My older brother just threatened my life...

I'm sorry but this is straight up "
" to me.

Better sleep with your eyes open OP...

Are you the same dude who's brother was stealing your stuff and selling it and you thought he was on crack?

Either way you either beat some sense/fear in to him or get him some help that'll actually help him.
OP's trying to make Niketalk his personal interactive diary.

03/23/2010- "today my brother hurt my feelings again... i really hate him but i still love him"
Tomorrow, after he's sobered up, shoot some hoops and chop it up with him.

Try to see why he has so much anger and hatred towards you.

Nothing will be solved if you try to fight him or ignore the problem.
sounds like you have a dilemma. it seems like your best option would be to kill him. keep in mind that there are ramifications to this that may or may not affect your college life. typically, this kind of thing doesn't go over well with mothers and fathers, but if you can eliminate a nuisance from your life that prevents you from succeeding at your academics, then you have all the right. just have to pick a decent day to do this lol maybe think about sometime in the morning, since no one expects to be killed in the morning anyway. so i guess just keep your head up and your weapon of choice on hand. hope that helps.
Refer to youtube video "you mad cuz im incestin on you". That is what you should do to your brother.
Man up. Dont let him boss you around.

Take your OWN life, dont let him take it for you. Thatll show him.
Originally Posted by marcgrat

Alcohol Abuse and Crisis Intervention: 800-234-0246
you nters....
it took him 3 pages to actually get some good advice...
some of these comments are toooo funny!!
"skeet on his toothbrush"

but seriously though, he might need some help.
OP I feel you. It honestly depends on what type of person he is. My brother use to beat me up all the time, then one day I beat the $%*^ out of him and he fell back. Every now and again he try's something stupid but a good *** whoopin every 8 years or so does the trick.

PS last time we fought he stepped it up real big and threw a hatchet at me. luckily he missed and body slammed him word to the nasty boys (no juggalo)
Yay for NT for we have yet again solved a fellow NT's dilemma!!!

Now, let us gingerly touch our tips!!!
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