My little brother is disgusting

What is wrong with you? He's your brother, smack him upside the head for disobeying/disrespecting you. Your parents think you're soft too. Treat him like a dog and rub his nose in it.
op you are partly responsible for raising him so.. you failed

when my bro was coming up i would smack the #%+* out of him QUICK, lets just say he's the most obedient kid ever. he plays hs football too, gettin a little big.. it doesnt matter, i will always beat his @@@ even when i'm 80 yrs old in a wheelchair and he knows it. as an older brother thats your role to keep your siblings in check.
Man I don't even live at home anymore and if I came to my mom's crib and my little brothers were acting like that you better believe I'd lay the hand of God on them. You and your parents are failing at your jobs. Need to snatch dude up and set him straight.
I would have kicked my little brothers #%+ years ago when he started doing that. I'm in HS to if that matters.
Originally Posted by BronLe

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

are you a female?

Do they make Size 13 shoes in females?

Yes, they do.
Just get em 2 sizes bigger.

On the reel:
Make a list of the things he does that are unacceptable.
Tell him if he does the things that are on your list, then you're going to pop the truck on his b.... a...
#+#%, i used to puke in the damb sink.  i always cleaned it up though like a bawse.  eff all that crouching down to the toilet when you're sauced.  puke upright and clean it up. 
yeah... not much you can do except call him out.. how old is he btw?

*side note, i spit lougies in my sink but i always have water running and make sure they get down.
remember in the old days when your younger siblings got out of line that was an automatic @*$ beating?
Thats disgusting. My parents would wild out. Dont know how yours condone that behavior.
it's not like I'm 20-Something, living rent-free

feels batman 
Originally Posted by bauercans

Originally Posted by GRyPR33

1. Skeet on his pillow

2. Watch him get into bed later, pull his blanket up over himself, and rub his face into a dried patch of your semen. A quizzical look will cross his visage. Tell him that his nieces and nephews just wanted to kiss him goodnight.
     As terror grips him, and his face contorts in disgust, rage, and sadness (similar to Luke Skywalker's upon learning that Vader was his father)........ calmly turn around and walk out of the room without saying a word.

3. He will never !+%+ with you again.

On a serious note, this really is a problem for your parents to solve.
 took me a sec to realize what he just said there
Dying at the responses in this thread 

Just be about that life OP. I wouldn't hit him with his own medicine because he seems like he's perfectly fine living in filth. Just make his shoulders clap one time and record the results in this thread.
Cum in his "undergarments." But, make sure when he puts it on that it gets all over his booty cheeks.
Real life...

Why don't you dudes that spit lougies in the sink just spit em in the toilet and flush em??
Dog this thread got me in tears

But OP you're female dog manufactured, my little brother is 22 yrs old, bigger and stronger than me....and will STILL get hands laid
Originally Posted by MPLSdunk

#+#%, i used to puke in the damb sink.  i always cleaned it up though like a bawse.  eff all that crouching down to the toilet when you're sauced.  puke upright and clean it up. 
 Puking in the sink should only be reserved for times in which the toilet is occupied.  I've had so many people puke in my sink in college.  I gag just thinking about it.  We'd usually have to run some drano down to fix it.
Puke in the sink is nothing.  My girl told me when she went dress shopping for our wedding all the chicks got sick.  I think they ate at this Brazilian place before they went. Anyways they were in the bathroom and while one was throwing up, this other chick actually took a dump in the sink. 
Originally Posted by MonStar1

Puke in the sink is nothing.  My girl told me when she went dress shopping for our wedding all the chicks got sick.  I think they ate at this Brazilian place before they went. Anyways they were in the bathroom and while one was throwing up, this other chick actually took a dump in the sink. 

oh man i don't live with my little brother anymore but i sure do miss times like those that gave me a reason to smack him upside the head 

i never skeeted on his pillow, or anything like that but i used to get him with some pretty good pranks.

be sure to take advantage (be about that life) and to cherish your time of living with your lil bro, OP.
Originally Posted by eashawty

Originally Posted by MonStar1

Puke in the sink is nothing.  My girl told me when she went dress shopping for our wedding all the chicks got sick.  I think they ate at this Brazilian place before they went. Anyways they were in the bathroom and while one was throwing up, this other chick actually took a dump in the sink. 

I just watched Bridesmaids yesterday.  You're an idiot.
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