What Will The Outcome of The Finals Be?...

  • Spurs in 4

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  • Spurs in 5

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Spurs in 6

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  • Spurs in 7

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Heat in 4

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Heat in 5

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Heat in 6

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Heat in 7

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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dont see why this bothers you so much, rather than typing or saying "the lakers" every time i say "my team" or "we" everyone knows that i dont own the lakers and im not on the roster but its just a thing most sports fans say when talking about their team. no idea why you're so mad over this.... here have a snickers 
Mad? LOL, NO. Being an LA boy you could teach us a thing or two about being mad
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dont see why this bothers you so much, rather than typing or saying "the lakers" every time i say "my team" or "we" everyone knows that i dont own the lakers and im not on the roster but its just a thing most sports fans say when talking about their team. no idea why you're so mad over this.... here have a snickers 
Mad? LOL, NO. Being an LA boy you could teach us a thing or two about being mad
i dont get it... are people from LA mad? 
Absolutely agree with Antidope.

This isn't some "hobby". Sports is my passion. I was drained the other night, and this ain't even my series. Now imagine how I feel on game days/nights with MY team in action. :lol:

I lose sleep, don't eat, stress myself out, all over a game. :lol:

But it's all I know. Sports is the only thing I understand in this world. So I will forever be this way.

I'm excited for the game tonight, even tho it's not my series or teams, it's still great theatre. And I know that history will be made, and recorded.

Good luck to the fans of the Spurs and the Heat. Enjoy it fellas. :pimp:

i wonder what your day was like for game 7 of the '10 nba finals :lol:

Exhausting. I barely slept the night before, or the night after for that matter, didn't eat much, just kept quiet all day at work, read on NT a lot, checked Twitter alot to hear any latest news, etc.

Drove home after work (left a few minutes early) listening to break downs on the radio.

Then just watched the game and lived and died with every bounce of the ball.

Soon as the game ended, I was looking at what needed to be done for the next season. I was posting on here that night about the 2011 team. :lol:

It's how I'm wired.
trust the system ans spurs will be in position to win
if there's one, one coach that can pull it out it's these guys
but then again, I thought c's were gonna win in La a few yrs ago >D

you had them +190? I only got +170

who is reffing the game?
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Never called in at work before. I worked all during game 6 only caught the over time

I was off yesterday and they have me working tonight

I wanna call in BUT I dont wanna jinx it. Im gonna do the same thing I did for game 6 :lol:

feel like them guys in the beer commercials
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trust the system ans spurs will be in position to win
if there's one, one coach that can pull it out it's these guys
but then again, I thought c's were gonna win in La a few yrs ago >D

you had them +190? I only got +170

who is reffing the game?
Danny Crawford, Scott Foster and Monty McCutchen.
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