What Will The Outcome of The Finals Be?...

  • Spurs in 4

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  • Spurs in 5

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  • Spurs in 6

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  • Spurs in 7

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  • Heat in 4

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  • Heat in 5

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  • Heat in 6

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  • Heat in 7

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The world will be shocked tonight. The king gives up the crown to Timmy. I'm waiting for a special edition version of NBA2k14 with Duncan on the cover :lol:
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Absolutely agree with Antidope.

This isn't some "hobby". Sports is my passion. I was drained the other night, and this ain't even my series. Now imagine how I feel on game days/nights with MY team in action.

I lose sleep, don't eat, stress myself out, all over a game.

But it's all I know. Sports is the only thing I understand in this world. So I will forever be this way.

I'm excited for the game tonight, even tho it's not my series or teams, it's still great theatre. And I know that history will be made, and recorded.

Good luck to the fans of the Spurs and the Heat. Enjoy it fellas.
i wonder what your day was like for game 7 of the '10 nba finals
Exhausting. I barely slept the night before, or the night after for that matter, didn't eat much, just kept quiet all day at work, read on NT a lot, checked Twitter alot to hear any latest news, etc.

Drove home after work (left a few minutes early) listening to break downs on the radio.

Then just watched the game and lived and died with every bounce of the ball.

Soon as the game ended, I was looking at what needed to be done for the next season. I was posting on here that night about the 2011 team.

It's how I'm wired.
lol that 1 minute celebration and on to the next season.
i've been watching espn all day but jon barry's on my screen. time to switch to american dad. can't stand this bum *** barry. his father and brother should be on tv over him.
Game 3 of the NBA finals. Dude played 20 mins with ZERO points 0-5. That's not a point guard I would want playing in the finals for me. He has heart, I can't question that but zero points?

And Game 4 he arguably had the best game of his LIFE with 25 points and he went OFF in the 4th to seal the win with LBJ on the bench and put the series at 3-1. :lol:

If he didn't ball that game, the series would have been tied 2-2 and who knows what would have happened. He certainly nulled that game 3 out with that performance
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just pictured a situation where the world would explode....heat down 2 and lebron BANKS in a 3 pointer at the buzzer to win LOL
Game 3 of the NBA finals. Dude played 20 mins with ZERO points 0-5. That's not a point guard I would want playing in the finals for me. He has heart, I can't question that but zero points?
Fouls. If Chalmers gets in early foul trouble, it ALWAYS throws him off. But if he can stay on the court, he comes up big in big games.

Funny thing is now when Chalmers checks out, the Heat go without a PG. :smokin
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Fouls. If Chalmers gets in early foul trouble, it ALWAYS throws him off. But if he can stay on the court, he comes up big in big games.

Funny thing is now when Chalmers checks out, the Heat go without a PG. :smokin

Bron runs point with Allen Wade Battier and Bosh/Anderson
[quote name="Freeze"] [quote name="jordan23dotcom"]I hope the spurs lose and I hope you cry yourself to sleep tonight LOL you and our butt buddies. Getcha feels up[/quote] you don't have any friends and your parents hate you.[/quote]*warned* Both of you.
Chalmers plays very well at home, he sucks on the road. But he will not freeze up in the home crowd, he gets too comfortable. He'll make his shots if he's open tonight.

I don't see the Spurs winning this game, I can't see it. What happened last game almost seemed like destiny, the basketball gods came down and let the inevitable happen so the Heat could win another championship.

Nothing is on the Spurs side to win this game. They're tired, they're mentally drained, they're playing against the home team in a game 7 - too many variables and wildcards.

(If the Spurs manage to win this game, it will be an incredible gritty win. I will eat my words, gladly. But I cannot see it happening)
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They're tired? Both teams played ot last game not just the Spurs.. Not to mention they are professional athletes
I just want to see what pop does too counter the bron-Bosh-miller-allen-chalmers lineup

And to see if spo has the guts to keep wade out in crucial moments
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Chalmers plays very well at home, he sucks on the road. But he will not freeze up in the home crowd, he gets too comfortable. He'll make his shots if he's open tonight.

I don't see the Spurs winning this game, I can't see it. What happened last game almost seemed like destiny, the basketball gods came down and let the inevitable happen so the Heat could win another championship.

Nothing is on the Spurs side to win this game. They're tired, they're mentally drained, they're playing against the home team in a game 7 - too many variables and wildcards.

(If the Spurs manage to win this game, it will be an incredible gritty win. I will eat my words, gladly. But I cannot see it happening)

So the spurs are tired and mentally drained but the heat aren't? Playing a game 7 in the finals at home can be a gift or a curse. Everyone has now seen Miami fans for what they are after game 6. I don't see how San Antonio isn't fired up because they have a second chance at an NBA finals win. San Antonio didnt play their best game and were still in a convincing decision to win the game with SECONDS left on the clock. I can only imagine the spirit they'll play with tonight

But you think I'm a troll so you aren't hearing my logic >D
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No one knows what's going to happen,

I just hope it's similar to G6 and it's an intense last few minutes of basketball :smokin
But you think I'm a troll so you aren't hearing my logic >D

You might not be a troll, but your hate for the Heat has clouded your judgment to the point that you refuse to acknowledge differing arguments. You have a very narrow frame of scope, take this most recent Chalmers clutch discussion for instance, you're citing one game to make your point that he folds under pressure. One game. Either you haven't been following sports very long or you're a feeble minded simpleton because there have been several times where Chalmers comes up huge in big games. I can give you three examples off the top of my head: last year's ECF against the Celtics, Game 6 Tuesday night, and the game winning shot in the 2008 NCAA National Championship game against Memphis.
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