My Gay Friends: Please stop comparing your plight to civil rights.

Originally Posted by staystrong

why are people on this post act like they never seen blacks get hung from trees or get watered down by fire hoses back in the day or now getting shot by police not getting any justice or not getting jobs even though they are qualifyed u can hide being gay and be sucessful but cant hide being black sorry gay friends u have it good still
so are u saying gay people arent being discriminated against too, they arent getting beat to death? they arent getting sodomized and hung on fences? they arent getting turned away from jobs because there gay? its so lame to try and turn this into a we had it worse pissing contest, instead of helping out the rights of everyone 
Originally Posted by TennHouse2

Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by GRyPR33

The fact that they would have to hide that they're gay to make life more tolerable is what's wrong.

Gay people are gay 24/7 whether they try to hide it or not.

If black people could take off their skin to hide their blackness would you think it acceptable to do so?
I would guess not. You, like any other rational human being, would want to eliminate the prejudice instead of bandaging the situation in such an insulting way.

Civil rights are civil rights
It's not hiding. They just don't have to disclose it. I don't walk around disclose how many times I sleep with my girl or all my sexual exploits. Why are gay people to adamant on letting the world know about their sexual orientation. It's not very courteous to the people who are grossed out by homosexuality or sexuality period.  Point is whoever you are having sexual relations with is not public info. Sex should be a sacred and private thing, but as we all have seen with our media in the past 30 yrs, we have definitely seen the decline of the sacredness of sex and the commercializing of it for business purposes, policy shaping, and social engineering.

For gay people to openly talk about their rights, they are practicing civil rights, but If I were to do it, I could get slapped with a ticket for indecency or verbal sexual abuse. It's gonna create a new playing ground for hypocrisy in lawsuits.

Plus the fact that as Americans, we are already catching flack around the world for our morals policy. Don't you think this is adding another bulls eye on our backs for fundamentalist to have something else to legitimize their arguments for attacking us.

They  now have gay task forces now in police departments. See where this is heading???
what? idk where your from but ive never once heard a gay guy walking around talking about all the men hes slept with, your just making up stuff 

and SMH at saying they should just hide the fact that there gay, how do u not see whats wrong with that? and being black doesent come with an on/off switch your right about that, BUT NEITHER DOES BEING GAY!

theres alot of ignorance being spewed in this thread

And to say Gay Civil Rights is not comparable to what we as black people went through is laughable....its not the exact same but its defenatly comparable

Well, I'm glad you got to post a smiley and a "SMH"
Besides all that, it ain't about what you heard a gay man do before to make my argument invalid.I'm just saying sexuality is best kept behind closed doors in general whether you gay or not doggie.

Where did I say gay rights was not comparable???

You dudes on here do a little too much to make a point. Just speak your mind and leave all that yang yang aside cause it doesn't help your point. It just marks you as someone vehemently trying to disagree. I ain't trying to convince you to believe in anything. I'm just saying what is.

The whole structure of America is to hide who you are. That's just corporate culture. It ain't about civil rights. If everybody was allowed to be who they really were 100% of time, people wouldn't be caught in scandals like Wiener. People would have escorts and drugs on their lunch breaks, not shave their face to go to work, wear jordans and basketball shorts to work, and just do whatever they thought expressed who they really are. 

We live in a restrictive society. Why should gays be the first ones to live out in the open freely while the rest of everybody else is still generally repressed. 
Originally Posted by TennHouse2

Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by GRyPR33

The fact that they would have to hide that they're gay to make life more tolerable is what's wrong.

Gay people are gay 24/7 whether they try to hide it or not.

If black people could take off their skin to hide their blackness would you think it acceptable to do so?
I would guess not. You, like any other rational human being, would want to eliminate the prejudice instead of bandaging the situation in such an insulting way.

Civil rights are civil rights
It's not hiding. They just don't have to disclose it. I don't walk around disclose how many times I sleep with my girl or all my sexual exploits. Why are gay people to adamant on letting the world know about their sexual orientation. It's not very courteous to the people who are grossed out by homosexuality or sexuality period.  Point is whoever you are having sexual relations with is not public info. Sex should be a sacred and private thing, but as we all have seen with our media in the past 30 yrs, we have definitely seen the decline of the sacredness of sex and the commercializing of it for business purposes, policy shaping, and social engineering.

For gay people to openly talk about their rights, they are practicing civil rights, but If I were to do it, I could get slapped with a ticket for indecency or verbal sexual abuse. It's gonna create a new playing ground for hypocrisy in lawsuits.

Plus the fact that as Americans, we are already catching flack around the world for our morals policy. Don't you think this is adding another bulls eye on our backs for fundamentalist to have something else to legitimize their arguments for attacking us.

They  now have gay task forces now in police departments. See where this is heading???
what? idk where your from but ive never once heard a gay guy walking around talking about all the men hes slept with, your just making up stuff 

and SMH at saying they should just hide the fact that there gay, how do u not see whats wrong with that? and being black doesent come with an on/off switch your right about that, BUT NEITHER DOES BEING GAY!

theres alot of ignorance being spewed in this thread

And to say Gay Civil Rights is not comparable to what we as black people went through is laughable....its not the exact same but its defenatly comparable

Well, I'm glad you got to post a smiley and a "SMH"
Besides all that, it ain't about what you heard a gay man do before to make my argument invalid.I'm just saying sexuality is best kept behind closed doors in general whether you gay or not doggie.

Where did I say gay rights was not comparable???

You dudes on here do a little too much to make a point. Just speak your mind and leave all that yang yang aside cause it doesn't help your point. It just marks you as someone vehemently trying to disagree. I ain't trying to convince you to believe in anything. I'm just saying what is.

The whole structure of America is to hide who you are. That's just corporate culture. It ain't about civil rights. If everybody was allowed to be who they really were 100% of time, people wouldn't be caught in scandals like Wiener. People would have escorts and drugs on their lunch breaks, not shave their face to go to work, wear jordans and basketball shorts to work, and just do whatever they thought expressed who they really are. 

We live in a restrictive society. Why should gays be the first ones to live out in the open freely while the rest of everybody else is still generally repressed. 
Originally Posted by TennHouse2

Originally Posted by staystrong

why are people on this post act like they never seen blacks get hung from trees or get watered down by fire hoses back in the day or now getting shot by police not getting any justice or not getting jobs even though they are qualifyed u can hide being gay and be sucessful but cant hide being black sorry gay friends u have it good still
so are u saying gay people arent being discriminated against too, they arent getting beat to death? they arent getting sodomized and hung on fences? they arent getting turned away from jobs because there gay? its so lame to try and turn this into a we had it worse pissing contest, instead of helping out the rights of everyone 

It was individuals discriminating against gays. It was official government policy to kill and hunt down blacks. We weren't even considered a full human being. We were classified as a sub human species. When have gay people ever fallen under such nomenclature?
Originally Posted by TennHouse2

Originally Posted by staystrong

why are people on this post act like they never seen blacks get hung from trees or get watered down by fire hoses back in the day or now getting shot by police not getting any justice or not getting jobs even though they are qualifyed u can hide being gay and be sucessful but cant hide being black sorry gay friends u have it good still
so are u saying gay people arent being discriminated against too, they arent getting beat to death? they arent getting sodomized and hung on fences? they arent getting turned away from jobs because there gay? its so lame to try and turn this into a we had it worse pissing contest, instead of helping out the rights of everyone 

It was individuals discriminating against gays. It was official government policy to kill and hunt down blacks. We weren't even considered a full human being. We were classified as a sub human species. When have gay people ever fallen under such nomenclature?
Different struggle same ignorance. The same hate that led the white man to oppress many of your ancestors it the exact same hatred many black people show toward homosexuals. Of course they're going to deny it cause they don't wanna be put in the same boat as their oppressors and look like bloody hypocrites, but it is EXACTLY what they are. Come at me bro. How did I sleep on the ignorance in this thread?

Progressive thinking led white people to view blacks as more than just animals.
Different struggle same ignorance. The same hate that led the white man to oppress many of your ancestors it the exact same hatred many black people show toward homosexuals. Of course they're going to deny it cause they don't wanna be put in the same boat as their oppressors and look like bloody hypocrites, but it is EXACTLY what they are. Come at me bro. How did I sleep on the ignorance in this thread?

Progressive thinking led white people to view blacks as more than just animals.
Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by TennHouse2

Originally Posted by staystrong

why are people on this post act like they never seen blacks get hung from trees or get watered down by fire hoses back in the day or now getting shot by police not getting any justice or not getting jobs even though they are qualifyed u can hide being gay and be sucessful but cant hide being black sorry gay friends u have it good still
so are u saying gay people arent being discriminated against too, they arent getting beat to death? they arent getting sodomized and hung on fences? they arent getting turned away from jobs because there gay? its so lame to try and turn this into a we had it worse pissing contest, instead of helping out the rights of everyone 

It was individuals discriminating against gays. It was official government policy to kill and hunt down blacks. We weren't even considered a full human being. We were classified as a sub human species. When have gay people ever fallen under such nomenclature?

Or do you just want specifically in the US?
Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by TennHouse2

Originally Posted by staystrong

why are people on this post act like they never seen blacks get hung from trees or get watered down by fire hoses back in the day or now getting shot by police not getting any justice or not getting jobs even though they are qualifyed u can hide being gay and be sucessful but cant hide being black sorry gay friends u have it good still
so are u saying gay people arent being discriminated against too, they arent getting beat to death? they arent getting sodomized and hung on fences? they arent getting turned away from jobs because there gay? its so lame to try and turn this into a we had it worse pissing contest, instead of helping out the rights of everyone 

It was individuals discriminating against gays. It was official government policy to kill and hunt down blacks. We weren't even considered a full human being. We were classified as a sub human species. When have gay people ever fallen under such nomenclature?

Or do you just want specifically in the US?
Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by TennHouse2

Originally Posted by Wr

It's not hiding. They just don't have to disclose it. I don't walk around disclose how many times I sleep with my girl or all my sexual exploits. Why are gay people to adamant on letting the world know about their sexual orientation. It's not very courteous to the people who are grossed out by homosexuality or sexuality period.  Point is whoever you are having sexual relations with is not public info. Sex should be a sacred and private thing, but as we all have seen with our media in the past 30 yrs, we have definitely seen the decline of the sacredness of sex and the commercializing of it for business purposes, policy shaping, and social engineering.

For gay people to openly talk about their rights, they are practicing civil rights, but If I were to do it, I could get slapped with a ticket for indecency or verbal sexual abuse. It's gonna create a new playing ground for hypocrisy in lawsuits.

Plus the fact that as Americans, we are already catching flack around the world for our morals policy. Don't you think this is adding another bulls eye on our backs for fundamentalist to have something else to legitimize their arguments for attacking us.

They  now have gay task forces now in police departments. See where this is heading???
what? idk where your from but ive never once heard a gay guy walking around talking about all the men hes slept with, your just making up stuff 

and SMH at saying they should just hide the fact that there gay, how do u not see whats wrong with that? and being black doesent come with an on/off switch your right about that, BUT NEITHER DOES BEING GAY!

theres alot of ignorance being spewed in this thread

And to say Gay Civil Rights is not comparable to what we as black people went through is laughable....its not the exact same but its defenatly comparable

Well, I'm glad you got to post a smiley and a "SMH"
Besides all that, it ain't about what you heard a gay man do before to make my argument invalid.I'm just saying sexuality is best kept behind closed doors in general whether you gay or not doggie.

Where did I say gay rights was not comparable???

You dudes on here do a little too much to make a point. Just speak your mind and leave all that yang yang aside cause it doesn't help your point. It just marks you as someone vehemently trying to disagree. I ain't trying to convince you to believe in anything. I'm just saying what is.

The whole structure of America is to hide who you are. That's just corporate culture. It ain't about civil rights. If everybody was allowed to be who they really were 100% of time, people wouldn't be caught in scandals like Wiener. People would have escorts and drugs on their lunch breaks, not shave their face to go to work, wear jordans and basketball shorts to work, and just do whatever they thought expressed who they really are. 

We live in a restrictive society. Why should gays be the first ones to live out in the open freely while the rest of everybody else is still generally repressed. 
What do u mean by hide you sexuality though? how do you do that? so a gay man cant walk down there street holding hands with his boyfreind, because that would be showing hes gay? If I walk outside right now i would see at least 8 couples together cuddling, holding hands, kissing etc...they sure are hiding being heterosexual.....
And the title of this thread says that gay rights arent comparable, thats what i was alluding too
Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by TennHouse2

Originally Posted by Wr

It's not hiding. They just don't have to disclose it. I don't walk around disclose how many times I sleep with my girl or all my sexual exploits. Why are gay people to adamant on letting the world know about their sexual orientation. It's not very courteous to the people who are grossed out by homosexuality or sexuality period.  Point is whoever you are having sexual relations with is not public info. Sex should be a sacred and private thing, but as we all have seen with our media in the past 30 yrs, we have definitely seen the decline of the sacredness of sex and the commercializing of it for business purposes, policy shaping, and social engineering.

For gay people to openly talk about their rights, they are practicing civil rights, but If I were to do it, I could get slapped with a ticket for indecency or verbal sexual abuse. It's gonna create a new playing ground for hypocrisy in lawsuits.

Plus the fact that as Americans, we are already catching flack around the world for our morals policy. Don't you think this is adding another bulls eye on our backs for fundamentalist to have something else to legitimize their arguments for attacking us.

They  now have gay task forces now in police departments. See where this is heading???
what? idk where your from but ive never once heard a gay guy walking around talking about all the men hes slept with, your just making up stuff 

and SMH at saying they should just hide the fact that there gay, how do u not see whats wrong with that? and being black doesent come with an on/off switch your right about that, BUT NEITHER DOES BEING GAY!

theres alot of ignorance being spewed in this thread

And to say Gay Civil Rights is not comparable to what we as black people went through is laughable....its not the exact same but its defenatly comparable

Well, I'm glad you got to post a smiley and a "SMH"
Besides all that, it ain't about what you heard a gay man do before to make my argument invalid.I'm just saying sexuality is best kept behind closed doors in general whether you gay or not doggie.

Where did I say gay rights was not comparable???

You dudes on here do a little too much to make a point. Just speak your mind and leave all that yang yang aside cause it doesn't help your point. It just marks you as someone vehemently trying to disagree. I ain't trying to convince you to believe in anything. I'm just saying what is.

The whole structure of America is to hide who you are. That's just corporate culture. It ain't about civil rights. If everybody was allowed to be who they really were 100% of time, people wouldn't be caught in scandals like Wiener. People would have escorts and drugs on their lunch breaks, not shave their face to go to work, wear jordans and basketball shorts to work, and just do whatever they thought expressed who they really are. 

We live in a restrictive society. Why should gays be the first ones to live out in the open freely while the rest of everybody else is still generally repressed. 
What do u mean by hide you sexuality though? how do you do that? so a gay man cant walk down there street holding hands with his boyfreind, because that would be showing hes gay? If I walk outside right now i would see at least 8 couples together cuddling, holding hands, kissing etc...they sure are hiding being heterosexual.....
And the title of this thread says that gay rights arent comparable, thats what i was alluding too
Originally Posted by SMASH ADAMS

James Earl Zones wrote:
MLK didn't teach yall *+++ apparently.

MLK taught us a lot. That turning the other cheek and trying to appease your oppressors is gonna get you shot regardless. Minus well have been Malcom X.  At least he didn't get killed just to be friends and the official black history month endorsement forever. All I see about MLK nowadays is McDonald commercials in February.  We still reciting this mans dream as the most important dialogue, when it's just licensed out to make money. White and black kids drink out the same water fountain and shh still bad.
Originally Posted by SMASH ADAMS

James Earl Zones wrote:
MLK didn't teach yall *+++ apparently.

MLK taught us a lot. That turning the other cheek and trying to appease your oppressors is gonna get you shot regardless. Minus well have been Malcom X.  At least he didn't get killed just to be friends and the official black history month endorsement forever. All I see about MLK nowadays is McDonald commercials in February.  We still reciting this mans dream as the most important dialogue, when it's just licensed out to make money. White and black kids drink out the same water fountain and shh still bad.
Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by SMASH ADAMS

James Earl Zones wrote:
MLK didn't teach yall *+++ apparently.

Underlined, highlighted and bolded for emphasis.

This my struggle is better than yours mentality a lot of minority NTers have is so self-defeating. People completely ignore the purpose of civil rights movements when it doen't benefit them directly. Selfish****
Because your ancestors (NOT YOU) suffered to open the doors for other civil rights movements means gay people need to be hosed down and chased by dogs in 2011.

We're talking about America, no one in here wants to know what happens to gay people in third world countries.
and another thing if u say f!? or thats gay they take offence pro athletes get fined and get a bad image but in movies " like hangover pt 2 " they can say n@+!? please but its alright ?
and another thing if u say f!? or thats gay they take offence pro athletes get fined and get a bad image but in movies " like hangover pt 2 " they can say n@+!? please but its alright ?
Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by SMASH ADAMS

James Earl Zones wrote:
MLK didn't teach yall *+++ apparently.

Underlined, highlighted and bolded for emphasis.

This my struggle is better than yours mentality a lot of minority NTers have is so self-defeating. People completely ignore the purpose of civil rights movements when it doen't benefit them directly. Selfish****
Because your ancestors (NOT YOU) suffered to open the doors for other civil rights movements means gay people need to be hosed down and chased by dogs in 2011.

We're talking about America, no one in here wants to know what happens to gay people in third world countries.
Originally Posted by staystrong

and another thing if u say f!? or thats gay they take offence pro athletes get fined and get a bad image but in movies " like hangover pt 2 " they can say n@+!? please but its alright ?
I hope ur not serious? I see F&^ said all the time.....and lets not pretend like 75% of us black people haven't normalized the N word 
 which is a whole nother subject
Originally Posted by staystrong

and another thing if u say f!? or thats gay they take offence pro athletes get fined and get a bad image but in movies " like hangover pt 2 " they can say n@+!? please but its alright ?
I hope ur not serious? I see F&^ said all the time.....and lets not pretend like 75% of us black people haven't normalized the N word 
 which is a whole nother subject
Originally Posted by staystrong

and another thing if u say f!? or thats gay they take offence pro athletes get fined and get a bad image but in movies " like hangover pt 2 " they can say n@+!? please but its alright ?
Your favorite rapper probably says the N word in every other bar.

Are you upset about this too?
Originally Posted by staystrong

and another thing if u say f!? or thats gay they take offence pro athletes get fined and get a bad image but in movies " like hangover pt 2 " they can say n@+!? please but its alright ?
Your favorite rapper probably says the N word in every other bar.

Are you upset about this too?
Originally Posted by staystrong

and another thing if u say f!? or thats gay they take offence pro athletes get fined and get a bad image but in movies " like hangover pt 2 " they can say n@+!? please but its alright ?

Son, I have had serious conversation with white people who are upset because they can't say the N word to black people. The hypocrisy. 
Just because a generation of white kids picks up hip hop, they feel like they can relate and call us N's when it was all business. Record companies just selling that image because it's a successful business plan. It still ain't cool to call any black person you think you cool with "My N.."  because you been listening to lil wayne for 5 years, you smoke kush now, wear jordans, and got some tats and pulled a black chick cause of your gear and your "swag".  It's just business. You ain't any blacker than you were when you woke up this morning. It ain't that easy to be black. It's disrespectful but gets over looked because we are black...
Originally Posted by staystrong

and another thing if u say f!? or thats gay they take offence pro athletes get fined and get a bad image but in movies " like hangover pt 2 " they can say n@+!? please but its alright ?

Son, I have had serious conversation with white people who are upset because they can't say the N word to black people. The hypocrisy. 
Just because a generation of white kids picks up hip hop, they feel like they can relate and call us N's when it was all business. Record companies just selling that image because it's a successful business plan. It still ain't cool to call any black person you think you cool with "My N.."  because you been listening to lil wayne for 5 years, you smoke kush now, wear jordans, and got some tats and pulled a black chick cause of your gear and your "swag".  It's just business. You ain't any blacker than you were when you woke up this morning. It ain't that easy to be black. It's disrespectful but gets over looked because we are black...
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