NBA Off-Season News Thread: Roy extends 80/5, AI to Grizz, Chandler/Okafor swap, Marquis to C's.

Just caught Steins piece on this morning's SportsCenter.

Nothing earth shattering, but according to him the Grizz are likely back in the lead for Iverson - with Miami focused on Odom &/or Boozer and the Clippers looking at Sessions.

The situation is fluid, but that's where it stands now.

A.I. basically used Memphis just in case he couldn't go to the Heat or play in LA. I wouldn't even care if we didn't get the guy now. He will sell tickets, but I'm excited about playing with the young team we alreayd have. Hopefully Memphis can still make that deal for Outlaw and I would call that a good off-season.

He basically looking like a toss junt that nobody wants anymore.
I am not even showing the toronto game from last year. People should not worry about the magic losing Turk for the fourth quarter. They got someone just as

good maybe better.
Hedo did so damn much of his work off the pick and roll this year...

He ain't gettin to the rack at will in one-on-one, him and the defender type situations...

He's very good. I like him a lot. But he's not Vince Carter.
Originally Posted by heat23

CP1708 wrote:
Cavs fans questioning the Magic are out of their God damn minds.

The hell with all that Hedo - Vince bullcrap, everyone is forgetting that Jameer will be back next year and he can handle all the late game ball handling, pick and roll type stuff and then still have Vince off to side who can create his own shot if everything else breaks down.

Bottom line is at the end of a game if you have D12 settin picks, with Jameer comin around them and Lewis and Peitrus spotting up with Vince waiting in case he needs to break someone down, go ahead and tell me the offensive weakness and who you're gonna double off of? I'll wait.

Done yet?

That team is LOADED. They can play big, they can play small, they have depth to absord injuries during the regular season, they can put a 3 point team on the floor, they can do it all.

And if Howard improves his offensive game by even a smidge, FOR-GET it.

Only team out East that can handle the Magic are the Celts. No @#$%^& way you're matchin up with the Magic if you a Cavs fan.

Jameer > Mo
Vince > West
Peitrus < Bron
Lewis > AV
D12 > Shaq

That's 4 outta 5 positions that work in favor of the Magic. And the Cavs bench is not even close to the Magic's either. And I doubt we want to bring up what Van Gundy did to Brown as well in the playoffs, add to that that Brown just lost his top assistant.

If you're a Cavs fan, you should have your panic buttton with you at all times. Because if we match you up with Boston, you don't win that one either.

You better pray for a trade deadline miracle to happen. Otherwise, you're out in the 2nd or 3rd round again. imo

Oh and I forgot one thing, if you had in mind using D12's horrible free throw shooting as an advantage for you, may I introduce you to Shaquille Oneal?

Now Orlando's one weakness, is also you're weakness. Good luck with that.

damn dude went in beast mode
my dude CP going in on a wall of text, and then adding the 'imo' at the end to not totally wreck feelings

He's spot on, though.
Originally Posted by CP1708

Oh and I forgot one thing, if you had in mind using D12's horrible free throw shooting as an advantage for you, may I introduce you to Shaquille Oneal?

Now Orlando's one weakness, is also you're weakness. Good luck with that.
I was arguing with a Cavs fan about Orlando and broughtup this exact point. He just got this funny look on his face, and the conversation ended.
Magic's backup point actually is about to be CJ Watson former Warrior. He's about to sign an offer sheet today.
Is there a link that says the Jazz have agreed to trade Boozer for to MIA for Jones and Haslem or is that just a rumor?
Originally Posted by heat23

CP1708 wrote:
Cavs fans questioning the Magic are out of their God damn minds.

The hell with all that Hedo - Vince bullcrap, everyone is forgetting that Jameer will be back next year and he can handle all the late game ball handling, pick and roll type stuff and then still have Vince off to side who can create his own shot if everything else breaks down.

Bottom line is at the end of a game if you have D12 settin picks, with Jameer comin around them and Lewis and Peitrus spotting up with Vince waiting in case he needs to break someone down, go ahead and tell me the offensive weakness and who you're gonna double off of? I'll wait.

Done yet?

That team is LOADED. They can play big, they can play small, they have depth to absord injuries during the regular season, they can put a 3 point team on the floor, they can do it all.

And if Howard improves his offensive game by even a smidge, FOR-GET it.

Only team out East that can handle the Magic are the Celts. No @#$%^& way you're matchin up with the Magic if you a Cavs fan.

Jameer > Mo
Vince > West
Peitrus < Bron
Lewis > AV
D12 > Shaq

That's 4 outta 5 positions that work in favor of the Magic. And the Cavs bench is not even close to the Magic's either. And I doubt we want to bring up what Van Gundy did to Brown as well in the playoffs, add to that that Brown just lost his top assistant.

If you're a Cavs fan, you should have your panic buttton with you at all times. Because if we match you up with Boston, you don't win that one either.

You better pray for a trade deadline miracle to happen. Otherwise, you're out in the 2nd or 3rd round again. imo

Oh and I forgot one thing, if you had in mind using D12's horrible free throw shooting as an advantage for you, may I introduce you to Shaquille Oneal?

Now Orlando's one weakness, is also you're weakness. Good luck with that.

Yep.............CP def had his Wheaties today

Where's OC ?

/discussion ....
Originally Posted by franchise3

Magic's backup point actually is about to be CJ Watson former Warrior. He's about to sign an offer sheet today.

Since they lost Alston, they bring in Watson making their PG rotation 3 deep once again. He's another scorer for them off the bench basically. They mighttry to use him off the ball some.
Originally Posted by franchise3

Magic's backup point actually is about to be CJ Watson former Warrior. He's about to sign an offer sheet today.

lol, and the rich get richer.

So let's see.......




This could be their 12 man.......

Yeah, I'm sure this group is afraid of West, Boobie, Mo, AV, 37 year old Shaq, Moon, Parker, etc etc.

Face it, the Cavs are a 1 man show. If he so much as tweaks a hammy, they don't even make the playoffs. But as their "scout" said, they are amodel franchise, and set up to win for a long long time, and other teams look up to them, and coaches in waiting, and all that other full of @#$% BS dude wassayin that OC just eats up and prints like it's gospel.

I wanna see Bron sit out a month and watch this team operate.
That Magic starting 5 is going to be a problem, there's no question about that, but CP you and everyone else on here are hyping that bench way too much.I'm not saying the Cavs' is better, but come on. Just because the Mavs tried to sign Gortat he's all-of-a-sudden a force? Barnes is a good playerto come off the bench for them, but Pietrus played out of his !%* in the playoffs, let's be honest here, Redick is inconsistent as hell, and AnthonyJohnson is now looked at as a big asset? The Cavs bench is likely to have Boobie, Parker, Moon, Joe Smith/JJ Hickson/Joe Smith and Z. That's not awfuldepending on our PF, and in my opinion it'd be a fight with that Magic bench.
Well I dealt with RJ all these years, might as well try this. Need a good laugh this season (wait, thats my team nevermind)

Nets express interest in Davis
By Marc J. Spears, Yahoo! Sports
12 hours, 22 minutes ago

Buzz up! PrintThe New Jersey Nets are among the teams who have expressed interest in Boston Celtics restricted free-agent forward Glen Davis(notes), a leaguesource said Monday.

The Nets still have their $5.8 million mid-level exception to spend as they search through their options from a pool of free-agent power forwards that alsoincludes Lamar Odom(notes) and Drew Gooden(notes). The Nets also are interested in Carlos Boozer(notes), whom the Utah Jazz are trying to trade.

The Celtics have said they would match any reasonable offer for Davis. The Detroit Pistons, New Orleans Hornets and Portland Trail Blazers, league sourcessaid, tried to work a sign-and-trade deal for Davis only to be rebuffed by the Celtics. Boston did offer Davis and guards J.R. Giddens(notes) and GabePruitt(notes) to the Pistons for forward Jason Maxiell(notes) and a first-round pick, but was quickly turned down.


The Cleveland Cavaliers signed forward Jamario Moon(notes) to a two-year, $6 million offer sheet, a league source said. The Miami Heat have seven days fromMonday to match if they choose.
Originally Posted by JDB1523

That Magic starting 5 is going to be a problem, there's no question about that, but CP you and everyone else on here are hyping that bench way too much. I'm not saying the Cavs' is better, but come on. Just because the Mavs tried to sign Gortat he's all-of-a-sudden a force? Barnes is a good player to come off the bench for them, but Pietrus played out of his !%* in the playoffs, let's be honest here, Redick is inconsistent as hell, and Anthony Johnson is now looked at as a big asset? The Cavs bench is likely to have Boobie, Parker, Moon, Joe Smith/JJ Hickson/Joe Smith and Z. That's not awful depending on our PF, and in my opinion it'd be a fight with that Magic bench.
I understand where you're comin from, but I don't get excited about offers or none of that. Gortat is a solid backup big. 15-20 minutes,do your job, fill in extra minutes if 12 is in foul trouble. He does this, and he does it well. Is partly why I thought Mavs were makin a mistake givin himthe big dollars. But for 15 a night, that man is money, and better then any big the Cavs can throw out there.
Peitrus SHINED in that postseason. Call me crazy, but I'll take a dude goin wild in the postseason, to a Mo goin good in the regular season any day of theweek and twice during the "all star" break.
Redick is certainly inconsistent, and hopefully working on his game as we speak, but I'm pretty sure as a 10th, 11th man, he works out ok.

Johnson ran all over the Cavs in that postseason. He was better then Alston most of the games I watched, him filling in for 12 minutes a night is just fine. And adding Watson for extra insurance will do wonders as well. Barnes, Anderson just for fun?
This lineup is stupid.

Sorry, but that bench is every bit as deep as anything Cleveland rolls out. In fact, if I felt like it, I could argue that Peitrus would be the third bestplayer on the Cavs. And I'm not joking.
Originally Posted by JDB1523

That Magic starting 5 is going to be a problem, there's no question about that, but CP you and everyone else on here are hyping that bench way too much. I'm not saying the Cavs' is better, but come on. Just because the Mavs tried to sign Gortat he's all-of-a-sudden a force? Barnes is a good player to come off the bench for them, but Pietrus played out of his !%* in the playoffs, let's be honest here, Redick is inconsistent as hell, and Anthony Johnson is now looked at as a big asset? The Cavs bench is likely to have Boobie, Parker, Moon, Joe Smith/JJ Hickson/Joe Smith and Z. That's not awful depending on our PF, and in my opinion it'd be a fight with that Magic bench.

The Cavs are a better team after their signings, but IMO they still don't match up with the Magic. Our bench deserve the hype, because we don't reallymiss a beat when our starters come out.
That's partially my point though, seriously, I'll bet anyone on here $20 Pietrus doesn't have the same postseason. And Rafer all-of-a-sudden becomea 3-pt shooter overnight. Anthony Johnson somehow looked like a starter who could give 30 mins a game and 20 and 10 if he did that series. Listen, I'm notmaking excuses because we got our %+%#@ handed to us and that's no secret, and we easily could have been swept, but let's not overlook those individualperformances that shined that series that will be tough to duplicate. Also keep in mind we were up by 23 points that first game and let it slip: we take thatgame and we're talking a Game 7 in Cleveland. I totally understand where you're coming from because they really clicked in the postseason, it'sjust that the guys involved are getting a little too much praise on here as of late, and I'll be shocked as hell if they play that way this postseasonalso. More power to them if they do, because on paper that's a solid solid team, but they still gotta go out and repeat their performances from the pastyear, which won't be easy.

If it does come down to CLE and ORL though, I think what's going to be interesting to watch is Shaq/D12, Mo/Jameer, and the bench play.
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