NBA Off-Season News Thread: Roy extends 80/5, AI to Grizz, Chandler/Okafor swap, Marquis to C's.

Originally Posted by Chester McFloppy

Originally Posted by YoungTriz

what is gonna happen with Aldridge

We'll trade him to the Suns for Steve Nash.

Damn, how I miss this?

Must be gettin old.........
Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by TH0MAS CR0WN

yeah lol I been out of the country just trying to catch up on *@!% and the moves made since FA started. this offseason has been real eventful so far. I'm getting there though lol

You're doin fine TC, just do me a favor and lose the avy eh? Thanks.

CP my dude, you will come around I know it
I feel you though Artest canbe unpredictable but when he's on his talent is undeniable

& yeah I'm about to just say f it and stop trying to keep up with all these moves lol. Just see how the rosters are at the end of the summer. I likethat teams are being active as hell right now though
Originally Posted by franchise3

Roy comes out to a Portland radio station and says it's 50/50 he signs an extension with Portland
Say what?

Station? Where you see that at?
I got you Franchise....

[h1]Brandon Roy to Blazers: "I've done everything I can."[/h1] [h3]by John Canzano, The Oregonian[/h3]
[h3]Friday July 10, 2009, 2:25 PM[/h3]

Brandon Roy told KJR radio in Seattle today that he's frustrated and disappointed with the Trail Blazers handling of his contract extension negotiations. He talked a lot about the hard work he's put in, and all he's done to make his dreams come true, and about being patient as he watches the good days and bad days come down the pipeline.

He wants to get a deal done and is confused as the rest of us as to why the left brainers in the organization are standing in the way.

I wrote about the Vulcan influence we're seeing on the Blazers operating procedure in today's column. I have the interview and will replay a portion of Roy's interview today on the Bald-Faced Truth radio show at 3:05 p.m. and we will discuss, but here's a couple of quotes from Roy.

On watching the negotiations: "I sit back and think about all the hard work I've put into my dream... excited about the opportunity to provide for my family. I go in... knowing that I've come into the league and I've done everything I can do to get a max contract."

On how he feels about the negotiations: "It's 50-50 right now... I'd love for something to get done so I can move forward and meet free agents..."

On whether he was involved in the Hedo Turkoglu recruitment: "Not playing much of any role. It's hard for me to go out and recruit Hedo for five years when I have only one year on my deal."

Well played by Roy's camp. It's absurd that the organization is misplaying this negotiation so badly. Sign the guy already.


For real though, he should be locked up already. Even Bargani got extended. What's the holdup for one of the elite 2's in the game

This is Denver Broncos Jay Culter levels of stupidity, I always use to think CP was exaggerating but danm.

I would pay just about anything to keep Brandon Roy.

Finally, the weak side is showing on this "God".

They aren't even talking about Aldridge really at all. I wonder how he feels about them offering Millsap a contract to "back" him up and theyhaven't started contract talk yet.
I was watching a talk show earlier and everybody was blaming Paul Allen for all this stalling in the Roy contract talk. People were calling in and the majorityof them were blaming Allen but at the same time they believe something will get done. BUT as a Blazer fan, I'm kind of disappointed in how this is going. Ifigured the first two things they would do when the season was over was to extend Aldridge and Roy...

After they address their free agent needs (which the cornerstones should be first), no doubt they'll get the extensions. Just a bad move from the BlazersFO, IMO.

Roy wants 5 years, Blazers offered 4...I SAY JUST GIVE HIM 6 AND LOCK HIM AND ALDRIDGE UP ALREADY.
Man, if Roy doesnt sign the extention...

They might be the Raptors situation. Better off trading your superstar and getting something out of it before its too late.

They're willing to toss a %#%!!%# $50+ million dollar contract at Hedo.
They're willing to sign Millsap for $35+ million.
They signed some wrinkly headed giant with two bad knees (from Ohio State to boot
) over Kevin Durant.
They didn't do ANYTHING with the expiring Raef contract last season.
They gave Sergio away for a $20 gift card to Starbucks.

And... they won't give Brandon the money he deserves.

Originally Posted by CP1708

I got you Franchise....

[h1]Brandon Roy to Blazers: "I've done everything I can."[/h1] [h3]by John Canzano, The Oregonian[/h3]
[h3]Friday July 10, 2009, 2:25 PM[/h3]

Brandon Roy told KJR radio in Seattle today that he's frustrated and disappointed with the Trail Blazers handling of his contract extension negotiations. He talked a lot about the hard work he's put in, and all he's done to make his dreams come true, and about being patient as he watches the good days and bad days come down the pipeline.

He wants to get a deal done and is confused as the rest of us as to why the left brainers in the organization are standing in the way.

I wrote about the Vulcan influence we're seeing on the Blazers operating procedure in today's column. I have the interview and will replay a portion of Roy's interview today on the Bald-Faced Truth radio show at 3:05 p.m. and we will discuss, but here's a couple of quotes from Roy.

On watching the negotiations: "I sit back and think about all the hard work I've put into my dream... excited about the opportunity to provide for my family. I go in... knowing that I've come into the league and I've done everything I can do to get a max contract."

On how he feels about the negotiations: "It's 50-50 right now... I'd love for something to get done so I can move forward and meet free agents..."

On whether he was involved in the Hedo Turkoglu recruitment: "Not playing much of any role. It's hard for me to go out and recruit Hedo for five years when I have only one year on my deal."

Well played by Roy's camp. It's absurd that the organization is misplaying this negotiation so badly. Sign the guy already.


Mike, you still think offering him the 4 yr contract extention didn't hurt?
Originally Posted by Chester McFloppy


They're willing to toss a %#%!!%# $50+ million dollar contract at Hedo.
They're willing to sign Millsap for $35+ million.
They signed some wrinkly headed giant with two bad knees (from Ohio State to boot
) over Kevin Durant.
They didn't do ANYTHING with the expiring Raef contract last season.
They gave Sergio away for a $20 gift card to Starbucks.

And... they won't give Brandon the money he deserves.

Bout right. To think, the one time we get a team that the city can love, the organization screws it up

But, Roy will get his contract eventually.
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