NBA Off-Season News Thread: Roy extends 80/5, AI to Grizz, Chandler/Okafor swap, Marquis to C's.

Paul will be a great addition to the team and will free up pryz for a trade, there are a few teams in need of a center, I would like to see some deal that brings battier to Portland Ina package that involves pryz. Say that happens a long with Paul, and nobody will be saying this summer was a faliure.
Millsap will be a good addition, but who will be ya'll backup center if you trade Pryzbilla? Oden already has an injury history, so if he getshurt then what ya'll going to do? I know damn well Lamarcus Aldridge isn't going to play.
At this point, there are nothing but guards and forwards on Portland. Tradingaway Pryzbilla for another SF will leave Portland VERY thin upfront.

There's no way to justify what Portland is doing at this point. Pryzbilla has been solid for them for a long time and to trade him away for ANOTHER SFisn't worth it. Big men who can do the little things like rebound and block shots are more valuable than wing players. Until Portland bring in anotherstarting caliber PG, I will consider their off-season a failure. If Utah ends up matching Millsap, then who will they go after? It's like they have beenlooking for a SF/PF more than anything and paying 8mil to a backup isn't the smartest thing if you ask me.

If you're going to dish out that kinda money, at least let it be for a starter which is why I think Aldridge just may be on his way out if they signMillsap. You can basically tell how much more Millsap will develop. He really doesn't have much upside left in him and what you see is what you get. IfPortland is willing to pay 8mil for him to backup Aldridge for 4 years and trade Pryzbilla away leaving them one center on the roster then so be it.
Paul will be a great addition to the team and will free up pryz for a trade, there are a few teams in need of a center, I would like to see some deal that brings battier to Portland Ina package that involves pryz. Say that happens a long with Paul, and nobody will be saying this summer was a faliure.
Millsap will be a good addition, but who will be ya'll backup center if you trade Pryzbilla? Oden already has an injury history, so if he gets hurt then what ya'll going to do? I know damn well Lamarcus Aldridge isn't going to play.
At this point, there are nothing but guards and forwards on Portland. Trading away Pryzbilla for another SF will leave Portland VERY thin upfront.

There's no way to justify what Portland is doing at this point. Pryzbilla has been solid for them for a long time and to trade him away for ANOTHER SF isn't worth it. Big men who can do the little things like rebound and block shots are more valuable than wing players. Until Portland bring in another starting caliber PG, I will consider their off-season a failure. If Utah ends up matching Millsap, then who will they go after? It's like they have been looking for a SF/PF more than anything and paying 8mil to a backup isn't the smartest thing if you ask me.

If you're going to dish out that kinda money, at least let it be for a starter which is why I think Aldridge just may be on his way out if they sign Millsap. You can basically tell how much more Millsap will develop. He really doesn't have much upside left in him and what you see is what you get. If Portland is willing to pay 8mil for him to backup Aldridge for 4 years and trade Pryzbilla away leaving them one center on the roster then so be it.

Agreed my man.
Originally Posted by bhzmafia14

Paul will be a great addition to the team and will free up pryz for a trade, there are a few teams in need of a center, I would like to see some deal that brings battier to Portland Ina package that involves pryz. Say that happens a long with Paul, and nobody will be saying this summer was a faliure.
Millsap will be a good addition, but who will be ya'll backup center if you trade Pryzbilla? Oden already has an injury history, so if he gets hurt then what ya'll going to do? I know damn well Lamarcus Aldridge isn't going to play.
At this point, there are nothing but guards and forwards on Portland. Trading away Pryzbilla for another SF will leave Portland VERY thin upfront.

There's no way to justify what Portland is doing at this point. Pryzbilla has been solid for them for a long time and to trade him away for ANOTHER SF isn't worth it. Big men who can do the little things like rebound and block shots are more valuable than wing players. Until Portland bring in another starting caliber PG, I will consider their off-season a failure. If Utah ends up matching Millsap, then who will they go after? It's like they have been looking for a SF/PF more than anything and paying 8mil to a backup isn't the smartest thing if you ask me.

If you're going to dish out that kinda money, at least let it be for a starter which is why I think Aldridge just may be on his way out if they sign Millsap. You can basically tell how much more Millsap will develop. He really doesn't have much upside left in him and what you see is what you get. If Portland is willing to pay 8mil for him to backup Aldridge for 4 years and trade Pryzbilla away leaving them one center on the roster then so be it.
Aldridge has slid over to the 5 and did so last season. He could do it easily with Paul playing PF. My Pryz idea was just that, an idea. He doesnot fit into the teams long term plans. If Paul comes to portland and Oden develops, can you really keep all 4 of oden pryz Millsap and Aldridge? I dont thinkso, someone is the odd man out, and maybe you are right. Maybe Aldridge is the one who could be dealt. Although it is a pipe dream, I would not like to see himgo unless it is for a top PG like a Chris Paul or Devin Harris type (although there is no chance in hell that happens).

Joel is a starter and Oden is the projected starter of the future, so to me you are contradicting yourself when you say it is crazy to have Paul backupLamarcus when you say Portland needs Joel to back up Oden... 90% of teams out there would love to have a starter at center like Joel IMO, he has some value andwhy not trade him before he possibly gets hurt or too old?
Originally Posted by Supafly122

Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by bhzmafia14

Dampier 33
Dirk 31
Marion 31
Howard 29
Kidd 36

grandpa status
They better then the Spurs though.
I wouldn't underestimate a healthy Spurs team

Parker, Ginobli, Jefferson, Mcdyess, Duncan
How the hell can you bring up age as joke to why Spurs are better than the Mavs?

Like the Spurs are young.

Can anybody on this board can provide me an example when a young team won anything?

I'll wait.

Edit-Brandon Bass puts up 15 and 8 a game next year. Book it.
The Spurs are like Batman, no matter how bad or old they look they just find a way to get it done, usually by out thinking you. Popavich doesn't need thatmuch talent as long as the big three are healthy and the other guys around them are decent I will take them over anyone.
Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

The Spurs are like Batman, no matter how bad or old they look they just find a way to get it done, usually by out thinking you. Popavich doesn't need that much talent as long as the big three are healthy and the other guys around them are decent I will take them over anyone.
Originally Posted by OneLifeLoveKing

Jarret Jack to Toronto is making Bryan Colangelo GM of the year easily

This team is going somewhere if this falls through
Now I don't know if I'll say all that because a dramatic improvement in wins would have to correlate into what he's done thisoff-season.

He is doing a solid job though.
im starting to think raptor fans have the most homerism on this board

take a look at the raptors offseason, some of the stuff said in there is straight up
Originally Posted by bhzmafia14

Originally Posted by OneLifeLoveKing

Jarret Jack to Toronto is making Bryan Colangelo GM of the year easily

This team is going somewhere if this falls through
Now I don't know if I'll say all that because a dramatic improvement in wins would have to correlate into what he's done this off-season.

He is doing a solid job though.

Is he being serious? I took it as a joke....
Bryan Colangelo went from signing Hedo and leaving the bench paper thin to orchestrating a sign and trade that left him around 12 million in cash to play with.

Pretty good if you ask me.
^ True he has done a good job this offseason. I was just thinking about the comment of jarret jack putting him over the top as gm of the year or the team goingsomewhere if he is signed. I just don't think of him that highly, solid from what I have seen but nothing to get excited about.
Originally Posted by JDB1523

Someone just mentioned on the Cavs board (sarcastically), 'Let's get David Wesley.' What happened to that guy? I know we traded him a few years ago but he might as well have been traded to the Bermuda Triangle.
Last I saw, he was a Student manager for Baylor's basketball team. He went back to finish school and get his degree and had been asked by thecoaching squad to have the student position to be a pseudo coach, helping the team out...

R.C. Buford is
so far this summer. He took advantage of the Bucks' financial woes, turning spare parts into Richard Jefferson, got possibly the steal of the draft inDeJuan Blair and signed Antonio McDyess for another run at the championship.
Originally Posted by I NaSmatic I


R.C. Buford is
so far this summer. He took advantage of the Bucks' financial woes, turning spare parts into Richard Jefferson, got possibly the steal of the draft in DeJuan Blair and signed Antonio McDyess for another run at the championship.

did you really think they were not going to do anything after they got out of the 1st round?

this off season......
^ Huh? Haha.


All of the moves this off-season will be posted on the first page, I'm still working on it, it's a work in progress, I'm a bit upset because I setit up nicely, but then the structure of the post doesn't work, oh well.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

^ Huh? Haha.


All of the moves this off-season will be posted on the first page, I'm still working on it, it's a work in progress, I'm a bit upset because I set it up nicely, but then the structure of the post doesn't work, oh well.

I know what you mean........I had problems when I did the trade deadline post
Originally Posted by BangDak

im starting to think raptor fans have the most homerism on this board

take a look at the raptors offseason, some of the stuff said in there is straight up
they got hedo imo is a good player and the rest isjust everybody's trash lol. its gonna be funny when they miss the playoffs
Originally Posted by OneLifeLoveKing

Jarret Jack to Toronto is making Bryan Colangelo GM of the year easily

This team is going somewhere if this falls through

Jarret Jack... again

Wow, all Blazer fans were glad the day he got traded... And Colangelo can be called "GM OTY" if you consider OVERPAYING for Hedo a good thing. Ithought Portland was going to vastly overpay him, I was so excited when Toronto offered a higher paying contract and he accepted. I thought his signng wasgoing to be the biggest mistake Portland has made since signing Zbo to his ridiculous deal...

Can't wait to watch those Raptors steal the 7th seed in the East with a below .500 team
I've liked Jarrett Jack his whole career, I liked him in Portland, I liked him in Indiana.

I think it will be good for the Raptors to have a guy like that come off the bench. GM of the year for a move like that? No not quite, but it's a positivemove.
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