NBA 2K10 News Thread (The Game Is OUt)

juss started My Player and my dude made it on the Lakers. ima 6'9 small forward i was ballin in training camp cause the SF position was deep.
Originally Posted by grittyman20

Scoring points isn't really that hard to do in My Player's the overall rating that is difficult to raise.

I imagine that you have to play an entire season before you can get a decent rating.

I'm just past the All-Star break in my season and my dude has an overall rating of 51.
really. im a 57 and just bought to play the first game of the season
This patch needs to hurry up and come out. The association mode brings players stats down when you do the development, players don't improve over time. Iwish the my player mode would be more consistent with the mentors updates.
Originally Posted by ridingonlorenzos

Originally Posted by jordanfanatic23

My Player is averagin 21.2 and an A-, starting SG for the Hornets

Howd you get him so good?

my dude is only rated 49...he has good mid range, 3pt and dunk ratings tho. I use isomotion and pump fakes along with screens to score alot. If u cross someoneat the right time and get that open space for a dunk its a wrap.
How long is it taking you guys to get to the league?

My Player is a 6'9 225 athletic SF/PF.. only 44 overall too
. I play on 5 minute quarters and I avg 15.5ppg, 5.1rpg, and 3.2apg, in 17mpg for the Springfield Armor. SOLID numbers... currently I'm working on my defense, which is abysmal, and I'm working on my athleticism. Dunkrating = 72 but the hops are in the 90s.. I got a few victims already.. alleyoops.. and 1s.. one on one posters
... watchyo head homie!
So is this game still having problems?? I was thinking of picking it up tonight. NBA live is a good game. Want to know if 2k10 is much better.. Any help isgreatly appreciated.
my player is really addicting, I'm a 7'5" athletic Center rated 50. I didn't make it on the suns or the warriors, now I'm stuck in theD-league. Online was really laggy though, and you couldnt miss a shot or block it, but I managed to win my first game 1-0 buzzer beater fashion.
Well my guy is 6'9 SF and I know that the taller you are the less skill points/overall rating you will have to begin with.

I think my dude was like a 40 when I first started

Plus, this was the first mode I played when I got the game since I heard online had issues...I kinda figured out how to play on the go, instead of using thepractice mode.
Originally Posted by grittyman20

Scoring points isn't really that hard to do in My Player's the overall rating that is difficult to raise.

I imagine that you have to play an entire season before you can get a decent rating.

I'm just past the All-Star break in my season and my dude has an overall rating of 51.
im about 55 1 game into the season
Anyone know when the patch is supposed to come out?... i didnt wana start my association until then but damn its been about a week and a half already since therelease.
Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

Originally Posted by grittyman20

Scoring points isn't really that hard to do in My Player's the overall rating that is difficult to raise.

I imagine that you have to play an entire season before you can get a decent rating.

I'm just past the All-Star break in my season and my dude has an overall rating of 51.
im about 55 1 game into the season

I was reading on Operation Sports that some people have been having trouble starting their second season in the my player mode. Dont shoot the messenger
Originally Posted by jmause3

This patch needs to hurry up and come out. The association mode brings players stats down when you do the development, players don't improve over time. I wish the my player mode would be more consistent with the mentors updates.

is this true? I'm gonna stop playing association till a patch then. Where do u check if players are improving over time?
Sup dudes this game is BS.

I'm like 20 games deep into "My Player" mode. All of a sudden, I join to play in a game against the Blazers and I can't control my guy....Like I see the guy on the floor, but I physically can't play as my character... or anybody!

Anybody else have this problem?
my player is 26 games in and im a 6'10 athletic PF overal 58. anyone wanna start up a "my player "nt teamup?
grittyman20 wrote:
Well my guy is 6'9 SF and I know that the taller you are the less skill points/overall rating you will have to begin with.

I think my dude was like a 40 when I first started

Plus, this was the first mode I played when I got the game since I heard online had issues...I kinda figured out how to play on the go, instead of using the practice mode.
Damn son, you too? Handling that pill is hard as @*#* with My Player
. I've found a niche though. I've been dropping like 18,8,6 my pastfew games or so
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