My little brother is disgusting


May 5, 2011
Me, my dad, and bro share a bathroom. Long story short, this @%%%@ spits lougies (snot and spit) into the sink that everyone has to use to dry, he doesn't wash his hands, spills stuff and leaves it to dry, doesn't flush the toilet, leaves used underwear on the floor and just is overall disgusting. Typing this stuff makes me gag.

I tend to not want to physically touch him when he pisses me off (be about that life, like some NTers like to say) because I don't wanna be that %%$##%$ brother that hits him, but this @%%%@ got me heated lol. So I ask my parents to do something about it, but they look at me like I'm being a p*ssy, or unreasonable. Often times they ridicule me for not cleaning it up myself. And I am a bit of a germ freak, but is it necessary for son to spit his snot into the sink and just walk away with no dambs exerted?

When I've gone to other people's houses, I've never seen lougies in the sink, and used undergarments all over the place, so please tell me if it's normal for this disgusting +++%...

I'm a high schooler btw, so it's not like I'm 20-Something, living rent-free, being a pain to my family.

EDIT: And I was a little harsh on my parents, they might tell him not to do it once or twice, but they won't do anything to him of significance to get him to stop...

What to do NT?
Just wait a few years until you move out. You can't deal with people like that. You confront them about it and they just keep doing it cause they're either cocky or trying to get a rise out of you. It's not worth even stressing over.
At this point giving him dose of his own medicine is all you can do to get your point across since your stank, gutter bucket parents aren't listening..
If it was me when i see spit on the sink, water on the tub or w/e i'll call him over and show him and say something like " look at this, when you do this type of %$$% you gotta clean it, we're not pigs your sharing the bathroom with 2 other people" and say it pissed off too.. if you can't do that, find a way for him to read this thread
Originally Posted by capuT

i spit in my sink...

I'm guessing (hoping)... that you live alone, pay your own bills, etc. so you'd be free to do whatever you want without having to worry about the next man.

And I'm also guessing (hoping) that you're not just letting your snot dry and form a layer of germs around the rim of your sink

But if you were, that would be fine, because no one else has to use your stuff but you, so you could bathe in semen if you wanted

However, my brother lives with other people, and it's not right for me to have to wash his bodily fluids when I want to do something as little as wash my hands after I take a leak or wash shampoo out of my hair...
Originally Posted by Tony Montana

If it was me when i see spit on the sink, water on the tub or w/e i'll call him over and show him and say something like " look at this, when you do this type of %$$% you gotta clean it, we're not pigs your sharing the bathroom with 2 other people" and say it pissed off too.. if you can't do that, find a way for him to read this thread
Did that right before I made the thread, which prompted me to make it, because I was so close to just punching him and having him wake up with his smeared lougie all over his face

I confronted him about it, he denied and said he spit in the toilet, when we were the only two people that used that specific bathroom today, and it didn't appear until after he used it

I feel you OP..

My oldest brother was DISGUSTING, basically all the !!@+ you said x10. Parent's never cared about it and I hated living there. I just had to dealt with it.
1. Skeet on his pillow

2. Watch him get into bed later, pull his blanket up over himself, and rub his face into a dried patch of your semen. A quizzical look will cross his visage. Tell him that his nieces and nephews just wanted to kiss him goodnight.
     As terror grips him, and his face contorts in disgust, rage, and sadness (similar to Luke Skywalker's upon learning that Vader was his father)........ calmly turn around and walk out of the room without saying a word.

3. He will never !+%+ with you again.

On a serious note, this really is a problem for your parents to solve.
Bark on him
that's what I used to do to my younger brother whenever he started leaving a mess around the house
just instill that fear in him that you might smack fire out of him
U are in HS with size 13 feet. Handle yourself my %%%@@
He clearly runs the house.

If your parents don't think it's a problem then you need to handle it yourself. How old are you two? Because if you're in high school and he's like a ten year old, you need to assert some authority. He's younger than you and not an adult so he can still change his behavior. If he's not respecting you or his own home, he needs to be taught that's unacceptable.
I see you posted a Drake .gif... I think we found the problem.
Originally Posted by GRyPR33

1. Skeet on his pillow

2. Watch him get into bed later, pull his blanket up over himself, and rub his face into a dried patch of your semen. A quizzical look will cross his visage. Tell him that his nieces and nephews just wanted to kiss him goodnight.
     As terror grips him, and his face contorts in disgust, rage, and sadness (similar to Luke Skywalker's upon learning that Vader was his father)........ calmly turn around and walk out of the room without saying a word.

3. He will never !+%+ with you again.

On a serious note, this really is a problem for your parents to solve.
Originally Posted by AJChick23

Choke the %%+* out of him..violence is the answer in this case.

This. Be about that life OP
And if you get in trouble with your parents, show them you are about that life as well
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