Napolean Hill's "Outwitting the Devil" [The book that they did not want the world to read]

Jun 26, 2005
i kind of streamed through the audio book and damnnnnnnn this is so deep.  he wrote this soo long ago, and how the world has unfolded since, proves that Hill was on some truth...

 i highly recommend it. 

The original manuscript was never released due to the fact that his wife was extremely nervous about the repercussions of it’s release possibly because of the title and the subject matter of the book.  The controversy remained even 40 years after his death but his family decided that it was too important of a book not to be shared with the masses. The correlation to the time in which this book was originally written , the times of the Great Depression, and what we are seeing in the World Economies now run a very similar scenario.

taken from

[h2]In the book Outwitting The Devil,  Napoleon Hill covers the greatest obstacles that keep us from reaching our goals.[/h2]
Obstacles like fear, anger, procrastination  and jealousy saying that these obstacle,. which exist in our minds, are a tool of the devil.  He also shows you how to Principles of Good  help you triumph to success. He goes further into such principles as:
  • Definition of Purpose – How to not lose focus and stay on course
  • Mastery of Self – Knowing what you want and going after it.
  • Learning from Adversity- Not allowing failure to define you but instead learn from adversity and keep moving forward
  • Controlling Your Environments- This would include all environments including your time and the people you associate with.
  • Creating Harmony – Creating the right habits in your life to create harmony and flow.
  • Execute With Caution – Not to be impulsive but to think through things before moving forward


religious dudes, be very cautious.  this might be too real for your brain.   
Just ordered off Amazon, will get it on Fri.

Will post back when I finish.
^^ you will not be disappointed..
and thanks for posting that video.  he was truly a mastermind.  hearing his message gives me the chills.  
Napolean Hill was one the realest authors ever. He invented the whole self help movement. Principles of Success is really good too.
^^ he wrote a book a year prior, that im sure youve heard about, called "Think Big, Grow Rich." this is the follow up on it, he tells what factors cause someone to fail.

think big grow rich = positive energy perspective
outwitting the devil = what causes people to fail
Never heard about it till now, but I'm gonna go ahead and order Outwitting the Devil. Btw, have you read Think Big, Grow Rich?
Think and Grow Rich is only a dollar on the Kindle so I copped that as well. Will begin reading in a bit.
Thank you for exposing me to this book, didnt know it existed. I will find the audiobook. Thanx again.
no problem bro....  nt is the fam,  whenever i eat, i like to break bread.    
I'm reading his other book called "The law of success in 16 lessons." Easily the best book I have ever read in my life.

The book changed my life. I will read this one. Thanks OP
Originally Posted by Freeze

who is they exactly?

hill's friends and family, especially his wife.  
religion, govts, and pretty much everything else that has power.  
ahhhh so this is where that sample came from...

napoleon hill @ 2:30

props op. great post.
Originally Posted by throwedyonasb

Originally Posted by Freeze

who is they exactly?

hill's friends and family, especially his wife.  
religion, govts, and pretty much everything else that has power.  
oh ok. interesting.  I'll look into this book as well as the book the natural mystic just mentioned.  thanks for the suggestion
I read this book a few months ago

Napoleon Hill is one of the greatest men to walk this earth
Originally Posted by throwedyonasb

i kind of streamed through the audio book and damnnnnnnn this is so deep.  he wrote this soo long ago, and how the world has unfolded since, proves that Hill was on some truth...

 i highly recommend it. 

The original manuscript was never released due to the fact that his wife was extremely nervous about the repercussions of it’s release possibly because of the title and the subject matter of the book.  The controversy remained even 40 years after his death but his family decided that it was too important of a book not to be shared with the masses. The correlation to the time in which this book was originally written , the times of the Great Depression, and what we are seeing in the World Economies now run a very similar scenario.
taken from

[h2]In the book Outwitting The Devil,  Napoleon Hill covers the greatest obstacles that keep us from reaching our goals.[/h2]
Obstacles like fear, anger, procrastination  and jealousy saying that these obstacle,. which exist in our minds, are a tool of the devil.  He also shows you how to Principles of Good  help you triumph to success. He goes further into such principles as:
  • Definition of Purpose – How to not lose focus and stay on course
  • Mastery of Self – Knowing what you want and going after it.
  • Learning from Adversity- Not allowing failure to define you but instead learn from adversity and keep moving forward
  • Controlling Your Environments- This would include all environments including your time and the people you associate with.
  • Creating Harmony – Creating the right habits in your life to create harmony and flow.
  • Execute With Caution – Not to be impulsive but to think through things before moving forward


religious dudes, be very cautious.  this might be too real for your brain.   

I'm all for learning how to be more responsible and determined citizens...I like learning how important it is to recognize our own bias and to move with respect to how we influence others. 
but a lot of this is bunk.

To insist that being religious is a precondition for this being real indicates how invalid it is. 

Insinuating that a devil actually exists and will affect religious people only shows that this same devil exists because people believe in it...not that its actually real.

 If something is actually real it should exist independently of whether or not it is required for people to believe that it exists. 

Its like saying "i don't believe in gay marriage"...well there are gay people and they can/will/do get married. There is nothing NOT to believe here. 

It seems disingenuous to actually suggest:

A. a devil exists

B. not only does a devil exists but it cares SO MUCH about screwing up YOUR rather privileged life (with respect to the rest of the world). 

The whole thing smacks of narcissism...

Ive looked into Hill a few times and I'm kinda mad that he contributed to this new-agey spiritual non-sense that tries to side stop the problem. Its the same thing Steven Covey did...its the same thing the author of The Secret tries to do...same thing deepak chopra and those random authors suggest...basically saying that your life sucks because of the way you think...which is partially true, but its also how you act that very little attention was paid to. They just chop up prevailing trends in christianity and throw in some eastern religious concepts since they're "foreign and mystical" to most westerners and call it the "divine force" ...its all marketing. 

He confuses the supposed history of these famous names and some how escapes trying to verify the claims of their arguments. Muhammed or Jesus doing good deeds doesn't mean that they actually existed in the same capacity that he says they merely means that these characters did good things. He takes everything he says as established fact without substantiating that what hes saying is actually true or not...especially his pseudo-scientific approach to understanding human interaction psychology and coincidental remarks on religion. 

Issuing vague generalities is how these self-help people manage to become popular. They're no different than psychics that play on emotional tricks without actually offering any literal clarity or specification in their conclusions

Becoming aware of your own cognition does not substantiate proof of an outside creator or influence. 

Either you are responsible for your own actions or you are not. This is where his argument fails for me. 

Emotion and motivation are incredible tools of success...but not when they are used to support unsubstantiated claims. 

Every argument of his is just about being a positive person and being humble...There are few actual points about ACTUAL self-help. 

If its all in your mind then his entire argument should just conclude that you are your own worst enemy...not some sort of external, uncontrollable entity called a "devil"...

Its not self-help to realize that you've been screwed because something you had no control over. 

It IS self-help to realize the extent of your own influence and acknowledging and manifesting your own talents. 

There have been remarkable discoveries about the ability of our own minds to affect how we recover from disease and other ailments and also how we measure our own happiness. Mentality has real and literal effects on physical well-being. You can actually die of a "broken heart" for example because of the stress of certain emotions...its actually called Takotsubo cardiomyopathy...but thats besides the point. 

All of these discoveries were made by introducing evidence and consistent attempts at verifying these claims. Not just rambling at the mouth of random coincidences and not offering any literal justifications. Understanding the scientific method with regards to psychology, neurology, and even economics has lead us to what we know about social interaction and what we all contribute to it. 

I prefer this quote: 

"The first principle is that you must not fool yourself — and you are the easiest person to fool." - Richard Feynman, 1974 Cal-Tech commencement Speech

Essentially you can fool yourself into believing anything that is right or wrong the moment you stop keeping it real with yourself. You are your own standard for the truth of your hold it high. 
Putty its not about the devil

Its about the demons all of us deal with on a daily

There is a "conversation" he has with the devil but I dont think it was meant to be taken seriously but the message that was given was universal

He even speaks against how the church raises people to not think for themselves

Its not a religious book
Havent read it, but the devil he is referring to might just be the bad habits that us humans fall into.
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