NBA Off-Season News Thread: Roy extends 80/5, AI to Grizz, Chandler/Okafor swap, Marquis to C's.

i would catch a ban with the amount of clowning i would do if memphis does another stupid trade
No way would Mem. give away Gay. Maybe Hilton + Sual or AD for Gasol. Sual has a pretty attractive contract. Or Hilton + JuJu for Gasol? Scott has said thatJuju will be the starter come opening day, maybe he was hyping him up? I don't see us going after Warrick after the signing of Ike. We are in desperateneed of an average back-up C and the Armstrong experiment is over. Like I said in a previous post, there is a 90% chance that Hilton will not be on this teamthis year. Lastly, we need a SG who can slash and create his own shot, not another 3 or 4 ala Warrick.

Kiddin, I know you don't like Pos and he didn't do that well last year, but he was asked to do to much due to injuries. I know he's contract isterrible, but unless we'd get something close to equal in return I'd love to have him back next year playing his usual 20-22 min per. Also Pos can play3 different positions (not saying he can play them all that great) but it will allow us to run a lot of different lineups.
Originally Posted by eatmoreyeah

No way would Mem. give away Gay. Maybe Hilton + Sual or AD for Gasol. Sual has a pretty attractive contract. Or Hilton + JuJu for Gasol? Scott has said that Juju will be the starter come opening day, maybe he was hyping him up? I don't see us going after Warrick after the signing of Ike. We are in desperate need of an average back-up C and the Armstrong experiment is over. Like I said in a previous post, there is a 90% chance that Hilton will not be on this team this year. Lastly, we need a SG who can slash and create his own shot, not another 3 or 4 ala Warrick.

Kiddin, I know you don't like Pos and he didn't do that well last year, but he was asked to do to much due to injuries. I know he's contract is terrible, but unless we'd get something close to equal in return I'd love to have him back next year playing his usual 20-22 min per. Also Pos can play 3 different positions (not saying he can play them all that great) but it will allow us to run a lot of different lineups.

Marcus Thorton will be that guy.
Rashad McCants: I'm hoping to sign with dallas soon. That's where I would like to play.

Knowing damn well Gay isn't going nowhere after how he performed in the USA camp. And if he was getting traded it wouldn't be for no damn Daniels orArmstrong. Gasol isn't going anywhere either because Thabeet isn't ready to start in the NBA. Why in the hell would they give up a 24-year old 12 and 7center? Where you get this information from?

It's more than likely Hak that's involved. They were talking about on Hornets radio that Armstrong would be a possibility in Memphis, but itwouldn't involve Gay or Gasol.

Daniels, Posey and Butler are players I would like to have, but neither Gay or Gasol would be involved. Memphis still has like 9 mil in capspace, so theHornets could send us a few of those players without taking anything back. Probably like a pick and Hak. Heisley is dumb, but not that dumb.

In other news about Chris Wallace...

Chris Wallace on the radio today and sounded very stressed out. When asked about Marcus Williams, he accidentally said Jason's name. Easy mistake to make considering they have the same last name, but at the same time, it makes me wonder where his head is right now. Chris is a guy who is very cautious when he does interviews, especially around Verno. So for him to slip up and say Jason (I think it was twice) is sort of out of character for him.

Then a short time later, we get this news that Jason is working out for the Grizzlies. It makes me wonder...Does he even like the direction this team is headed? Probably not since he had virtually no say so in who we selected second overall. He's a general manager who doesn't have the freedom to manage his team. If it were up to him, our team would look alot different than what it does right now. Alot better? Maybe. But alot different for sure.

People need to realize its not really his fault of some of the things that go down. If you don't listen to your boss, you will get fired. 90% of the league already think that it's him making these moves and not Heisley. The reason why I know Gay isn't going anywhere is because Heisley LOVES Rudy. Heisley is the one that wants Iverson, not the rest of the FO. We have a stupid owner, not GM. If Wallace quits and tries to find another GM gig, nobody will hire him because of some of the questionable moves he was blamed for making.
Yeah, Wallace gets the hits for the ownership group that is in place and the decisions that are made.

Jerry West is still a consultant for the Grizz only because of Heisley. That Laker trade he gets knocked for but I really do have a feeling West said cut yourlosses with an unhappy Gasol, get two expirings, a couple of picks, and a young center (who happened to be his brother) and a young point guard.

That deal Wallace would never do in my mind. He would of traded Pau that season but I do not think he really was the one behind a trade like this.

Most GM's are actually pretty good. It is just what ownership can do when it comes to money.

Iverson's interest is for Butts in the seats. They really do not care if chemistry is bad. They just see Basketball players that are good but may not begood together on the court.

Wallace is in a tough spot. And if everyone wants to knock him for those trades, then go after ownership too because they are the final decision makers in thatdeal.
You were on point with that VC3FAN.

If it was up to Wallace, Pau would've probably been a Chicago Bull right now. There was a rumor going around that the Lakers were willing to give MemphisLamar Odom back in the Gasol trade, but Memphis didn't want to take on his salary. So, it goes to show you that it was mainly Heisley making the calls.Memphis probably would've ended up with Odom instead of Kwame.

It pisses me off that he's making these moves, but luckily he has put together some great young talent. I'm just going to see if he can take it a stepfurther and turn them into an actual competing team.

West and Heisley were the people that wanted Mike Conley, not Chris Wallace. Heisley wanted to actually bring back proven talent for Pau, but was told otherwise. Heisley wanted Thabeet, Wallace wanted Tyreke. Heisley wanted to be involved in the Dallas deal for Stackhouse to save money. Heisley wants Iverson,Wallace doesn't. Heisley wants to bring Jason Williams back because he thinks it will bring his fans back, Wallace doesn't.
Updated: July 30, 2009, 12:34 PM ET

[h2]Latest chatter: Odom, Boozer and more[/h2]

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By Marc Stein

Andrew D. Bernstein/NBAE/Getty ImagesAfter weeks of talks and rumors, will Lamar Odom or Carlos Boozer be playing elsewhere in 2009-10?

Our latest serving of summertime chatter culled from conversations with a variety of knowledgeable sources -- team officials, coaches, players andagents -- plugged into the NBA grapevine:



I continue to hear in the strongest possible terms that the LamarOdom saga will not drag beyond this week. Yet you can't ignore the fact that the saga has lasted longer than anyone imagined, so we'llsee.

Odom's choices, as of lunchtime Thursday, were the same choices he's been mulling all week. Informed sources say the Lakers' latest offer is inthe area of $25 million over three years, down from the $27 million over three years that was taken off the table earlier this month by Lakers owner JerryBuss.

If Odom can't get the Lakers to move that number any farther north, which clearly is what he's been trying to do while delaying his decision in theface of Miami's monthlong hard sell, he will have to either accept L.A.'s new best offer to stay with the Lakers as he prefers or choose between twodeals from the Heat.

As reported Monday, should the 29-year-old decide toreunite with Dwyane Wade and Pat Riley after hagglingwith the Lakers for so long, Odom likely will be deciding between a five-year, $34 million deal that includes a provision to return to free agency after thefourth season or a four-year deal with an opt-out clause after three years.

Numerous sidebar angles in this saga -- some of which, like how all this might affect L.A.'s efforts to convince Kobe Bryant to sign a contract extension this summer, we'veaddressed in recent columns and news stories -- are covered in Part 1 of the latest books-on-tape-length installment of the B.S. Report



The hottest Carlos Boozer tale to blip onto the radarthis week: Sources say Memphis had the option of trading for Boozer instead of Zach Randolph earlier this month.

Yet the Grizz decided, apparently with considerable input from coach Lionel Hollins, that Boozer would have been less than thrilled to play out the finalseason of his contract in Graceland, thus convincing them that Randolph -- starting over for the third time -- would be more productive.

As difficult as it remains for many league observers to digest the idea that Grizzlies owner Michael Heisley felt he could no longer afford Pau Gasol but now is willing to give the combustible Randolphsome $33 million over the next two seasons, there's little doubt that Randolph will feature hugely for the Grizz next season.

Given how far away Hasheem Thabeet looked in summer league, Memphis needs a big man who can shoulder a big load. Perhaps Thabeet will be presented as astarter for the Grizz, since he's the No. 2 overall pick, but they will have to put him third on the crunch-time depth chart behind Randolph and Marc Gasol. At best.



Next up for Jamaal Tinsley, after his Wednesdaymeeting with the Knicks and former boss Donnie Walsh, is a weekend sitdown with Riley in either Miami or Los Angeles.

"I gave my word to Pat Riley that he could meet with Jamaal before we made any commitment," Tinsley's agent, Raymond Brothers,

Brothers said Memphis is the third team currently in the Tinsley hunt after his buyout from Indiana last week. It's believed that if Tinsley ends up inMiami, the Heat will use their $1.9 million biannual exception to sign him.



If you're thinking Dirk Nowitzki will have aproblem with Dallas' recent signing of Tim Thomasbecause of the infamous kiss Thomas blew at Nowitzki during an on-court confrontation in the 2006 Western Conference finals, think again.

Nowitzki said he was disappointed to read from Germany that the Bulls pulled out of the original construction of the deal that landed Shawn Marion in Dallas and would have sent Thomas from the Bullsto the Mavericks. Nowitzki then was pleased to learn the Mavs were able to get Thomas anyway this week as a tall shooter off the bench for the veteran minimumof $1.3 million.

"That stuff is long gone," Nowitzki said this week. "We were in the bottom [six] in 3-point shooting and we needed to address that. I'mhappy he's a Maverick."

The clash with Thomas isn't exactly a haunting memory. Nowitzki wound up scoring 50 points in that game, outscoring the Suns by himself in the fourthquarter (22-20) to put Dallas within one win of its eventual trip to the NBA Finals.


During our recent visit with him at the Vegas Summer League, Heisley confirmed that he remains open to selling the team but insisted the franchise won'tbe moved even if a prospective buyer does materialize.

"We've got nobody interested in buying the team," Heisley said. "[But] I've been so upfront on this. … Our situation is welldocumented. I think Memphis deserves an owner who's there, whether he's from there or whether he moves there. And I said that when I first came toMemphis [from Chicago]. So there's nothing changed about my position.

"I don't foresee anybody buying the team in the near future. As I've said over a year ago, I've focused myself on rebuilding this team, andI think we've done a good job. Contrary to some opinions, I think we've done a very good job.

"If I'm going to change [that position], I'll come out and say: 'Hey, this team's not for sale.' … Our position is, if the rightsituation comes up, we'll sell it."

One more Grizzlies item: Memphis' deal with second-round pick Sam Young is a three-year contract worth $2,658,000. The third season, at $947,800, is ateam option. Taken No. 36 overall in June's draft, Young averaged 13.6 points (a team high) and 4.2 rebounds on 51.9 percent shooting in summer leagueplay, helping the Grizz go 5-0.


The Lakers did issue a news release earlier this week to announce a done deal, moving their Oct. 9 exhibition game against Golden State to their formerlyfabulous Forum home and making me want to find a way to be J.A. Adande for a night so I could try to sneak into my old seat on the baseline. That's where Iwas stationed for two seasons in the mid-1990s as a Lakers beat writer for the Los Angeles Daily News, grateful to occupy one of the great media-row spots insportswriting history … and not just because of the proximity to the four (or so) Laker Girls rotating from corner to corner after every quarter. The game willbe part of the team's efforts to commemorate the Lakers' 50th anniversary in L.A. They played at the Forum from 1967 to 1999, winning six championships(1972, 1980, 1982, 1985, 1987 and 1988) during that span. What wasn't announced, though, is that the Lakers seriously flirted with moving that exhibitionto an outdoor venue. In addition to the NBA's previously scheduled trip to the Palm Springs area to play on a hardwood floor laid down on center court atthe Indian Wells Tennis Garden for the second straight year -- Phoenix is playing host to the Warriors on Oct. 10 this time -- word is that the Lakers lookedhard at scheduling this exhibition in front of what could have been a massive crowd at the historic Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum. The Lakers began to pursuethe outdoor idea when they scrapped their plans to hold training camp in Hawaii, which forced them to move both their preseason dates (now Oct. 7 and Oct. 9)with Golden State. But because neither of those games was a weekend game, thus preventing L.A. from moving to an earlier hour to guard against a steeptemperature drop like the Suns and Nuggets endured in the desert last October, league approval could not be secured. The sense I get, though, is that theLakers and other teams will continue to explore their outdoor options. Out-of-the-box ideas are encouraged these days, as evidenced by the NBA's decisionto stage the 2010 All-Star Game at the glittering new Cowboys Stadium. The game between Phoenix and Denver, in spite of the wind and cold, was the NBA'sfirst sanctioned outdoor game since a Suns trip to Puerto Rico in 1972 and was widely considered a success. Marc Stein is the senior NBA writer To e-mail him, click here.


The hottest Carlos Boozer tale to blip onto the radar this week: Sources say Memphis had the option of trading for Boozer instead of Zach Randolph earlier this month.

Yet the Grizz decided, apparently with considerable input from coach Lionel Hollins, that Boozer would have been less than thrilled to play out the final season of his contract in Graceland, thus convincing them that Randolph -- starting over for the third time -- would be more productive.

As difficult as it remains for many league observers to digest the idea that Grizzlies owner Michael Heisley felt he could no longer afford Pau Gasol but now is willing to give the combustible Randolph some $33 million over the next two seasons, there's little doubt that Randolph will feature hugely for the Grizz next season.

Given how far away Hasheem Thabeet looked in summer league, Memphis needs a big man who can shoulder a big load. Perhaps Thabeet will be presented as a starter for the Grizz, since he's the No. 2 overall pick, but they will have to put him third on the crunch-time depth chart behind Randolph and Marc Gasol. At best.

man the memphos office is a joke,i bet if they let me take control of that whole organization that i could turn it around ina few months.

dang lakers need to just give odom what he wants,if not then they wont win the championship and they would have payed all those players on the team fornothing.

lakers with odom= championship,a few extra million spent.
lakers without odom= no championship,millions and milions of dollars spent in one year for nothing at all.

if the lakers lose this guy ima lose a lot of respect for them.
Originally Posted by UCLAMIKE

memphis front office is a mess period


I actually agreed with you on something.

It's amazing to me how this owner would rather ask the coach about his opinion rather than Wallace. The Grizzlies could easily ended up with Rubio/Evansand Boozer this off-season rather than Thabeet and Randolph.

Golden State front office is worse though. They want to improve the team, but they don't know how. They just dishing out money for no reason. Memphis knowshow to save and has young talent, but aren't dishing out money to improve the team.
Originally Posted by EnEyeKayEe

Honest ?...

Which FO is worse right now? GS or MEM?
The Warriors problems go all the way to ownership. The guy ruining the organization is Robet Rowell (Owner Chris Cohan's butt buddy). Hegave all the power in the world to Nelson (a thing Chris Mullin didn't want). Now Don Nelson is just running out every player that he doesn't like.
As long as Chris Cohan is the owner, the Warriors will be a corrupt organization.
Originally Posted by daprescription

Originally Posted by EnEyeKayEe

Honest ?...

Which FO is worse right now? GS or MEM?
The Warriors problems go all the way to ownership. The guy ruining the organization is Robet Rowell (Owner Chris Cohan's butt buddy). He gave all the power in the world to Nelson (a thing Chris Mullin didn't want). Now Don Nelson is just running out every player that he doesn't like.
As long as Chris Cohan is the owner, the Warriors will be a corrupt organization.

Same situation. Different team.

Michael Heisley is smart when it comes to saving money, that's why he's one of the richest people in America. But, that doesn't mean he knows howto run a basketball team. He needs to let Wallace do his damn job. He put all his trust into Jerry West old $@% who did a half $@% job himself.
Originally Posted by bhzmafia14

Originally Posted by daprescription

Originally Posted by EnEyeKayEe

Honest ?...

Which FO is worse right now? GS or MEM?
The Warriors problems go all the way to ownership. The guy ruining the organization is Robet Rowell (Owner Chris Cohan's butt buddy). He gave all the power in the world to Nelson (a thing Chris Mullin didn't want). Now Don Nelson is just running out every player that he doesn't like.
As long as Chris Cohan is the owner, the Warriors will be a corrupt organization.
Same situation. Different team.

Michael Heisley is smart when it comes to saving money, that's why he's one of the richest people in America. But, that doesn't mean he knows how to run a basketball team. He needs to let Wallace do his damn job. He put all his trust into Jerry West old $@% who did a half $@% job himself.
atleast the warriors have on guy ##%*!!+ up and thats Nelson

after every Memphis move its o that one was Ownership, o that one was from the HC, o that one was from the GM, o and that one was the scouts choice. Thats ajoke PERIOD for any team that does that. and signs of a bad team

clippers have been that way for years and all of us in LA just keep laughing at it. things better change soon or they will be horrible for a LONG time nomatter what talent they put on the court. bad vibes from the front office always find there way to the locker room. because if they dont care and cant get onthe same page why would the players?
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