NBA Off-Season News Thread: Roy extends 80/5, AI to Grizz, Chandler/Okafor swap, Marquis to C's.

Lucky Parkers' injury is only minor but that's what happens when you have international players.

I'm just happy Manu is resting this offseason
JustinPoulin of Celtics Stuff Live reported a rumor that Glen Davis could be headed to New Jersey in a sign and trade. He didn't have any additionaldetails, but Alex of NES 24/7 heard the same rumor and indicated that Ainge was after Yi Jianlian. That would make some sense as Ainge was rumored to haveliked Yi a lot a few drafts back.

I'mtold by another source (these things are just coming out of the woodwork these days) that Leon Powe is considering an offer from Cleveland.Apparently Dallas has an offer to him as well, but with Drew Gooden signing he might be leaning towards taking the Cavs offer. He still has not received anoffer from Boston.

Also, Sixers eyeing Flip Murry and/or a vet PG
see what i mean now?

According to Hahn on Twitter nothing is imminent on Nate signing that one year deal.
The Knicks media treatment isn't any different then any other team.

Dallas thought they had Gortat, then they didn't, then they did, didnt, did, didn't, etc etc etc

LA and Miami both thought they had Odom, then they didn't, then they did, didn't, did, etc etc etc

Iverson to the Grizz, not really, yes, no, yes, not really, yes, no..........

So yeah, the Knicks are getting treated poorly by the media.

All teams, all fanbases go thru this during the offseason. Not just the New York one.
^the knicks are getting treated by the media by far the worse.
there were rumors that miller was close to signing a 1year then, sessions, lee, nate, hill, jkidd, boozer. whats next?
we're getting a lot of hate too, first with bosh supposedly "laughing" at us, clev. fans bashing us for wanting lebron.
i mean, it happens every year, but im just tired of this.
It is looking more like Eddie Najera will be going to the celtics then YI.

One of the Nets major sources of income is from China with the advertising that is done with YI and in the arena.

Big Baby can play right now and gives the Nets that "Moose" that Thorn has wanted but I think they are not ready to give up on YI.

I read the celtic blogs and it looks like more towards Sean Williams or Eddie.

Would be surprised if YI is gone but will be happy. Would be happy is thorn got rid of Eddie's deal for Big Baby. Win Win for me I guess.

In Thorn we trust - EDIT - Oh yeah, I liked the one Celtic fan on that board who thought they could get Brook Lopez in the deal
Originally Posted by CP1708

The Knicks media treatment isn't any different then any other team.

Dallas thought they had Gortat, then they didn't, then they did, didnt, did, didn't, etc etc etc

LA and Miami both thought they had Odom, then they didn't, then they did, didn't, did, etc etc etc

Iverson to the Grizz, not really, yes, no, yes, not really, yes, no..........

So yeah, the Knicks are getting treated poorly by the media.

All teams, all fanbases go thru this during the offseason. Not just the New York one.
Well maybe if ya'll draft better and make better trades, you wouldn't have to rely on free agency so much to bring in talent. Just beingreal.

Outside of drafting Lee, Robinson and Frye that year, the drafting has been horrible.

Edit: Oh yea, and Wilson Chandler was a steal too. I just hope this free agent thing don't backfire on the Knicks. I would like to see them become legitagain.
A LOT of hate for knick fans i see...

zeke had a great eye for talent, i must amit.
our drafting has been mediocre, most of the time. wait bhz, you're telling US to draft better? look at memphis! j/k.
one of the best way is through free agency, so i dont know what youre talking about agian.
and getting rid of jamal and zbo's contract, aren't good trades? hmph.
It's not hate for Knick fans at all. Why would anyone hate you guys? You don't win, you aren't threats, nobody gives a @#$%, so whywould we hate?

They put themselves in this spot, that is the reason for all these rumors, not the friggin media.
They have all their eggs in the Bron basket, so of course everyone will look ata 1 year option, think about it, and decide if they really think Bron will come next year. If he doesn't, why would anyone want to lock themselves in withyou guys for anything long term? That's the media's fault?

If and when Bron locks on with the Knicks, then players will come over, sign longer term, and the rumors will lessen to a degree. It's really that simple. But for now, with their status completely up in the air, all they have to report now is rumors, that's all their is to go on. Just like every other team.

You guys crack me up blamin the media every time something goes wrong wtih ya'll.
Gimme a break.
Trust me, Even as a swamp rat, I am not a Knick Hater.

The draft thing is set by two moves in the franchise's history and it was all thanks to Scott Layden

1. Fredric Weiss over Local talent and local college athlete who played some of his college home games at the Garden. Whats his name again, forget it some ofyou may remember..............

2. New York Knickerbockers President and General Manager Scott Layden announced today that they have acquired NBA All-Star Antonio McDyess, the draft rights to Frank Williams, the 25thoverall pick in the 2002 NBA Draft, and a 2003 second-round draft choice from the Denver Nuggets in exchange for Marcus Camby, Mark Jackson and the draft rights to Maybyner Hilario, the seventhoverall pick in the 2002 NBA Draft.

I am sure Knick fans today would not mind Having NENE for their front line.

Layden was one of the worse draft guys the Knicks ever had. Isiah actually did pretty well with young talent. (He just couldn't coach them) Chandler couldof been used better his first year but other than that, Isiah was killed for drafting this guy and it looks like he will be a solid NBA ball player around 12 -18 points a game.

Tony Douglas might be the better player from the Knicks' draft (I see Channing Frye writen all over Hill but maybe he will have the Upside everyone saidFrye had.)

Free Agency on the other hand has really been limited with the Knicks.

Alot of sign and trades really. ZBO, Crawford. They were traded with other players and then signed to extensions. the real free agent pick up over the last fewyears was Duhon with their Mid Level.

So free agency really hasn't been an issue because they have not had the money to straight sign someone unless it became a sign and trade with multiplecontracts. That has what hurt the Knicks in Isiah's era that Donnie Walsh is trying to cleanup. The players Isiah thought would work and just did not.
one of the best way is through free agency, so i dont know what youre talking about agian.

No it's not. Most of the time people are overpaying for mediocre talent in free agency. You have a better chance at building talent through the draftand good trades. Now, if you're a team that already has young talent that have been playing together for awhile (Hawks) and add a guy like Joe Johnsonthat's completely fine.

NY doesn't even know what the hell their doing because they don't even want to hold on to their young talent. Robinson and Lee are either leaving thisyear or next year. The Knicks are too scared to give them long-term commitments because they feel it will mess up their glorious 2010 free agent frenzy.

Like I said, I hope this 2010 thing pans out for the Knicks. If it doesn't, just get ready to be pissed at Donnie again.
Originally Posted by CP1708

It's not hate for Knick fans at all. Why would anyone hate you guys? You don't win, you aren't threats, nobody gives a @#$%, so why would we hate?
sounds like hatred to me right there

Originally Posted by bhzmafia14

one of the best way is through free agency, so i dont know what youre talking about agian.

No it's not. Most of the time people are overpaying for mediocre talent in free agency. You have a better chance at building talent through the draft and good trades. Now, if you're a team that already has young talent that have been playing together for awhile (Hawks) and add a guy like Joe Johnson that's completely fine.

NY doesn't even know what the hell their doing because they don't even want to hold on to their young talent. Robinson and Lee are either leaving this year or next year. The Knicks are too scared to give them long-term commitments because they feel it will mess up their glorious 2010 free agent frenzy.

Like I said, I hope this 2010 thing pans out for the Knicks. If it doesn't, just get ready to be pissed at Donnie again.

since when has (donnie) overpaid anyone? the only person he signed so far was duhon, and was a solid signing imo. now he wants sessions, which again, is a goodsigning imo.
Oh, as a fan, i would love to have little nate back. i would love to. but with our new rookie, douglas def. can replace his role. he's an better passertoo. but if nate gets inked to a 3year deal, i wouldnt be mad at all, as long as he gets 3-5 mil a year, (5s a reach, but ill live)
you guys all know what dlee is asking. dont start with me on that.
and knick fans are smart fans, (not being conceited and all). donnie knows what hes doing, and we believe in him.
Yi for Glen Davis?....Boston better jump on that, but I think the Nets are smarter than that. If its Eddie or Sean Williams, Boston is dumb. Davis is betterthan those 2 guys.
as much as i hate the knicks and there horse !$@+ fans
Donnie has doneNOTHING wrong and is building a bright future there.

most times i would knock a team waiting on FA for there team but we have NEVER seen a class like we will see next year so you cant go wrong waiting
Like I said, I wouldn't take what Alan Hahn says to heart. He's the same dude that was spreading the TMac for Curry rumors, when there was 0 percent ofit happening. A 23M expiring for a dude who hasn't played in a year, and contract that has another year left on it?

The NY Times are reporting a deal is immenent with Nate. I'd take Yahoo and the Times word for it over Hahn.
Originally Posted by BangDak

Originally Posted by CP1708

It's not hate for Knick fans at all. Why would anyone hate you guys? You don't win, you aren't threats, nobody gives a @#$%, so why would we hate?
sounds like hatred to me right there
Really? That's hate and not facts? Really?

Who the hell do I hate on your team? I don't know if I could name 4 of them, so who and why do I hate them? I'm not kidding here, inform me of myhate, I need to understand why I hate the Knicks. Please, be so kind.........
Chris Paul has cleared up comments made earlier this offseason that appeared to insinuate that he was on the trading block.
"Everybody knows if you ask me if I could be traded I would tell that if any one of my teammates could be traded, so can I, " Paul said told The Times-Picayune. "(The reporter) knew that, so I'm not worried about it. ... I'm not going anywhere. (The fans) know that. Where am I going? I can't go nowhere. I don't want to go nowhere."

$3.75 million trade exception - Most likely what thorn Would use in the deal.

Like I said before, I might not like YI but I do not think the Nets are ready to give up on him especially if they have to see him for the Next ten years 4games a year in the same division.

Eddie or Sean or the Exception.

Would be VERY SURPRISED if YI is gone.
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