NBA Draft Thread 2011

Does anyone know anything on Nikola Vucevic, in a lot of Mock's people have him mid second round, but he put up great stats at USC averaged a double double and is as close to 7 ft (6'11.75) as your going to get.

I know Ford had him a lot earlier than most people but he hasn't gotten a lot of buzz.
Does anyone know anything on Nikola Vucevic, in a lot of Mock's people have him mid second round, but he put up great stats at USC averaged a double double and is as close to 7 ft (6'11.75) as your going to get.

I know Ford had him a lot earlier than most people but he hasn't gotten a lot of buzz.
Jimmer to Indy just feels right. 

at that gif. 
Originally Posted by JaeEvolution

Does anyone know anything on Nikola Vucevic, in a lot of Mock's people have him mid second round, but he put up great stats at USC averaged a double double and is as close to 7 ft (6'11.75) as your going to get.

I know Ford had him a lot earlier than most people but he hasn't gotten a lot of buzz.

Love him, watched him tear apart the best defensive team in the country texas inside, his measurments are outstanding, solid athlete too.Plus he can shoot threes, I would draft him in the first round, my favorite sleeper along with darius morris.
Originally Posted by JaeEvolution

Does anyone know anything on Nikola Vucevic, in a lot of Mock's people have him mid second round, but he put up great stats at USC averaged a double double and is as close to 7 ft (6'11.75) as your going to get.

I know Ford had him a lot earlier than most people but he hasn't gotten a lot of buzz.

Love him, watched him tear apart the best defensive team in the country texas inside, his measurments are outstanding, solid athlete too.Plus he can shoot threes, I would draft him in the first round, my favorite sleeper along with darius morris.
If the Raptors draft Jan Vesley, I will unleash such a terrible vengence, the hill side will be littered with the bodies of that front office.
If the Raptors draft Jan Vesley, I will unleash such a terrible vengence, the hill side will be littered with the bodies of that front office.
Yeah for the's not that I think these other players are going to be busts I just think that the raptors have terrible need for rebounding toughness an defense more than PG, PG can wait and if we are going to draft PG let's actually get a real PG.
Yeah for the's not that I think these other players are going to be busts I just think that the raptors have terrible need for rebounding toughness an defense more than PG, PG can wait and if we are going to draft PG let's actually get a real PG.
Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

If the Raptors draft Jan Vesley, I will unleash such a terrible vengence, the hill side will be littered with the bodies of that front office.

Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

If the Raptors draft Jan Vesley, I will unleash such a terrible vengence, the hill side will be littered with the bodies of that front office.

I think the Celts are prolly gonna land either Jordan Williams or Vucevic at 25.

At this point Jeremy Tyler might be the biggest potential pick out of all of the late rounders (hell he's got about as much potential as any big in this draft), but I got a strong feeling he gonna continue to impress in whatever workouts he has and is gonna be gone before the 25th pick.
I think the Celts are prolly gonna land either Jordan Williams or Vucevic at 25.

At this point Jeremy Tyler might be the biggest potential pick out of all of the late rounders (hell he's got about as much potential as any big in this draft), but I got a strong feeling he gonna continue to impress in whatever workouts he has and is gonna be gone before the 25th pick.
Originally Posted by DaComeUP

Oh. I don't even know why I'm responding to your trolling *%@, but Holiday is going to be mediocre at best just like many others have said in this thread. Stick to making dumb *%@ outlandish predictions that never come to fruition.

Like this.

Burks going to be a NBA-All Star by his 3rd season...I'm telling ya


i think thats a less outrageous statement to be honest... i dont think Burks will be an allstar his third season (i think he could have a great carreer though), and i dont think Jrue will ever be a great point guard but imo hes capable now and will be even more so give a few years development of running a team at the point if he has a good supporting cast, and he certainly was not a "bum' his first 2 years.

Alec Burks at 3???
If Utah does that, their GM should be fired on the spot. If that's theguy they covet, they should trade out of 3 and get him a little lateron in the lottery (cause he'll be there). Utah can get a pick/playerfor that #3 ESPECIALLY if either Williams/Kanter are still on theboard.

It sounds kiind of crazy right now but as we get down the road i see Burk's draft stock vastly improving. i really think he has one of the highest ceilings in this draft class and is pretty ready to contribute right away even with his potential. At the end of the day i dont see him sliding past #6 and at the vesy least hell for sure be in the top 10. I think hes gonna be kinda like the Russell Westbrook of this draft. They are actually pretty similar, being athletic guards considered at the time of the draft to be in between a 1 and a 2 guard, both coming out after their sophomore year with tremendous upside. Both players also were late bloomers who heavily recruited out of HS. I will admit while Burks is athletic he does not have Russel's athleticism to that extent, but he is also taller and the more polished scorer/shooter when you compare him to Russell back in 08. He also reminds me ALOT of Russell in the open court considering their fluidity, explosiveness, and finishing ability.

I see him having an effect similar to Westbrook in that draft. If yall can remember, back before draft workouts and all that, at the end of the 08 college hoops season, Westbrook was considered a borderline top 10 pick, but his stock was increasing. I remember the Knicks had #6 and i wanted to use the pick on him (used on Gallo) and at the time that was considered a bit of a reach because he was a question mark despite his upside, and alot of Knicks fans on this board i remember used to say that it was a bit of a stretch taking him at 6. But than he shot up draft boards from workouts and all that and was eventually drafted 4. During this time in 2008, yall woulda said a lot of the same %$@% if someone proposed Seattle going with Westbrook at 4 ahead of college studs like KLove, Eric Gordon, Lopez, even guys like DJ Augustin, Jerryd Bayless, and **%#%#* Joe Alexander that you are saying with Burks and guys like Kemba, Knight, Kanter, etc . i follow the draft intensely every year, especially when the Knicks have a first round pick let alone their highest draft selection of the decade, and i was at the draft in 08, so im not bull $!##%!@$ you and if yall dont believe me this is from his draft express profile shortly after the NCAA tourny...

It’s still not quite clear what position Westbrook will play in the NBA, even if it could probably be said that his upside is so high that he can just figure that out down the road. He lacks significant experience at the point guard position, and probably isn’t a good enough shooter/ball-handler/shot-creator to be considered a starting caliber shooting guard, particularly since he lacks size for the position at 6-3. Considering his physical tools, intangibles and how much he’s improved over the past two years, though, a lot of teams would probably have a hard time passing him up in the 10-20 range, since he truly has home run potential if he can improve on his weaknesses in time. He might ideally be suited coming off the bench playing a Leandro Barbosa type role, which would still be worthy of a very high pick.
Chad Ford (who has Burks at 13 in his latest mock):
"A draft sleeper. Many NBA scouts believe he's the best prospect on the UCLA team. He's projected to go anywhere from 8 to 15 in the draft."
hmmm... NBA all-star 2nd team All-NBA player, the starting point guard and 2nd option of one of the remaining 4 teams still playing basketball, Russell Westbrook was at one point --- and not even like one point as in high school, but a few months before the NBA draft after all these scouts have watched him play his final college basketball game --- said that his IDEAL role in the NBA would be Leandro Barbosa, and thought as a prospect who would be available for teams selecting 10-20. However this turned out to be a franchise altering draft pick and Russell is a 2nd team all NBA talent and the Thunder are an emerging NBA power. pretty sure that tops a poor mans Barbosa. I mean if i at this point proposed Seattle taking Westbrook at 4 i would get same reactions. and is it just me or does saying...

I could seeAlec Burks as an Aaron Afflalo type player in the league. I don't thinkthat's what you wanna spend the number 3 pick on. Might as well tradethe pick for Monta or Iguodala if you're gonna do that.

sound pretty similar to this draft report saying that Westbrook could be a Barbosa type player at best, which is good, but not worth a top pick?

Just to make my statements clear. I am by no means saying that Burks is gonna be Westbrook or better. I do not necessarily think that he will be an all-star by his 3rd year at all, and im not even saying he will definitley be better than Knight/Kemba although i suggested that Utah take him ahead of them. However, Afflalo?? i dont even get that comparison.

Not only is Burks younger and has way more potential than Afflalo did coming into the draft or ever. But one of Burks' best attributes is his athletisism which is one of Afflalo's largest set backs. Another thing that really improves Burks' stock is his ability to handle the ball and see the floor and run the point which would be laughable to watch Afflalo attempt. Burks is also taller and would probably be best in an up-tempo style offense due to his ability to run the break while Afflalo is meant for the half court. Burks is also a great rebounder, and i can see him being a great outside shooter one day as he is already decent but raw and should improve. i will at least give you that Afflalo is a good jump shooter, but he stays low to the ground while Burks has a smooth high release, and he gets vertical and he can shoot off the dribble.

Anyway my point is i wouldnt sleep on Burks at all and i think that Utah's best bet would be to pick him, honestly. Im not even saying i like him more than i like Kemba or Knight. I am saying i think he CAN be better, probably has a higher ceiling than both... if not than at least Kemba imo, and i think depending on your team's situation hes the better pick. If i am Toronto picking at #5, looking for a guard, and its between Kemba and Burks im taking Kemba in that situation every time. Kemba is better for that situation because Toronto is in need of a backcourt guy who can make plays happen and run the show given their lack of talent which is Kemba all day. I also think that having Calderon around will allow him to play off the ball every now and than.

However Utah is different. They have 2 picks in the lottery which should both be used on guards to restructure their backcourt, their #1 need. These guys are avadent on getting Jimmer being from utah and all and i do think that Jimmer could be a solid NBA player, and a potentially great pick at #12. However pairing him with a Brandon Knight or Kemba Walker only creates a log jam at point and defensive liabilities at the 2. Also, all 3 of those players are scorers before distributors and would probably mold best with the oppurtunity to play off the ball, especially early on in their carrerrs... especially Jimmer. Jimmer is a fantastic shooter and is underated when it comes to his strength and his ability to create his own shot and i really believe he can be a great scorer and a solid overall NBA player, capable of starting. However in order to get the best out of Jimmer a guy like Burks would be perfect to play alongside of him. Burks is extremely athletic and his a good defender, easily capable of hanging with NBA 2 guards at 6'6. He is a good scorer but the fact that he also can run the point, especially in transition which the Jazz should look to do with shooters like Jimmer and Haywood and athetic big men like Favors moving forward, makes him that much of a better fit cause it allows Jimmer to play off the ball when he needs to.

IMO for the Jazz this is their best option whether they go with it or not. They should restructure their backcourt and honestly Jimmer is the best player you are gonna get for that task at 12, due to limited 2 guard talent and especially limited 2 guards that Knight or Kemba could coesxist with. With the 3 and 12 draft picks you are not getting a better backcourt and i dont think a better pair of players considering the Jazz roster and condition than Burks//Jimmer. I really see alot of connections/similarities between Burks and Westbrook and their games to this point in their carreers and i think that Burks can be a Westbrook like player in this draft. keep in mind that Westbrook was in a better draft, and although Burks is athletic and a good defender he is not on Westbrook's level on either of those, but he is a better scorer than Westbrook was in 08 and his jumper should only improve like Russel's did, he is bigger than Russell is/was, more NBA ready i believe, and almost most importantly he should only get better at running the point over the years in the NBA's fast pace like Russell did as he is clearly a legit NBA PG right now although he had many questions about that leading up to the 08 draft.

Again, please dont respond saying %$@% like "this dude is saying Burks will be as good as Westbrook" or that im saying that hes gonna be better than Kemba/Knight. Yes, i am saying he can be better but i dont necessarily even think that as Brandon Knight is probably my favorite prospect in the draft and i am a NYer/longtime Kemba Walker fan despite my UConn hate. Im just saying that Burk's spot/game reminds me alot of Westbrook's situation and his style of play back in 2008 and i wouldnt be suprised to see Burks make a late push shooting up some team's draft boards and getting picked higher than expected (probably not to the same extent though cause Russ shot up largely through beast outings in mini camps as well as individual workouts and the top players arent doing that %$@% anymore) but i honestly wouldnt be shocked if he impressed some teams enough in individual workouts to use a top 5 pick on him, and i believe he is Utah's best option at 3. I also wouldnt be so suprised if like Westbrook iin 08 Burks ends up being one of the best players from this class.

and on an unrelated Knicks/Jennings note you do not give up L Fields and pick 17 for Jennings that would be ******ed, probably for Milwaukee also. Miiwaukee would be foolish to give up their best player for a role player and a mid 1st rounder in a not so good draft, and what the Knicks need right now is depth with the stars already in place and pick 17 provides a great opportunity for us to add some front court depth or draft a player we think can pick up the reigns at PG once Chauncey is through (2 major needs) and it would be just stupid to give that up, along with our only starting 2 guard (and yes, i know were all **%#%#* pissed about field's playoffs but fact is he was still a top 3 player from his draft class this season and hes only getting better and can be the optimal role player next to Melo/Stat), essentially creating a giant hole at that position unless you are willing to start Andy **%#%#* Rautins or Roger Mason Jr for a point guard who can put up big numbers but has an ego 5x the size of his game, which can be good some times when you are a lottery/lower tier playoff team and he is a #1 scoring option (a la Marbury who Jennings isnt even half as talented and hes even a bigger head case) but can never be successful as a #1 option and isnt the distributor you need on a contending team. Trading an oppurtunity to add a defensive minded role player like a Kenneth Faried would bring us (our #1 need for next season) or an option for our future at point like a Darius Morris or a Selby could potentially be (our #1 need moving towards the future) for a PG like Jennings who will be jacking up 20+ shots a game when he has 2 guys on his team that are top 5 scorers in the entire NBA is why that trade sucks.

Sometimes you gotta stop looking at the sexy names and start realizing the players who are gonna fill roles on your team the best you are possibly able to. and that is relative to the Jazz and the Knicks

... and yeah i know i write alot, **%#%#* deal with it
(been bored as *!!! taking 4 hour daily summer classes... peep the knicks thread

EDIT: from Chad Ford's mock describing the Jazz taking Knight at 3
The Jazz love big guards, players who can defend multiple positions, guards who can shoot the basketball and high-character players.
also has Burks written all over it, even more so than B Knight, except for the shooting part, and maybe the high character part also but neither have problems in that area. I take a Burks/Jimmer backcourt over taking Knight and Singleton, although if you are taking Knight with 3, imo Singleton is the guy to go to with 12.
Originally Posted by DaComeUP

Oh. I don't even know why I'm responding to your trolling *%@, but Holiday is going to be mediocre at best just like many others have said in this thread. Stick to making dumb *%@ outlandish predictions that never come to fruition.

Like this.

Burks going to be a NBA-All Star by his 3rd season...I'm telling ya


i think thats a less outrageous statement to be honest... i dont think Burks will be an allstar his third season (i think he could have a great carreer though), and i dont think Jrue will ever be a great point guard but imo hes capable now and will be even more so give a few years development of running a team at the point if he has a good supporting cast, and he certainly was not a "bum' his first 2 years.

Alec Burks at 3???
If Utah does that, their GM should be fired on the spot. If that's theguy they covet, they should trade out of 3 and get him a little lateron in the lottery (cause he'll be there). Utah can get a pick/playerfor that #3 ESPECIALLY if either Williams/Kanter are still on theboard.

It sounds kiind of crazy right now but as we get down the road i see Burk's draft stock vastly improving. i really think he has one of the highest ceilings in this draft class and is pretty ready to contribute right away even with his potential. At the end of the day i dont see him sliding past #6 and at the vesy least hell for sure be in the top 10. I think hes gonna be kinda like the Russell Westbrook of this draft. They are actually pretty similar, being athletic guards considered at the time of the draft to be in between a 1 and a 2 guard, both coming out after their sophomore year with tremendous upside. Both players also were late bloomers who heavily recruited out of HS. I will admit while Burks is athletic he does not have Russel's athleticism to that extent, but he is also taller and the more polished scorer/shooter when you compare him to Russell back in 08. He also reminds me ALOT of Russell in the open court considering their fluidity, explosiveness, and finishing ability.

I see him having an effect similar to Westbrook in that draft. If yall can remember, back before draft workouts and all that, at the end of the 08 college hoops season, Westbrook was considered a borderline top 10 pick, but his stock was increasing. I remember the Knicks had #6 and i wanted to use the pick on him (used on Gallo) and at the time that was considered a bit of a reach because he was a question mark despite his upside, and alot of Knicks fans on this board i remember used to say that it was a bit of a stretch taking him at 6. But than he shot up draft boards from workouts and all that and was eventually drafted 4. During this time in 2008, yall woulda said a lot of the same %$@% if someone proposed Seattle going with Westbrook at 4 ahead of college studs like KLove, Eric Gordon, Lopez, even guys like DJ Augustin, Jerryd Bayless, and **%#%#* Joe Alexander that you are saying with Burks and guys like Kemba, Knight, Kanter, etc . i follow the draft intensely every year, especially when the Knicks have a first round pick let alone their highest draft selection of the decade, and i was at the draft in 08, so im not bull $!##%!@$ you and if yall dont believe me this is from his draft express profile shortly after the NCAA tourny...

It’s still not quite clear what position Westbrook will play in the NBA, even if it could probably be said that his upside is so high that he can just figure that out down the road. He lacks significant experience at the point guard position, and probably isn’t a good enough shooter/ball-handler/shot-creator to be considered a starting caliber shooting guard, particularly since he lacks size for the position at 6-3. Considering his physical tools, intangibles and how much he’s improved over the past two years, though, a lot of teams would probably have a hard time passing him up in the 10-20 range, since he truly has home run potential if he can improve on his weaknesses in time. He might ideally be suited coming off the bench playing a Leandro Barbosa type role, which would still be worthy of a very high pick.
Chad Ford (who has Burks at 13 in his latest mock):
"A draft sleeper. Many NBA scouts believe he's the best prospect on the UCLA team. He's projected to go anywhere from 8 to 15 in the draft."
hmmm... NBA all-star 2nd team All-NBA player, the starting point guard and 2nd option of one of the remaining 4 teams still playing basketball, Russell Westbrook was at one point --- and not even like one point as in high school, but a few months before the NBA draft after all these scouts have watched him play his final college basketball game --- said that his IDEAL role in the NBA would be Leandro Barbosa, and thought as a prospect who would be available for teams selecting 10-20. However this turned out to be a franchise altering draft pick and Russell is a 2nd team all NBA talent and the Thunder are an emerging NBA power. pretty sure that tops a poor mans Barbosa. I mean if i at this point proposed Seattle taking Westbrook at 4 i would get same reactions. and is it just me or does saying...

I could seeAlec Burks as an Aaron Afflalo type player in the league. I don't thinkthat's what you wanna spend the number 3 pick on. Might as well tradethe pick for Monta or Iguodala if you're gonna do that.

sound pretty similar to this draft report saying that Westbrook could be a Barbosa type player at best, which is good, but not worth a top pick?

Just to make my statements clear. I am by no means saying that Burks is gonna be Westbrook or better. I do not necessarily think that he will be an all-star by his 3rd year at all, and im not even saying he will definitley be better than Knight/Kemba although i suggested that Utah take him ahead of them. However, Afflalo?? i dont even get that comparison.

Not only is Burks younger and has way more potential than Afflalo did coming into the draft or ever. But one of Burks' best attributes is his athletisism which is one of Afflalo's largest set backs. Another thing that really improves Burks' stock is his ability to handle the ball and see the floor and run the point which would be laughable to watch Afflalo attempt. Burks is also taller and would probably be best in an up-tempo style offense due to his ability to run the break while Afflalo is meant for the half court. Burks is also a great rebounder, and i can see him being a great outside shooter one day as he is already decent but raw and should improve. i will at least give you that Afflalo is a good jump shooter, but he stays low to the ground while Burks has a smooth high release, and he gets vertical and he can shoot off the dribble.

Anyway my point is i wouldnt sleep on Burks at all and i think that Utah's best bet would be to pick him, honestly. Im not even saying i like him more than i like Kemba or Knight. I am saying i think he CAN be better, probably has a higher ceiling than both... if not than at least Kemba imo, and i think depending on your team's situation hes the better pick. If i am Toronto picking at #5, looking for a guard, and its between Kemba and Burks im taking Kemba in that situation every time. Kemba is better for that situation because Toronto is in need of a backcourt guy who can make plays happen and run the show given their lack of talent which is Kemba all day. I also think that having Calderon around will allow him to play off the ball every now and than.

However Utah is different. They have 2 picks in the lottery which should both be used on guards to restructure their backcourt, their #1 need. These guys are avadent on getting Jimmer being from utah and all and i do think that Jimmer could be a solid NBA player, and a potentially great pick at #12. However pairing him with a Brandon Knight or Kemba Walker only creates a log jam at point and defensive liabilities at the 2. Also, all 3 of those players are scorers before distributors and would probably mold best with the oppurtunity to play off the ball, especially early on in their carrerrs... especially Jimmer. Jimmer is a fantastic shooter and is underated when it comes to his strength and his ability to create his own shot and i really believe he can be a great scorer and a solid overall NBA player, capable of starting. However in order to get the best out of Jimmer a guy like Burks would be perfect to play alongside of him. Burks is extremely athletic and his a good defender, easily capable of hanging with NBA 2 guards at 6'6. He is a good scorer but the fact that he also can run the point, especially in transition which the Jazz should look to do with shooters like Jimmer and Haywood and athetic big men like Favors moving forward, makes him that much of a better fit cause it allows Jimmer to play off the ball when he needs to.

IMO for the Jazz this is their best option whether they go with it or not. They should restructure their backcourt and honestly Jimmer is the best player you are gonna get for that task at 12, due to limited 2 guard talent and especially limited 2 guards that Knight or Kemba could coesxist with. With the 3 and 12 draft picks you are not getting a better backcourt and i dont think a better pair of players considering the Jazz roster and condition than Burks//Jimmer. I really see alot of connections/similarities between Burks and Westbrook and their games to this point in their carreers and i think that Burks can be a Westbrook like player in this draft. keep in mind that Westbrook was in a better draft, and although Burks is athletic and a good defender he is not on Westbrook's level on either of those, but he is a better scorer than Westbrook was in 08 and his jumper should only improve like Russel's did, he is bigger than Russell is/was, more NBA ready i believe, and almost most importantly he should only get better at running the point over the years in the NBA's fast pace like Russell did as he is clearly a legit NBA PG right now although he had many questions about that leading up to the 08 draft.

Again, please dont respond saying %$@% like "this dude is saying Burks will be as good as Westbrook" or that im saying that hes gonna be better than Kemba/Knight. Yes, i am saying he can be better but i dont necessarily even think that as Brandon Knight is probably my favorite prospect in the draft and i am a NYer/longtime Kemba Walker fan despite my UConn hate. Im just saying that Burk's spot/game reminds me alot of Westbrook's situation and his style of play back in 2008 and i wouldnt be suprised to see Burks make a late push shooting up some team's draft boards and getting picked higher than expected (probably not to the same extent though cause Russ shot up largely through beast outings in mini camps as well as individual workouts and the top players arent doing that %$@% anymore) but i honestly wouldnt be shocked if he impressed some teams enough in individual workouts to use a top 5 pick on him, and i believe he is Utah's best option at 3. I also wouldnt be so suprised if like Westbrook iin 08 Burks ends up being one of the best players from this class.

and on an unrelated Knicks/Jennings note you do not give up L Fields and pick 17 for Jennings that would be ******ed, probably for Milwaukee also. Miiwaukee would be foolish to give up their best player for a role player and a mid 1st rounder in a not so good draft, and what the Knicks need right now is depth with the stars already in place and pick 17 provides a great opportunity for us to add some front court depth or draft a player we think can pick up the reigns at PG once Chauncey is through (2 major needs) and it would be just stupid to give that up, along with our only starting 2 guard (and yes, i know were all **%#%#* pissed about field's playoffs but fact is he was still a top 3 player from his draft class this season and hes only getting better and can be the optimal role player next to Melo/Stat), essentially creating a giant hole at that position unless you are willing to start Andy **%#%#* Rautins or Roger Mason Jr for a point guard who can put up big numbers but has an ego 5x the size of his game, which can be good some times when you are a lottery/lower tier playoff team and he is a #1 scoring option (a la Marbury who Jennings isnt even half as talented and hes even a bigger head case) but can never be successful as a #1 option and isnt the distributor you need on a contending team. Trading an oppurtunity to add a defensive minded role player like a Kenneth Faried would bring us (our #1 need for next season) or an option for our future at point like a Darius Morris or a Selby could potentially be (our #1 need moving towards the future) for a PG like Jennings who will be jacking up 20+ shots a game when he has 2 guys on his team that are top 5 scorers in the entire NBA is why that trade sucks.

Sometimes you gotta stop looking at the sexy names and start realizing the players who are gonna fill roles on your team the best you are possibly able to. and that is relative to the Jazz and the Knicks

... and yeah i know i write alot, **%#%#* deal with it
(been bored as *!!! taking 4 hour daily summer classes... peep the knicks thread

EDIT: from Chad Ford's mock describing the Jazz taking Knight at 3
The Jazz love big guards, players who can defend multiple positions, guards who can shoot the basketball and high-character players.
also has Burks written all over it, even more so than B Knight, except for the shooting part, and maybe the high character part also but neither have problems in that area. I take a Burks/Jimmer backcourt over taking Knight and Singleton, although if you are taking Knight with 3, imo Singleton is the guy to go to with 12.
GR8, I would LOVE for the Jazz to take Burks @3...under the assumption that Kanter would be closer to sliding to 6 (if the Wizards don't trade up). I just don't see it happening. That's a MAJOR reach. Why would they draft him there when they could trade out of that pick, get a player and another draft pick, and potentially select him later in the lottery? We know the Jazz got a major hole at the 2, but taking Burks there would be insane.
GR8, I would LOVE for the Jazz to take Burks @3...under the assumption that Kanter would be closer to sliding to 6 (if the Wizards don't trade up). I just don't see it happening. That's a MAJOR reach. Why would they draft him there when they could trade out of that pick, get a player and another draft pick, and potentially select him later in the lottery? We know the Jazz got a major hole at the 2, but taking Burks there would be insane.
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