NBA Off-Season News Thread: Roy extends 80/5, AI to Grizz, Chandler/Okafor swap, Marquis to C's.

No way this happens, but:
One rumor floating around had the Cavs sending guard/forward Wally Szczerbiak and forward/center J.J. Hickson to Charlotte for forward Gerald Wallace in a sign-and-trade.
crash is an free agent, or are they talking about wally?
cmon MJ, dont ruin the bobcats franchise even more! they can compete for the last playoff spot, just like last year. they have a good coach in LB, don't dothis!
and can we stop the pyramids?
Originally Posted by JDB1523

Ok, ima just throw this sceniro out there my fella NBA fans, lets say, cavs are strugglin, maybe a .500 team by All Star break......youll think theyll save face and trade LBJ that way he doesnt walk without anything? i honestly dont think Lebron stays if doesnt win a chip this year, i think hes gone, maybe not NY but gone.....what you guys thing? ....just throwin this out there....
a. you don't go from 66 wins to a .500 team BUT,
b. the Cavs would NEVER, and i mean NEVER trade him unless he demanded it. even if he was forced to be in a wheelchair the rest of his life (God-forbid), they wouldn't do it simply for the fact Cleveland fans need something to believe in (ex. him overcoming a broken spine to play in the playoffs) and he's the face of the whole damn city right now

they won't be a .500 team but that 66 win season is like a gift and a curse.

If and I say If they start out slow people are going to be looking at what they did last season.

If they lose some early home games people are going to be talking about how good they were at home last season.

Not sure about Mike Browns coaching situation but I would assume he would be on a short leash, which means if they were to start out slow knowing how the nbais, i wouldn't put it past the Cavs to panic and fire him when they have no legitimate replacement for him. Having an interm coach in Lebrons contractyear wouldn't be a good look.

Realisticly Cleveland wins about 55-60 games. It's real hard to win 60 plus games in consecutive season. Personally I think if this Cavs team plays wellwith each other and starts playing it's best when the playoffs come around, they'll be more dangerous this year then last year because they'll beready to compete with other teams bigs better and they got the bad taste of last year still in their mouth.
Originally Posted by I NaSmatic I

No way this happens, but:
One rumor floating around had the Cavs sending guard/forward Wally Szczerbiak and forward/center J.J. Hickson to Charlotte for forward Gerald Wallace in a sign-and-trade.

why would charlottte do that?
Originally Posted by I NaSmatic I

No way this happens, but:
One rumor floating around had the Cavs sending guard/forward Wally Szczerbiak and forward/center J.J. Hickson to Charlotte for forward Gerald Wallace in a sign-and-trade.

...if it happens tho..
Originally Posted by air max 87

Originally Posted by I NaSmatic I

No way this happens, but:

One rumor floating around had the Cavs sending guard/forward Wally Szczerbiak and forward/center J.J. Hickson to Charlotte for forward Gerald Wallace in a
why would charlottte do that?

The same reason Memphis did the Kwame trade? If there is a Stern (who fixes the NBA for LeBron as everyone claims, this trade will happen, like the fixed PauKwame trade).. It probably won't matter in the end though.. Because if the Lakers and the Cavs meet in the finals BynUM will injure Gerald in game 1 andthe Cavs would be handicapped.

i guess grant hill is gonna spend his last seasons in phoenix and play golf on his days off.
looks like he isnt worried about a championship on his resume

Not only that, but looks like he's quite obsessed with finishing his career without seeing the second round of the playoffs for some reason.. With theCeltics he had a very good shot at the ring, but he was virtually guaranteed to get out of the first round, and at least remove that curse from his careerresume that people are bound to mention whenever his legacy is discussed. Damn, Grant.. SMH, my favorite player of all time. It's so sad to watch him dothis. Maybe he didn't want to move because of his daughter would have to go to a new school, I don't know.. But staying in Phoenix is still better thanthe Knicks.
At the "fixed" Pau Kwame trade.

If you aren't smart enough to figure out the deal, just say so, don't go comspiracy on people, it's weak and lame.

Where does Crash play if he comes to the Cavs? SF, moving Bron to PF? Or does he come off the bench and AV starts at 4?
Ya never know, deal could happen, MJ is dumb like that.
The same reason Memphis did the Kwame trade? If there is a Stern (who fixes the NBA for LeBron as everyone claims, this trade will happen, like the fixed Pau Kwame trade)..

If that deal with Cleveland happened, it wouldn't make sense unless Wallace played the 4. He has played the 4 before, so it wouldn't be that much of achance. More than likely it won't happen though.
Orlando got Bass? Good %@%+! I dont care who they get, but they needed another big man. The FC and bench was ugly. I dont know much about Bass though so Mavsfan fill me in.

About the Orlando discussion a few pages back. Honestly, I think they took somewhat a step back, though not a big one. Sure they lost Hedo, Lee, Gortat,Alston, and Battie, but VC makes up for what Hedo and Lee can do. Alston wants to start, cant happen. Battie is afraid of the paint while Bass can bang aroundthe paint (from what I saw). Losing Gortat hurts. Dude was actually productive on the court.

They definitely better than the Cavs right now. I think the two top teams is Orlando and Boston. When fully healthy, its a toss up.

Apparently, even after signing Bass, ORL is considering matching the Mavs offer.

It would be an EXTREMELY low-blow from the Magic to the Mavericks if this happened. We let them get a 10 million dollar trade exception for letting them in theMarion deal, we let them get Bass, and now they're thinking of matching the offer for Gortat? That's a scumbag move if Smith matches...
I would kill myself if the bobcats do that trade...and I planned to buy some tickets too smh....the fact they're entertaining this offer the best player for 2 *#+*%$% bums
....bob johnson go to hell
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Apparently, even after signing Bass, ORL is considering matching the Mavs offer.

It would be an EXTREMELY low-blow from the Magic to the Mavericks if this happened. We let them get a 10 million dollar trade exception for letting them in the Marion deal, we let them get Bass, and now they're thinking of matching the offer for Gortat? That's a scumbag move if Smith matches...

Not really. They want to compete. It's a business and they have the right to match if they want to.It's not about who ya'll "LET" themget, ya'll had the opportunity to keep Bass. If you really wanted him, you would've re-signed him. It's obvious Dallas didn't want to keep him.A big man rotation of Bass-Howard-Gortat

Although Gortat's contract would seem excessive for a backup, the Magic still view him as an asset, and there are plenty of teams looking for centers. They would have to wait at least 90 days before they could trade him.

That's a smart move if you ask me.

And CP, the fact that it comes from hoopshype makes it a little
, but
[h3]Johnson and Gibson look better than Bad Boozer Rumor[/h3]
The Bulls Thursday night kicked off their rookie and free agent mini camp with first round picks James Johnson and Taj Gibson getting their first action with the team.

But before I get to that, I guess I have to deal with this trade story that was making the rounds in Chicago and the NBA Thursday of a three-way deal involving the Bulls, Trailblazers and Jazz with Carlos Boozer going to the Bulls, Kirk Hinrich to the Trailblazers and Tyrus Thomas to the Jazz.

Not true.

Made up.



Am I being too subtle here?

The report on ESPN said the teams "discussed" a deal and "two sources with knowledge of the three-team proposal confirmed there have been substantive talks…"

I'm not quite sure how you get that much wrong, but I think the editors may have left out the word, "not."

As in the teams have "not" discussed a deal, and there have "not" been substantive talks.

I have checked this out thoroughly and am convinced there never have been discussions about any such deal. There's a theory going around that the Trailblazers have been putting out the false leaks (you'll notice they make out well in all the scenarios without much detail of what they give up) because of pressure they've been getting in Portland over losing out on Hedo Turkoglu after they said they would sign him.

There's also a little modern day journalism issue in things like this. Which is not to say newspapers always got this stuff right and didn't print false information. But with the internet and even more instant communication with Twitter, which many reporters use now to advance their scoops, stories often are measured in seconds or minutes of who got something out first. So the tendency, along with the evil of the update button that demands changes every few hours, is for a greater rush now for something new more often and more quickly, which doesn't allow time to check things out as thoroughly.

And just think it out: The Bulls are going to give up two of their top six players for a one-year rental player they could get-if they wanted-in free agency next summer without giving up anything. And they'd have given up Hinrich and Ben Gordon and now need Jannero Pargo to play perhaps 30 minutes per game as a third guard. And this is with not having seen Boozer play after Boozer played in just 37 games last season, the second time in the last four seasons he played in fewer than 40 games because of injuries. And nowhere in the report is there any mention of any players leaving the Trailblazers. C'mon, who could really believe this?

Though it seems Tyrus Thomas believed it.

A reader notified me Tyrus wrote "Gone" on his Twitter update Thursday afternoon. Tyrus later posted in a Tweet, "The media is a mess."

We figured he always felt that way.


They make it too easy on me if this is true.

Got it off Hoopshype.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Apparently, even after signing Bass, ORL is considering matching the Mavs offer.

It would be an EXTREMELY low-blow from the Magic to the Mavericks if this happened. We let them get a 10 million dollar trade exception for letting them in the Marion deal, we let them get Bass, and now they're thinking of matching the offer for Gortat? That's a scumbag move if Smith matches...
Scumbag move? Hardly.
How did you "let" them get Bass? The trade exception?

Maybe a little sneaky, but not dirty at all.
Originally Posted by I NaSmatic I

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Apparently, even after signing Bass, ORL is considering matching the Mavs offer.

It would be an EXTREMELY low-blow from the Magic to the Mavericks if this happened. We let them get a 10 million dollar trade exception for letting them in the Marion deal, we let them get Bass, and now they're thinking of matching the offer for Gortat? That's a scumbag move if Smith matches...
Scumbag move? Hardly.
1) We let them into the Toronto deal so they didn't lose Turkoglu for nothing.
2) We let them get Bass, we wouldn't have allowed them to get Bass if we would get Gortat
3) If they turn around and match the offer, it's going to be hard to find a team for them to deal with in the future unless the price is right.
Originally Posted by bhzmafia14

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Apparently, even after signing Bass, ORL is considering matching the Mavs offer.

It would be an EXTREMELY low-blow from the Magic to the Mavericks if this happened. We let them get a 10 million dollar trade exception for letting them in the Marion deal, we let them get Bass, and now they're thinking of matching the offer for Gortat? That's a scumbag move if Smith matches...

Not really. They want to compete. It's a business and they have the right to match if they want to.It's not about who ya'll "LET" them get, ya'll had the opportunity to keep Bass. If you really wanted him, you would've re-signed him. It's obvious Dallas didn't want to keep him. A big man rotation of Bass-Howard-Gortat

Although Gortat's contract would seem excessive for a backup, the Magic still view him as an asset, and there are plenty of teams looking for centers. They would have to wait at least 90 days before they could trade him.
That's a smart move if you ask me.

And CP, the fact that it comes from hoopshype makes it a little
, but

Proven centers are worth the money, unless it's Mark Blount.
maaaan, I'm dumb late
but I didn't even know Vince went to the Magic lol
Bass is a nice pick up by them as well

who the !%%* said that the Cavs are better than the Magic? that was quite a foolish statement
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by I NaSmatic I

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Apparently, even after signing Bass, ORL is considering matching the Mavs offer.

It would be an EXTREMELY low-blow from the Magic to the Mavericks if this happened. We let them get a 10 million dollar trade exception for letting them in the Marion deal, we let them get Bass, and now they're thinking of matching the offer for Gortat? That's a scumbag move if Smith matches...
Scumbag move? Hardly.
1) We let them into the Toronto deal so they didn't lose Turkoglu for nothing.
2) We let them get Bass, we wouldn't have allowed them to get Bass if we would get Gortat
3) If they turn around and match the offer, it's going to be hard to find a team for them to deal with in the future unless the price is right.
C'mon Japan.

Orlando didn't HAVE to get anything from Turkoglu. It seem like they were completely fine with just losing him like they did. Dallas still didn't letOrlando have Bass. You acting like Cuban called up Smith and told him "if you let us sign Gortat, we will let you have Bass so don't match thatoffer!".
There wasn't an agreement or anything. If it was anagreement, THAT would make it kinda wrong.

He's their free agent and they can do whatever the hell they want to do with him. If they can't deal Gortat away then oh well, they will still have anice frontline with Howard-Bass-Gortat. If Rashard can move back to his natural position, it will be plenty of time for them. It gives Orlando a greater chanceat actually winning a title if they add Gortat to go along with a healthy squad.

but I didn't even know Vince went to the Magic lol
yeah lol I been out of the country just trying to catch up on *@!% and the moves made since FA started. this offseason has been real eventful so far. I'mgetting there though lol
BHZ, I got the link off Hoopshype, but the story is from some Chicago site. Like I said though, if it's true, (and they've done stuff like thatbefore) I'm gon laugh the rest of the summer.

Japan, wouldn't Dallas have expected a move like this from Orl though? Can't tell me that never entered into their minds that ORLD might try to matchfor Gortat. I'm sure Cuban will say something about it one way or another.
Originally Posted by TH0MAS CR0WN

yeah lol I been out of the country just trying to catch up on *@!% and the moves made since FA started. this offseason has been real eventful so far. I'm getting there though lol

You're doin fine TC, just do me a favor and lose the avy eh? Thanks.
Is there any coincidence why Turkoglu wanted to leave?

Marcin WANTS to go to Dallas more than he wants to be in Orlando, and Smith may not allow him to, and force him to sit behind Dwight? Poor move as a GM.

If he matches the offer....

....Sweep the leg...

I was hoping for Bass to wait until they passed on Gortat for him to sign with the Magic, it was a forgone conclusion IMO, but he signed early, and that mayhave just stabbed us in the back.

It will be nice that we'll have our MLE again, but a lot of names are off the list now.
Marcin WANTS to go to Dallas more than he wants to be in Orlando, and Smith may not allow him to, and force him to sit behind Dwight? Poor move as a GM.
You're right about that. I'm sure any guy would want to start on a playoff team. But, he could have a chance at a ring, while making thesame money if he stayed in Orlando. He mentioned that he wouldn't be that mad because he would be on a good team regardless.

It's not like he's leaving Orlando to play for the Grizzlies....
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