My Gay Friends: Please stop comparing your plight to civil rights.

Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by Jello B Afro

Originally Posted by Wr

get out of this thread dude....
nah. nothing i said was wrong or incorrect

why don't you use your posting prowess to denounce the obvious bigots in this thread instead

What you said was very wrong. There are black people still being killed, lynched, abused, raped and taken advantage of, just because they are black. Gay is sexual orientation. It's not like being black. You can't wake up and say, "hmmm, I don't want to get pulled over today so I just won't put my black skin on today."
Being gay is something they can choose to keep private to make their life more tolerable if they want. Being black doesn't come with an on/off switch, Gotta deal with having black skin 24/7
The fact that they would have to hide that they're gay to make life more tolerable is what's wrong.

Gay people are gay 24/7 whether they try to hide it or not.

If black people could take off their skin to hide their blackness would you think it acceptable to do so?
I would guess not. You, like any other rational human being, would want to eliminate the prejudice instead of bandaging the situation in such an insulting way.

Civil rights are civil rights
Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by Jello B Afro

Originally Posted by Wr

get out of this thread dude....
nah. nothing i said was wrong or incorrect

why don't you use your posting prowess to denounce the obvious bigots in this thread instead

What you said was very wrong. There are black people still being killed, lynched, abused, raped and taken advantage of, just because they are black. Gay is sexual orientation. It's not like being black. You can't wake up and say, "hmmm, I don't want to get pulled over today so I just won't put my black skin on today."
Being gay is something they can choose to keep private to make their life more tolerable if they want. Being black doesn't come with an on/off switch, Gotta deal with having black skin 24/7
The fact that they would have to hide that they're gay to make life more tolerable is what's wrong.

Gay people are gay 24/7 whether they try to hide it or not.

If black people could take off their skin to hide their blackness would you think it acceptable to do so?
I would guess not. You, like any other rational human being, would want to eliminate the prejudice instead of bandaging the situation in such an insulting way.

Civil rights are civil rights
I just don't understand why the GLBT community is under this belief that they are above the same treatment/ridicule that ANY other minority group in any capacity has received in this country. Or world for that matter. I won't get into the comparison because it is not the same. At the end of the day a homosexual does not HAVE  to flaunt that fact. A black/asian/jewish/native american can not hide what they are. Not that hiding it is right but it's a comparison of appearance and sexual orientation...the latter is really none of the worlds business thus really shouldn't be flaunted in the first place no? To compare the GLBT plight to any of those is ridiculous and offensive. It is an issue of rights, homosexual marriage should be legal, but there should be no comparison made
I just don't understand why the GLBT community is under this belief that they are above the same treatment/ridicule that ANY other minority group in any capacity has received in this country. Or world for that matter. I won't get into the comparison because it is not the same. At the end of the day a homosexual does not HAVE  to flaunt that fact. A black/asian/jewish/native american can not hide what they are. Not that hiding it is right but it's a comparison of appearance and sexual orientation...the latter is really none of the worlds business thus really shouldn't be flaunted in the first place no? To compare the GLBT plight to any of those is ridiculous and offensive. It is an issue of rights, homosexual marriage should be legal, but there should be no comparison made
Originally Posted by JsindaA

I just don't understand why the GLBT community is under this belief that they are above the same treatment/ridicule that ANY other minority group in any capacity has received in this country. Or world for that matter. I won't get into the comparison because it is not the same. At the end of the day a homosexual does not HAVE  to flaunt that fact. A black/asian/jewish/native american can not hide what they are. To compare the GLBT plight to any of those is ridiculous and offensive. It is an issue of rights, homosexual marriage should be legal, but there should be no comparison made
Do you feel like gay people should hide who they are to be accepted?
Originally Posted by JsindaA

I just don't understand why the GLBT community is under this belief that they are above the same treatment/ridicule that ANY other minority group in any capacity has received in this country. Or world for that matter. I won't get into the comparison because it is not the same. At the end of the day a homosexual does not HAVE  to flaunt that fact. A black/asian/jewish/native american can not hide what they are. To compare the GLBT plight to any of those is ridiculous and offensive. It is an issue of rights, homosexual marriage should be legal, but there should be no comparison made
Do you feel like gay people should hide who they are to be accepted?
No I do not. But I don't feel like sexual orientation is any one outside of relationships business and therefore you shouldn't be flaunting it. My acceptance doesn't change who you love. The issue is they want people to look at it as right and that will NEVER happen
No I do not. But I don't feel like sexual orientation is any one outside of relationships business and therefore you shouldn't be flaunting it. My acceptance doesn't change who you love. The issue is they want people to look at it as right and that will NEVER happen
^and if they choose to unify their love with their partner through marriage, why not allow it? i'm sure one day you hope to get married. they do too.
^and if they choose to unify their love with their partner through marriage, why not allow it? i'm sure one day you hope to get married. they do too.
I said I believe they should be able to get married. I have NO issue with that. I do hope to get married, actually I get married in a week FWIW
I said I believe they should be able to get married. I have NO issue with that. I do hope to get married, actually I get married in a week FWIW
Originally Posted by GRyPR33

Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by Jello B Afro

nah. nothing i said was wrong or incorrect

why don't you use your posting prowess to denounce the obvious bigots in this thread instead

What you said was very wrong. There are black people still being killed, lynched, abused, raped and taken advantage of, just because they are black. Gay is sexual orientation. It's not like being black. You can't wake up and say, "hmmm, I don't want to get pulled over today so I just won't put my black skin on today."
Being gay is something they can choose to keep private to make their life more tolerable if they want. Being black doesn't come with an on/off switch, Gotta deal with having black skin 24/7
The fact that they would have to hide that they're gay to make life more tolerable is what's wrong.

Gay people are gay 24/7 whether they try to hide it or not.

If black people could take off their skin to hide their blackness would you think it acceptable to do so?
I would guess not. You, like any other rational human being, would want to eliminate the prejudice instead of bandaging the situation in such an insulting way.

Civil rights are civil rights
It's not hiding. They just don't have to disclose it. I don't walk around disclose how many times I sleep with my girl or all my sexual exploits. Why are gay people to adamant on letting the world know about their sexual orientation. It's not very courteous to the people who are grossed out by homosexuality or sexuality period.  Point is whoever you are having sexual relations with is not public info. Sex should be a sacred and private thing, but as we all have seen with our media in the past 30 yrs, we have definitely seen the decline of the sacredness of sex and the commercializing of it for business purposes, policy shaping, and social engineering.

For gay people to openly talk about their rights, they are practicing civil rights, but If I were to do it, I could get slapped with a ticket for indecency or verbal sexual abuse. It's gonna create a new playing ground for hypocrisy in lawsuits.

Plus the fact that as Americans, we are already catching flack around the world for our morals policy. Don't you think this is adding another bulls eye on our backs for fundamentalist to have something else to legitimize their arguments for attacking us.

They  now have gay task forces now in police departments. See where this is heading???
Originally Posted by GRyPR33

Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by Jello B Afro

nah. nothing i said was wrong or incorrect

why don't you use your posting prowess to denounce the obvious bigots in this thread instead

What you said was very wrong. There are black people still being killed, lynched, abused, raped and taken advantage of, just because they are black. Gay is sexual orientation. It's not like being black. You can't wake up and say, "hmmm, I don't want to get pulled over today so I just won't put my black skin on today."
Being gay is something they can choose to keep private to make their life more tolerable if they want. Being black doesn't come with an on/off switch, Gotta deal with having black skin 24/7
The fact that they would have to hide that they're gay to make life more tolerable is what's wrong.

Gay people are gay 24/7 whether they try to hide it or not.

If black people could take off their skin to hide their blackness would you think it acceptable to do so?
I would guess not. You, like any other rational human being, would want to eliminate the prejudice instead of bandaging the situation in such an insulting way.

Civil rights are civil rights
It's not hiding. They just don't have to disclose it. I don't walk around disclose how many times I sleep with my girl or all my sexual exploits. Why are gay people to adamant on letting the world know about their sexual orientation. It's not very courteous to the people who are grossed out by homosexuality or sexuality period.  Point is whoever you are having sexual relations with is not public info. Sex should be a sacred and private thing, but as we all have seen with our media in the past 30 yrs, we have definitely seen the decline of the sacredness of sex and the commercializing of it for business purposes, policy shaping, and social engineering.

For gay people to openly talk about their rights, they are practicing civil rights, but If I were to do it, I could get slapped with a ticket for indecency or verbal sexual abuse. It's gonna create a new playing ground for hypocrisy in lawsuits.

Plus the fact that as Americans, we are already catching flack around the world for our morals policy. Don't you think this is adding another bulls eye on our backs for fundamentalist to have something else to legitimize their arguments for attacking us.

They  now have gay task forces now in police departments. See where this is heading???
Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by GRyPR33

Originally Posted by Wr

What you said was very wrong. There are black people still being killed, lynched, abused, raped and taken advantage of, just because they are black. Gay is sexual orientation. It's not like being black. You can't wake up and say, "hmmm, I don't want to get pulled over today so I just won't put my black skin on today."
Being gay is something they can choose to keep private to make their life more tolerable if they want. Being black doesn't come with an on/off switch, Gotta deal with having black skin 24/7
The fact that they would have to hide that they're gay to make life more tolerable is what's wrong.

Gay people are gay 24/7 whether they try to hide it or not.

If black people could take off their skin to hide their blackness would you think it acceptable to do so?
I would guess not. You, like any other rational human being, would want to eliminate the prejudice instead of bandaging the situation in such an insulting way.

Civil rights are civil rights
It's not hiding. They just don't have to disclose it. I don't walk around disclose how many times I sleep with my girl or all my sexual exploits. Why are gay people to adamant on letting the world know about their sexual orientation. It's not very courteous to the people who are grossed out by homosexuality or sexuality period.  Point is whoever you are having sexual relations with is not public info. Sex should be a sacred and private thing, but as we all have seen with our media in the past 30 yrs, we have definitely seen the decline of the sacredness of sex and the commercializing of it for business purposes, policy shaping, and social engineering.

For gay people to openly talk about their rights, they are practicing civil rights, but If I were to do it, I could get slapped with a ticket for indecency or verbal sexual abuse. It's gonna create a new playing ground for hypocrisy in lawsuits.

Plus the fact that as Americans, we are already catching flack around the world for our morals policy. Don't you think this is adding another bulls eye on our backs for fundamentalist to have something else to legitimize their arguments for attacking us.

They  now have gay task forces now in police departments. See where this is heading???
what? idk where your from but ive never once heard a gay guy walking around talking about all the men hes slept with, your just making up stuff 

and SMH at saying they should just hide the fact that there gay, how do u not see whats wrong with that? and being black doesent come with an on/off switch your right about that, BUT NEITHER DOES BEING GAY!

theres alot of ignorance being spewed in this thread

And to say Gay Civil Rights is not comparable to what we as black people went through is laughable....its not the exact same but its defenatly comparable
I think it is much more productive for anyone concerned about civil, and more importantly human, rights to integrate all forms of marginalization into a wider framework of oppression, almost all of which stems from the standard of "normal" in this country being: white, male, heterosexual, Christian, U.S. citizen, middle or upper class.

Anyone who differs in any way from this standard of normalcy has been oppressed and marginalized in various ways throughout the history of this country as well as today.  Let's learn about the struggles of ALL oppressed groups in this country (and throughout the world) as a means of building understanding, respect, empathy, and solidarity among the groups who have been and continue to face oppression (Blacks, Latinos, Native Americans and other racial and ethnic minorities, gays and lesbians, Muslims and Jews and other religious minorities, poor and working class folks, organized labor, immigrants, etc.).  There is a rich history of struggles against oppression in this country by all of these groups that we are not told about and most of us are ignorant of.

As long as those who are oppressed continue to be divided among themselves for their differences instead of coming together under the banner of being oppressed peoples who deserve and demand human rights and dignity for ALL, true change and progress will elude us.
Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by GRyPR33

Originally Posted by Wr

What you said was very wrong. There are black people still being killed, lynched, abused, raped and taken advantage of, just because they are black. Gay is sexual orientation. It's not like being black. You can't wake up and say, "hmmm, I don't want to get pulled over today so I just won't put my black skin on today."
Being gay is something they can choose to keep private to make their life more tolerable if they want. Being black doesn't come with an on/off switch, Gotta deal with having black skin 24/7
The fact that they would have to hide that they're gay to make life more tolerable is what's wrong.

Gay people are gay 24/7 whether they try to hide it or not.

If black people could take off their skin to hide their blackness would you think it acceptable to do so?
I would guess not. You, like any other rational human being, would want to eliminate the prejudice instead of bandaging the situation in such an insulting way.

Civil rights are civil rights
It's not hiding. They just don't have to disclose it. I don't walk around disclose how many times I sleep with my girl or all my sexual exploits. Why are gay people to adamant on letting the world know about their sexual orientation. It's not very courteous to the people who are grossed out by homosexuality or sexuality period.  Point is whoever you are having sexual relations with is not public info. Sex should be a sacred and private thing, but as we all have seen with our media in the past 30 yrs, we have definitely seen the decline of the sacredness of sex and the commercializing of it for business purposes, policy shaping, and social engineering.

For gay people to openly talk about their rights, they are practicing civil rights, but If I were to do it, I could get slapped with a ticket for indecency or verbal sexual abuse. It's gonna create a new playing ground for hypocrisy in lawsuits.

Plus the fact that as Americans, we are already catching flack around the world for our morals policy. Don't you think this is adding another bulls eye on our backs for fundamentalist to have something else to legitimize their arguments for attacking us.

They  now have gay task forces now in police departments. See where this is heading???
what? idk where your from but ive never once heard a gay guy walking around talking about all the men hes slept with, your just making up stuff 

and SMH at saying they should just hide the fact that there gay, how do u not see whats wrong with that? and being black doesent come with an on/off switch your right about that, BUT NEITHER DOES BEING GAY!

theres alot of ignorance being spewed in this thread

And to say Gay Civil Rights is not comparable to what we as black people went through is laughable....its not the exact same but its defenatly comparable
I think it is much more productive for anyone concerned about civil, and more importantly human, rights to integrate all forms of marginalization into a wider framework of oppression, almost all of which stems from the standard of "normal" in this country being: white, male, heterosexual, Christian, U.S. citizen, middle or upper class.

Anyone who differs in any way from this standard of normalcy has been oppressed and marginalized in various ways throughout the history of this country as well as today.  Let's learn about the struggles of ALL oppressed groups in this country (and throughout the world) as a means of building understanding, respect, empathy, and solidarity among the groups who have been and continue to face oppression (Blacks, Latinos, Native Americans and other racial and ethnic minorities, gays and lesbians, Muslims and Jews and other religious minorities, poor and working class folks, organized labor, immigrants, etc.).  There is a rich history of struggles against oppression in this country by all of these groups that we are not told about and most of us are ignorant of.

As long as those who are oppressed continue to be divided among themselves for their differences instead of coming together under the banner of being oppressed peoples who deserve and demand human rights and dignity for ALL, true change and progress will elude us.
I'm tired of these threads.  People with no knowledge of history or even what the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s entailed always feel the need to toss in their two cents and assert their opinions like the topic is black and white and there's some sort of race specific (read: Black) entitlement to the right to be offended by injustice in this country.

It's idiotic.

Griswold v. Connecticut, Eisenstadt v. Baird, Bowers v. Hardwick, Romer v. Evans (a case in which there was a Colorado state law SPECIFICALLY restricting the rights of homosexuals and requiring them to identify as such -- sound familiar?), and Lawrence v. Texas.

Go read that series of cases, then voice your opinion.

Those are ALL recognized by the Supreme Court of the United States as a series of CIVIL RIGHTS RULINGS.  Right there with Plessy v. Ferguson, Brown v. Board of Ed., and everything that followed.
I'm tired of these threads.  People with no knowledge of history or even what the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s entailed always feel the need to toss in their two cents and assert their opinions like the topic is black and white and there's some sort of race specific (read: Black) entitlement to the right to be offended by injustice in this country.

It's idiotic.

Griswold v. Connecticut, Eisenstadt v. Baird, Bowers v. Hardwick, Romer v. Evans (a case in which there was a Colorado state law SPECIFICALLY restricting the rights of homosexuals and requiring them to identify as such -- sound familiar?), and Lawrence v. Texas.

Go read that series of cases, then voice your opinion.

Those are ALL recognized by the Supreme Court of the United States as a series of CIVIL RIGHTS RULINGS.  Right there with Plessy v. Ferguson, Brown v. Board of Ed., and everything that followed.
why are people on this post act like they never seen blacks get hung from trees or get watered down by fire hoses back in the day or now getting shot by police not getting any justice or not getting jobs even though they are qualifyed u can hide being gay and be sucessful but cant hide being black sorry gay friends u have it good still
why are people on this post act like they never seen blacks get hung from trees or get watered down by fire hoses back in the day or now getting shot by police not getting any justice or not getting jobs even though they are qualifyed u can hide being gay and be sucessful but cant hide being black sorry gay friends u have it good still
Originally Posted by JsindaA

No I do not. But I don't feel like sexual orientation is any one outside of relationships business and therefore you shouldn't be flaunting it. My acceptance doesn't change who you love. The issue is they want people to look at it as right and that will NEVER happen
If it's right for them and not hurting anyone else, it shouldn't be an issue in the first place. But people imposing their views on others due to some unwarranted sense of self importance is what's keeping the cycle going.

I was put on to this by a friend who happens to be a lesbian. Made me think FAR outside of my already lax views.

It's damaging to be dismissed for something you can't control no matter what it is. And again, I feel bad for the gay/lesbian members of this board who have to deal with these threads. NT should be an escape from all the $%#%%!!% you deal with in real life, not another place to be chastised.
Originally Posted by JsindaA

No I do not. But I don't feel like sexual orientation is any one outside of relationships business and therefore you shouldn't be flaunting it. My acceptance doesn't change who you love. The issue is they want people to look at it as right and that will NEVER happen
If it's right for them and not hurting anyone else, it shouldn't be an issue in the first place. But people imposing their views on others due to some unwarranted sense of self importance is what's keeping the cycle going.

I was put on to this by a friend who happens to be a lesbian. Made me think FAR outside of my already lax views.

It's damaging to be dismissed for something you can't control no matter what it is. And again, I feel bad for the gay/lesbian members of this board who have to deal with these threads. NT should be an escape from all the $%#%%!!% you deal with in real life, not another place to be chastised.
Originally Posted by staystrong

why are people on this post act like they never seen blacks get hung from trees or get watered down by fire hoses back in the day or now getting shot by police not getting any justice or not getting jobs even though they are qualifyed u can hide being gay and be sucessful but cant hide being black sorry gay friends u have it good still
so are u saying gay people arent being discriminated against too, they arent getting beat to death? they arent getting sodomized and hung on fences? they arent getting turned away from jobs because there gay? its so lame to try and turn this into a we had it worse pissing contest, instead of helping out the rights of everyone 
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