NBA 2K11 Official Thread (Patch Put for PS3 & XBOX 360)

Just played a good game vs the CPU. I was Philly (player locked as the 4 position) and I played Miami.

Iggy hit a bucket with .5 seconds left to put us up by 1.
They inbounded the ball to Wade and he hit a 3 to win it. You know 2K loves those damn hero moments

Bosh KILLED me. He had 32 and 12. All mid range jumpers. A few of them even contested.

-Doug Collins didn't call ONE timeout
-Jodie Meeks attempted 12 3's; granted 6 of them were wide open. 4/12

Bosh 14/24
Wade 6/18
LeBronze 5/14

So the touches are looking good. CHalmers was the next closest with 9 attempts.

I prefer playing on player lock because I can focus on one task as one position. Me and Bornindamecca always said that constant switching on defense by the human vs the CPU messes up the flow of the game/AI.

I usually go to and put the min as 1 and the max as 5, and what ever number comes out is the position I control. When I start my season that is how I will play it out.
I am going to be bored this game. Knicks (me) vs Celtics. gave me the 5 position. So a game controlling Turiaf and Jared Jeffries. Unless Amare gets subbed in at the 5.
I used player lock. So I have a different experience than most.

Everything is the same for CPU and Human. If I do not mention it, then it remains at 50.

Game Speed 48
Clutch Factor Off
Real Shooting %
Real FT %

Over The Back: 100
Charging: 100
Blocking: 100
Reaching: 75
Shooting Fouls: 67
Loose Ball: 100

Inside: 54 (Highest shooting % on the floor)
Close: 50 (League average around 39%)
Mid: 50 (League average around 39%)
3PT: 49
Layup: 54 (Highest shooting % on the floor)
Dunk: 47 (The occasional missed dunk would be nice to see)
DIT: 0
Pass Accuracy: 48
Alley Oop: 48
Contact Shot Success: 20 (AND1's mean more now since they a rare)

Quickness: 0 (Got from Tomba a long time ago. He discovered that quickness is the cause of many of the herky jerky 2K animations. I might have fallen victim to a placebo but I have been playing with it ever since.)
Handles: 40 (Causes more pick ups when bad ball handlers drive into the bodies of defenders)
Hands: 0 (More fumbles and bad catches. Meaning more turnovers as well)
OREB: 100 (We know why this is done. We hardly see enough of these. The numbers might look crazy according to the Eye Test, but it works out fine.)
DREB: 0 (Refer to above)
Clutch Factor: 0 (2K loves hero mode, I don't)
Fatigue Rate: 42
Originally Posted by Gunitjordan

2 questions how is randy brown not in the game ? and does anyone else lace the teams in jordan pe ?
You have to download the Created Players. 2K didn't get the licensing for ALL former players. So that is why Randy Brown isn't in the game.

Are you on 360 or PS3
yo DC. I'm on 360 and I wanna play with the Pacers when they had Miller and Jackson
Where could I download the roster?
Originally Posted by omgitswes

yo DC. I'm on 360 and I wanna play with the Pacers when they had Miller and Jackson
Where could I download the roster?
Search gamertag "PortlandBlazer"

Dondo, I still need a replacement for the 1 team/
Just wanna show off My Player a little bit. It doesnt let me embed 3 consecutive videos so im gonna make 3 separate posts. 
First video
Originally Posted by CLuTcH 713

Why does it take so long to find ranked matches?

try this it worked for me found a game in seconds

So what you do is go to the dashboard and DELETE your Living Rosters, NBA Today, and Player Progression. Then go to Date and Time and set your TIME ZONE to anything out of the US ex. London. Finally, go to Language and Locale and set your LOCALE to whatever Time Zone you set. ex. if u set your Time Zone to London then you should set your Locale to United Kingdom, as u would put Tokyo and Japan together, It just makes sense. Now what this does is when you connect to 2k your actually connecting to another server which is obviously less crowded and you should find games within 2 minutes MAX. If it ever stops working just delete your files again or change your Zone and Locale.

so this game actually has updates for moves and etc yes im late just got a ps3 the other month and 2k11 and soon as i wanna get online and play the network is down smh
ive practiced over and over and over and i still cant get eric gordons shoot down. cant get mo williams down. this game makes me so mad sometime. i even went to practice all those post moves and i cant get em. AAARRRRGGGGHHHHHHH!@!!!!!!
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