy, but it's an offensive simplification of history.

Why don't they compare their struggle to that of the Jewish community. Let's see how that flies. My guess is Jews ain't having it and no one is going to tell them they are wrong for it. Somehow the African American struggle is ok for everyone to don when they need a boost in credibility. I'm not ok with people jumping in and out of my culture when it's convenient. What's the problem with that?
 does it matter who/what they compare their struggle to? If some gays want to compare their plight to black civil rights or extraterrestrials in District 9...WHO CARES? It's wasted time getting offended about what is the greater atrocity. Is it really THAT offensive to you? I would take it as a positive thing that someone else is acknowledging that a wrong was done in the past and gravitate to that as a platform for their own similar  plight. Instead of being offended over this, be offended because there are people out there who have the audacity to deny a class of people the same civil rights they have. Sounds a lot more constructive to me.
Originally Posted by Brolic Scholar

Originally Posted by thegoat121886

i was drawing allusions to the statement you made but no matter...that's a tangent anyway and has little to do with the main topic at hand. Like i said before, comparing the two is stupid. Trying to lessen one because it is supposedly not as worse as the other is equally stupid. embrace the struggle as an affront to civil rights instead of trying to differentiate the two. You'll find that no one will be able to compare them then. Your position is only furthering that belief in those who hold that as fact.

What does that last line even mean? My position is furthering what belief? I support gay rights. More power to them.

Another thing, I'm not the one making the comparison. Gay people are the ones making the comparison. I don't have the right to point out that they are not the same with factual evidence? So because my people have gone through a struggle for civil rights I'm not supposed to call bs when I see it, because the GLT community is trying to get civil rights? Nah.

You're acting like African Americans are the ones comparing these two to their advantage and we aren't. It's obviously the other way around. It sounds great and may garner more sympathy, but it's an offensive simplification of history.

Why don't they compare their struggle to that of the Jewish community. Let's see how that flies. My guess is Jews ain't having it and no one is going to tell them they are wrong for it. Somehow the African American struggle is ok for everyone to don when they need a boost in credibility. I'm not ok with people jumping in and out of my culture when it's convenient. What's the problem with that?
 does it matter who/what they compare their struggle to? If some gays want to compare their plight to black civil rights or extraterrestrials in District 9...WHO CARES? It's wasted time getting offended about what is the greater atrocity. Is it really THAT offensive to you? I would take it as a positive thing that someone else is acknowledging that a wrong was done in the past and gravitate to that as a platform for their own similar  plight. Instead of being offended over this, be offended because there are people out there who have the audacity to deny a class of people the same civil rights they have. Sounds a lot more constructive to me.
Originally Posted by thegoat121886

Qualifying wrongs as better or worse is just as lame. Both are unjust; marriage equality is no less of a social ill than any other civil right. Make inroads to solve them instead of drawing comparisons or qualifications.


You suck at life.
Originally Posted by thegoat121886

Qualifying wrongs as better or worse is just as lame. Both are unjust; marriage equality is no less of a social ill than any other civil right. Make inroads to solve them instead of drawing comparisons or qualifications.


You suck at life.
Originally Posted by thegoat121886

Originally Posted by Brolic Scholar

Even worse than that, there are gay people who are racisits and hate black people that want to use the comparison

gay and racist. i never really thought about that.. is that even allowed?
 good luck with life. 
Originally Posted by thegoat121886

Originally Posted by Brolic Scholar

Even worse than that, there are gay people who are racisits and hate black people that want to use the comparison

gay and racist. i never really thought about that.. is that even allowed?
 good luck with life. 
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