My Gay Friends: Please stop comparing your plight to civil rights.

Gay people are trying to get rights. If it helps them in their argument to get equal rights then whats the problem? History helps us learn, if some people are holding onto history like its there's alone then its stopping us all from moving forward.
Originally Posted by Jello B Afro

Originally Posted by Brolic Scholar

They are nowhere near the same on the levels of discrimination, injustice and/or violence perpetrated against them.

Gay people aren't being lynched/kiled regularly (anywhere near as much as AAs were) because of prejudice.

Gay people aren't being held back from being educated or employed on the level that African Americans have been.

Gay people aren't forced to use separate facilities.
neither are blacks
get out of this thread dude....
Originally Posted by Jello B Afro

Originally Posted by Brolic Scholar

They are nowhere near the same on the levels of discrimination, injustice and/or violence perpetrated against them.

Gay people aren't being lynched/kiled regularly (anywhere near as much as AAs were) because of prejudice.

Gay people aren't being held back from being educated or employed on the level that African Americans have been.

Gay people aren't forced to use separate facilities.
neither are blacks
get out of this thread dude....
i believe some people just dont want blacks being compared to gay people. gay people are fighting for rights just as black people did but obviously blacks had it much worse.
i believe some people just dont want blacks being compared to gay people. gay people are fighting for rights just as black people did but obviously blacks had it much worse.
Originally Posted by oidreez

i believe some people just dont want blacks being compared to gay people. gay people are fighting for rights just as black people did but obviously blacks had it much worse.
thegoat121886 wrote:
Qualifying wrongs as better or worse is just as lame. Both are unjust; marriage equality is no less of a social ill than any other civil right. Make inroads to solve them instead of drawing comparisons or qualifications.

Originally Posted by LuckyP90

Gay people are trying to get rights. If it helps them in their argument to get equal rights then whats the problem? History helps us learn, if some people are holding onto history like its there's alone then its stopping us all from moving forward.
As someone said earlier civil rights are civil rights. It's 2011 guys and based upon history it's safe to say if gays were out and fighting for rights in the 60s they'd face the same extremes, if not worse.
Originally Posted by oidreez

i believe some people just dont want blacks being compared to gay people. gay people are fighting for rights just as black people did but obviously blacks had it much worse.
thegoat121886 wrote:
Qualifying wrongs as better or worse is just as lame. Both are unjust; marriage equality is no less of a social ill than any other civil right. Make inroads to solve them instead of drawing comparisons or qualifications.

Originally Posted by LuckyP90

Gay people are trying to get rights. If it helps them in their argument to get equal rights then whats the problem? History helps us learn, if some people are holding onto history like its there's alone then its stopping us all from moving forward.
As someone said earlier civil rights are civil rights. It's 2011 guys and based upon history it's safe to say if gays were out and fighting for rights in the 60s they'd face the same extremes, if not worse.
Originally Posted by Brolic Scholar

Originally Posted by thegoat121886

i was drawing allusions to the statement you made but no matter...that's a tangent anyway and has little to do with the main topic at hand. Like i said before, comparing the two is stupid. Trying to lessen one because it is supposedly not as worse as the other is equally stupid. embrace the struggle as an affront to civil rights instead of trying to differentiate the two. You'll find that no one will be able to compare them then. Your position is only furthering that belief in those who hold that as fact.

What does that last line even mean? My position is furthering what belief? I support gay rights. More power to them.

Another thing, I'm not the one making the comparison. Gay people are the ones making the comparison. I don't have the right to point out that they are not the same with factual evidence? So because my people have gone through a struggle for civil rights I'm not supposed to call bs when I see it, because the GLT community is trying to get civil rights? Nah.

You're acting like African Americans are the ones comparing these two to their advantage and we aren't. It's obviously the other way around. It sounds great and may garner more sympathy, but it's an offensive simplification of history.

Why don't they compare their struggle to that of the Jewish community. Let's see how that flies. My guess is Jews ain't having it and no one is going to tell them they are wrong for it. Somehow the African American struggle is ok for everyone to don when they need a boost in credibility. I'm not ok with people jumping in and out of my culture when it's convenient. What's the problem with that?
Actually we have seen this. During the holocaust not only were "jews" rounded up, but also homosexuals, people with disabilities, government sympathizers and other groups the nazis felt like experimenting with, and using as disposable flesh for their agenda and research. They were even sectioned off and given certain color stars to were as labels to make them readily identifiable to the ss.The thing about all the other groups that suffered like the gays was that there were overshadowed by organizations gaining sympathy for jewish rights only. Not the rights of all the other people who suffered in interment camps as well. The homosexual comunity had their opportunity to let their voices be heard, but politics and money got in the way. Nowadays we only think Jewish ppl were picked up to be in these places. Point I'm trying to make is that homosexuals are riding the wrong apple for their comparison. They should have been using the jewish plight as their stepping point and not blacks and slavery. You are comparing an apple to a pomegranate. Problem is the jews are already a homogenized group with a view and they don't have room for outsiders hopping on their struggle bandwagon." But if that don't work, just use the blacks. If people say anything about it, we will call them racist, homophobic, anti civil rights, and whatever to steer public opinion in our direction".
Originally Posted by Brolic Scholar

Originally Posted by thegoat121886

i was drawing allusions to the statement you made but no matter...that's a tangent anyway and has little to do with the main topic at hand. Like i said before, comparing the two is stupid. Trying to lessen one because it is supposedly not as worse as the other is equally stupid. embrace the struggle as an affront to civil rights instead of trying to differentiate the two. You'll find that no one will be able to compare them then. Your position is only furthering that belief in those who hold that as fact.

What does that last line even mean? My position is furthering what belief? I support gay rights. More power to them.

Another thing, I'm not the one making the comparison. Gay people are the ones making the comparison. I don't have the right to point out that they are not the same with factual evidence? So because my people have gone through a struggle for civil rights I'm not supposed to call bs when I see it, because the GLT community is trying to get civil rights? Nah.

You're acting like African Americans are the ones comparing these two to their advantage and we aren't. It's obviously the other way around. It sounds great and may garner more sympathy, but it's an offensive simplification of history.

Why don't they compare their struggle to that of the Jewish community. Let's see how that flies. My guess is Jews ain't having it and no one is going to tell them they are wrong for it. Somehow the African American struggle is ok for everyone to don when they need a boost in credibility. I'm not ok with people jumping in and out of my culture when it's convenient. What's the problem with that?
Actually we have seen this. During the holocaust not only were "jews" rounded up, but also homosexuals, people with disabilities, government sympathizers and other groups the nazis felt like experimenting with, and using as disposable flesh for their agenda and research. They were even sectioned off and given certain color stars to were as labels to make them readily identifiable to the ss.The thing about all the other groups that suffered like the gays was that there were overshadowed by organizations gaining sympathy for jewish rights only. Not the rights of all the other people who suffered in interment camps as well. The homosexual comunity had their opportunity to let their voices be heard, but politics and money got in the way. Nowadays we only think Jewish ppl were picked up to be in these places. Point I'm trying to make is that homosexuals are riding the wrong apple for their comparison. They should have been using the jewish plight as their stepping point and not blacks and slavery. You are comparing an apple to a pomegranate. Problem is the jews are already a homogenized group with a view and they don't have room for outsiders hopping on their struggle bandwagon." But if that don't work, just use the blacks. If people say anything about it, we will call them racist, homophobic, anti civil rights, and whatever to steer public opinion in our direction".
Originally Posted by Wr

get out of this thread dude....
nah. nothing i said was wrong or incorrect

why don't you use your posting prowess to denounce the obvious bigots in this thread instead
Originally Posted by Wr

get out of this thread dude....
nah. nothing i said was wrong or incorrect

why don't you use your posting prowess to denounce the obvious bigots in this thread instead
Originally Posted by Jello B Afro

Originally Posted by Wr

get out of this thread dude....
nah. nothing i said was wrong or incorrect

why don't you use your posting prowess to denounce the obvious bigots in this thread instead

What you said was very wrong. There are black people still being killed, lynched, abused, raped and taken advantage of, just because they are black. Gay is sexual orientation. It's not like being black. You can't wake up and say, "hmmm, I don't want to get pulled over today so I just won't put my black skin on today."
You can't say "Hmm, If I walk in this store with my black skin, they might accuse me of stealing something...Better leave it in the car for now".

Being black is something you have no controll over and as long as you are living, breathing, and walking around, people are going to look at you and categorize you as a black person. Even if they hit you with the "I have black friends". That fact that you have to point out that your friends are black as some sort of badge of validity is racist.  

Being gay is something they can choose to keep private to make their life more tolerable if they want. Being black doesn't come with an on/off switch, Gotta deal with having black skin 24/7
Originally Posted by Brolic Scholar

They are nowhere near the same on the levels of discrimination, injustice and/or violence perpetrated against them.

Gay people aren't being lynched/kiled regularly (anywhere near as much as AAs were) because of prejudice.

Gay people aren't being held back from being educated or employed on the level that African Americans have been.

Gay people aren't forced to use separate facilities.

My other problem with this comparison is that some gay people use it because it is convenient, but they don't do the invonvenient thing and stand up for African Americans when we are discriminated against STILL. If they feel that the struggles are the same why not go protest when something happens against African Americans to show solidarity?

Even worse than that, there are gay people who are racisits and hate black people that want to use the comparison.
Originally Posted by Jello B Afro

Originally Posted by Wr

get out of this thread dude....
nah. nothing i said was wrong or incorrect

why don't you use your posting prowess to denounce the obvious bigots in this thread instead

What you said was very wrong. There are black people still being killed, lynched, abused, raped and taken advantage of, just because they are black. Gay is sexual orientation. It's not like being black. You can't wake up and say, "hmmm, I don't want to get pulled over today so I just won't put my black skin on today."
You can't say "Hmm, If I walk in this store with my black skin, they might accuse me of stealing something...Better leave it in the car for now".

Being black is something you have no controll over and as long as you are living, breathing, and walking around, people are going to look at you and categorize you as a black person. Even if they hit you with the "I have black friends". That fact that you have to point out that your friends are black as some sort of badge of validity is racist.  

Being gay is something they can choose to keep private to make their life more tolerable if they want. Being black doesn't come with an on/off switch, Gotta deal with having black skin 24/7
Originally Posted by Brolic Scholar

They are nowhere near the same on the levels of discrimination, injustice and/or violence perpetrated against them.

Gay people aren't being lynched/kiled regularly (anywhere near as much as AAs were) because of prejudice.

Gay people aren't being held back from being educated or employed on the level that African Americans have been.

Gay people aren't forced to use separate facilities.

My other problem with this comparison is that some gay people use it because it is convenient, but they don't do the invonvenient thing and stand up for African Americans when we are discriminated against STILL. If they feel that the struggles are the same why not go protest when something happens against African Americans to show solidarity?

Even worse than that, there are gay people who are racisits and hate black people that want to use the comparison.
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Originally Posted by proper english

Originally Posted by thegoat121886

Qualifying wrongs as better or worse is just as lame. Both are unjust; marriage equality is no less of a social ill than any other civil right. Make inroads to solve them instead of drawing comparisons or qualifications.

so stop it already, kids.

very well said 

this. one can say blacks had it worse, w.e, but at the end of the day discrimination is discrimination.

now whether gay is a matter of choice is a diff discussion...
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Originally Posted by proper english

Originally Posted by thegoat121886

Qualifying wrongs as better or worse is just as lame. Both are unjust; marriage equality is no less of a social ill than any other civil right. Make inroads to solve them instead of drawing comparisons or qualifications.

so stop it already, kids.

very well said 

this. one can say blacks had it worse, w.e, but at the end of the day discrimination is discrimination.

now whether gay is a matter of choice is a diff discussion...
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by Brolic Scholar

They are nowhere near the same on the levels of discrimination, injustice and/or violence perpetrated against them.

Gay people aren't being lynched/kiled regularly (anywhere near as much as AAs were) because of prejudice.

Gay people aren't being held back from being educated or employed on the level that African Americans have been.

Gay people aren't forced to use separate facilities.

My other problem with this comparison is that some gay people use it because it is convenient, but they don't do the invonvenient thing and stand up for African Americans when we are discriminated against STILL. If they feel that the struggles are the same why not go protest when something happens against African Americans to show solidarity?

Even worse than that, there are gay people who are racisits and hate black people that want to use the comparison.
u not even black, tho.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by Brolic Scholar

They are nowhere near the same on the levels of discrimination, injustice and/or violence perpetrated against them.

Gay people aren't being lynched/kiled regularly (anywhere near as much as AAs were) because of prejudice.

Gay people aren't being held back from being educated or employed on the level that African Americans have been.

Gay people aren't forced to use separate facilities.

My other problem with this comparison is that some gay people use it because it is convenient, but they don't do the invonvenient thing and stand up for African Americans when we are discriminated against STILL. If they feel that the struggles are the same why not go protest when something happens against African Americans to show solidarity?

Even worse than that, there are gay people who are racisits and hate black people that want to use the comparison.
u not even black, tho.
My take:

Both are similar in that discrimination is based on genetic traits. 

However, the disparity in severity of discrimination is a topic not worth debating over.  Both types of discrimination are equally unjust and should be fought by everyone. 
My take:

Both are similar in that discrimination is based on genetic traits. 

However, the disparity in severity of discrimination is a topic not worth debating over.  Both types of discrimination are equally unjust and should be fought by everyone. 
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