Napolean Hill's "Outwitting the Devil" [The book that they did not want the world to read]

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Not that I read these types of new age spirituality self-help books, but
nice disclaimer. 

this guy sillyputty, who is always talking about 'rampant narcissism'  thinks it has to proven to him God exists almost as if it's up to him (the 'neurologist', an obvious trend in atheists is they have a little science background so they think they can speak on God and actually be taken seriously) to verify whats true or not...

A little science background. 


See the difference between you and me is that when you see something you don't understand, I don't say god did it. I say, "I don't know but I will figure it out"

The difference between me and you is that I don't make stuff up or submit to half-thought out answers. I don't subscribe to things that aren't justified. 

I don't have a reason to believe. You do. 

On top of that the "creator" or "god" Hill talks about is one he imagines in his own head, not one that he substantiates actually exists. OP was saying that it might mess up religious minds...well what about non-religious minds? If something is true it should be true regardless of your status. Relativity is true regardless if you're black or white or a dog or a tree. 
black atheists and atheists in general are a growing and vocal part of the population' 
 sit your @!@ down +#%#%
There are statistics and polls showing younger people are attending church less and the number of openly atheist or non-believing americans is rising year over year. 
But of course if I showed them to you, you'd say that you dont trust the source (Gallup, NYT, Pew, etc
) as youve done in the past.... what else do you want? 

....your an empirical parrot, nuisance, and pest to the general forum,

Rather subjective. 
so you have to be proactive and post even more bull @$%# just so you can talk about your favorite thing in the world God, and how you don't believe, like any of us ever gave a !$%! what YOU believed...

Like any of us actually cared with YOU believed. See it works the same way. I post my stance and you post yours. 

If you dont like it, don't read it. 

I didn't come in here to talk about god...I came in here to address the faults in this guy's seemingly infallible logic and other points I disagreed with. 
which is ironically another point you hammer in every one of your atheistic posts on this board.
Again, I don't come here trying to change minds. I come here to express my opinion. 
On top of that, you'd be better off typing words that don't get caught in the spam filter so I could understand the insults you're trying to draw up. 

Go join an Atheist Board, or maybe a couple more than your already on, since thats all you ever want to talk about, you might want to go talk to somebody in real life, your borderline obsessive with propagating your Atheistic Agenda on NT.

 Why do you care so much what I write? 
I haven't even addressed you. 

Whats completely worse is that you refuse to actually talk about the TOPIC...not the person. Everything you've written is about ME, SillyPutty. Not what sillyputty thinks, not silly putty's posts, not sillyputty's perspective. 

You care more about what I wear to work than how I think...thats sad really. 
silly putty just stop. how many times do I have to say that I'm not interested in arguing with you and here you go once again with that rainbow crap literally hanging on mine and everyone else's every word. are you starved for attention or what? I swear you're like a little girl. do you buy front row seats to teams you don't like and tell everyone why their team sucks? this is a thread for people actually interested in this stuff why are you even here? isn't it obvious no one is really concerned with you? start another thread on why this all bull so you and your like minded buddies can give each other hand jobs. you tried out metaphysics and couldn't get it to work for you, I get it. those of us that are a little more adept would like to chop it up and make more progress. you are a perfect example of the kind of devil being referenced. get outta here dude
Originally Posted by man listen

silly putty just stop. 
Here we go. 
how many times do I have to say that I'm not interested in arguing with you and here you go once again with that rainbow crap literally hanging on mine and everyone else's every word.

You addressed me and then I responded to you. 
If you dont want a response, don't address me. Simple. 

You can't get mad that someone ACTUALLY READ what you said and had an opinion on it.

Think about this. Would you have responded if you agreed with me? 

are you starved for attention or what?

I swear you're like a little girl.

do you buy front row seats to teams you don't like and tell everyone why their team sucks?

his is a thread for people actually interested in this stuff why are you even here?

The thread was entitled "the book they didnt want you to read"
I came in and checked out what it was about and didn't like it. 

Everyone posted that they liked it, I said what I didn't like, what I DID like, and bounced. 

You took offense to it. 

Not my problem. 

isn't it obvious no one is really concerned with you?

Except that you've tailored now Three responses to me?
start another thread on why this all bull so you and your like minded buddies can give each other hand jobs.

you tried out metaphysics and couldn't get it to work for you, I get it.

There is no such thing as metaphysics. Thats the thing you don't understand. If you keep shifting the definition, you're not talking about anything. Metaphysics is how philosophers that lack credibility try to keep up with the advances in other fields that are making progress by making up evidence and reach out at any possible thing they can think of to support their wild assertions. 

They say that philosophy might die off soon sans those focused on ethical problems. Remember who used to be considered philosophers? We now call them chemists, psychologists, neuroscientists (which are slowly getting rid of psychologists funny enough), economists, physicists, and biologists. 

Its not that it didn't work...its that as it stands it asserts nothing, it concludes nothing, and represents NOTHING. Thats where your argument falls apart.

You want a suggestion from me? Take every practice, idea, belief, or notion you hold near and dear and read the CRITICISMS of it. Thats really when you start to learn stuff. I try to learn about the negative aspects of EVERYTHING. No idea or theory is squeaky clean...and that inaccuracy fuels the pursuit of greater understanding and refined objectivity. 

those of us that are a little more adept would like to chop it up and make more progress.

Appeal to authority = Fallacy
you are a perfect example of the kind of devil being referenced. get outta here dude

I for one enjoy sillyputty's posts. Im one that likes to try and understand things from multiple perspectives because as they say, it's always 3 sides to the story...this one; that one; the truth.
that Chris Brown gif kills me everytime tho 
I don't see the big deal with Silly Putty's posts here. If you're too simpleminded to listen to and entertain a different point of view, then you are too obtuse to consider yourself an intellect. And this is coming from someone that thoroughly embraces spirituality, something that Silly Putty is against. 
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

I don't see the big deal with Silly Putty's posts here. If you're too simpleminded to listen to and entertain a different point of view, then you are too obtuse to consider yourself an intellect. And this is coming from someone that thoroughly embraces spirituality, something that Silly Putty is against. 

Here's the thing, Silly Putty is the one that's too simpleminded to entertain a different MINDSTATE. Not just point of view. I've read all of his posts with an open mind and all I can do is..

Spoiler [+]
Here is a guy that demonstrated under scientific laboratory conditions the ability to move objects with his mind as well as other "superpowers"
Swami Rama is especially notable as one of the first yogis to allow himself to be studied by Western scientists. In the 1960s he allowed himself to be examined by scientists at the�Menninger Clinic�who studied his ability to voluntarily control bodily processes (such as heartbeat, blood pressure, body temperature, etc.) that are normally considered to be non-voluntary (autonomic).
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

I don't see the big deal with Silly Putty's posts here. If you're too simpleminded to listen to and entertain a different point of view, then you are too obtuse to consider yourself an intellect. And this is coming from someone that thoroughly embraces spirituality, something that Silly Putty is against. 

Here's the thing, Silly Putty is the one that's too simpleminded to entertain a different MINDSTATE. Not just point of view. I've read all of his posts with an open mind and all I can do is..

Spoiler [+]

Meh Idk, dude needs to address this issue on his own and explain in detail why he feels this way, not just use the typical atheist rhetoric science > God etc.
Wow at Silly
This ain't about "Self-Help Speakers", this is about Napoleon Hill's book.

Anyway, I've read Think And Grow Rich and it was a lot of great ideas and facts. I might pick this one up.

I think Napoleon Hill was a genuine person who was trying to bring something useful to humanity.

I know some people only know how to think with logic, but you gotta remember, intuition exists as well.

Bottomline: Be inspired by whatever, but think for yourself.

I prefer this quote:

"The first principle is that you must not fool yourself — and you are the easiest person to fool." - Richard Feynman, 1974 Cal-Tech commencement Speech

Essentially you can fool yourself into believing anything that is right or wrong the moment you stop keeping it real with yourself. You are your own standard for the truth of your hold it high.

Have the audiobook, meh... at best.

Naw, I'll listen to whole book, and perhaps a second time if rendered necessary.
Originally Posted by The Natural Mystic

I'm reading his other book called "The law of success in 16 lessons." Easily the best book I have ever read in my life.

The book changed my life. I will read this one. Thanks OP

I read, but not yet have finished The Golden Rules- very good read.

And 3 Feet From Gold.
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